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Chapter 3188: Two roads to becoming a saint and becoming a god

Liu Yu paused and said: "Just like in your tribe, everyone should have the opportunity to ride a horse and shoot and hunt, and then the capable one will be the king, and in our Central Plains and Han Dynasty, we should also try our best to allow all common people to read and practice calligraphy.

The skills of farming are taught, and the best are selected for official positions! Rather than saying that only those with the surname Murong in your Murong tribe can be leaders, and in my Central Plains only those with the surname Liu can be the leader!"

Murong Chui gritted his teeth and sneered: "It's so ridiculous. This hierarchy is innate. You ordinary farmers in the Central Plains cannot have pens, inks, paper and inkstones, so they can't learn calligraphy. And the same is true for our grassland tribes. Only noble people can do it."

There are good horses, but ordinary people can only ride bad horses and bad horses, and naturally they cannot develop good riding skills. This difference cannot be smoothed out. The so-called equal opportunities are just empty talk and a joke."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I have a way to make this no longer a joke and empty talk. You must also know that I am developing printing technology developed from rubbing. With this, I can popularize books.

Let all the children of the poor in the world have access to the Four Books and Five Classics, be able to read and write, and master culture."

Murong Chui's expression changed, and he shook his head in disbelief: "It's impossible. Even if you can copy the characters, it's impossible to create so many books, let alone make everyone literate. I don't believe it, even if there are books

, it is impossible for there to be so many teachers to teach people to read and learn calligraphy!”

Liu Yu laughed: "There are no absolutes in the world. I'm afraid there are people who are willing. In the era when I came, more than a hundred years ago, it was almost the same as now. Only the gentry and landlords could read and write. More than 90% of the people in the world were

Illiterate, I can't even write my own name. But because of that great man, he established education and established an examination system so that all children in the world can go to school on time and have school teachers to teach them.

.Furthermore, the country’s officials, oh, we were called civil servants at that time, from the supreme ruler to the smallest village cadres and clerks, all had to go through more than ten years of state education, go to university, and get a degree before they could

Taking office."

Murong Chui's eyes widened: "It's random, it's absolutely random. How can you just give all the power in the world to these untouchables without any merit?"

Liu Yu sneered: "Because, in our time, the country we were in was strong enough and rich enough. No foreign country dared to attack or invade us, and we would not take the initiative to plunder and invade others. What you said

The credit for provoking wars and making a living by robbing and killing will no longer be there."

Murong Chui was stunned, with sweat dripping down his face: "How is this possible? There can really be no war in this world? I don't believe it, even if you kill me, I won't believe it!"

Liu Yu laughed: "Murong Chui, you will understand one day. Thousands of years later, thanks to the fact that everyone is like a dragon, everyone can receive education and be literate, and everyone will have the opportunity to become someone like Zhang Gang."

Skilled craftsmen will create technologies that you can't even dream of, and they will also make the negative thoughts of cruelty, greed, and laziness in human nature less and less. My thoughts of wanting to serve the people of the world will

Become the mainstream in the world, and there will no longer be the pain of war, and everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, and no one will envy even the god you want to be."

Murong Chui calmed down and sneered: "That is unless the world can be unified, and all the countries and tribes in sight can be conquered and defeated, and there will be only one. Moreover, this country must also have a king and a ruler.

, I don’t believe that people in the world can safely accept others to rule them without relying on blood, inheritance, destiny, etc.”

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "What's unacceptable about this? In our world, rulers are the same as the most ordinary people, they just have different jobs. Everyone has the opportunity to go to school and acquire knowledge, but everyone has the opportunity to go to school and acquire knowledge.

Individual talents and opportunities are different, and the final achievements are also different. If you can benefit the people and make more achievements in your position, you can be promoted and become a bigger official."

"But after the term is up, you have to resign and go to other positions. These powers belong to the world, everyone, not one person's own. Your system of succession from father to son will be passed down for eternity. There will always be a group of people riding on it.

Don't even think about ruling and managing other people's power systems over other people's heads. Everyone has a chance, which means that one person and his descendants will not be allowed to control power forever. Even the great man who led us cannot


Murong Chui suddenly laughed: "I understand, this person seems to be just for a false reputation. He held great power when he was alive, and after his death, he would not pass it on to his descendants at most. Just like your Confucius, although he did not let

His descendants inherit his position as a saint, but in the hearts of everyone, he is a saint, right?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, only by benefiting others can you become a saint. Murong Chui, the selfishness and darkness in your bones prevent you from becoming a saint. You only want to become an immortal emperor who can always rule others. You will never

Sharing your secrets and magic with others will not benefit the world."

Murong Chui sneered and said: "That's right, you are right. Fame is just an illusion. How can it have the reality of a powerful force that can last for eternity? Just like the gods that you Central Plains people believe in, they can also

Gaining incense and faith for eternity is nothing more than becoming a saint and sharing some knowledge with the world. Even if it is as you said, running any school or printing books is nothing more than letting people read and learn calligraphy and be tested as officials.

That’s all, it’s nothing strange. However, this magic, magic and secret skill cannot be possessed by everyone. If my ability to rejuvenate one’s youth and become immortal were taught to everyone in the world, then everyone would live for eternity.

, it won’t take hundreds of years for the world to be able to bear so many living beings.”

Liu Yu frowned. He had never thought about this problem. He murmured: "Well, birth, old age, illness and death have their own days. When you die at an old age, you will have your own descendants to maintain this balance. So, I want to

To live as long as heaven and earth is to act against nature, and it will not last long."

Murong Chui laughed: "Then I want to achieve that little fame, but I have to die in just a few decades. What's the point? I myself will be immortal for thousands of generations, and let the mortals be ruled by me from generation to generation. Thank you.

I am a god and an ancestor, and this is a good thing. Liu Yu, do you think you have traveled thousands of years back to this world and want to die in just a few decades, without even having time to realize your great cause?"

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