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Chapter 3219: The attraction of state-owned farms. olp attraction

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "The only way in the short term is to build autonomous villages like Jiangbei, and then spend money to hire people who are good at farming, and find agricultural experts who are good at water conservancy and fertilizers.

Under the guidance of these people, ordinary people used villages as small units and pavilions, li, and hills as medium units to form manors one by one. The land in the manors belonged to the state and could be rented to tenant farmers.

Farm tools can also be provided by the state, but when sharing, the proportion should be higher."

Liu Yu said seriously: "Isn't this what Cao Cao did during the Three Kingdoms period? The state charges 60% of the tax. If you provide cattle and farm tools, it will charge 70%?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the ownership of these lands must be recovered from the state, and on this basis, distributed to those who do not have land, so as to ensure such high taxes. Of course, we do not have to collect such high taxes like Cao Cao

For more money, just pay 30% of the tax, and if it is allocated to cattle, it is 40%. These people do not need to perform military service or corvee, and they only need to pay taxes on grain and cloth."

Liu Yu said thoughtfully: "This sounds good. The 30% tax and the exemption of labor should be affordable. But according to the current laws of the Jin Dynasty, all the people must be divided into land. What you said

Where do people who have no land come from?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "In the short term, there are two sources of such people. One is the people who surrendered after the destruction of Yan this time. In addition to the more than 2,000 households distributed to the aristocratic families according to your plan, more than 10,000

In addition, there should be more than 200,000 Xianbei people in the city, plus the Hu people from various places, and they are not a few. We can not rush to allocate land to them, but let them work on state-owned farms for three to five years.

The land will be distributed in the future only if the conditions are met. Now that they are in subjugation, they will be satisfied if they can survive. This condition should be acceptable."

At this point, Liu Muzhi also paused: "Moreover, the Xianbei people used to only fight and graze occasionally, and never farmed their own land. In the future, if they want to fully integrate into our Central Plains, they will have to learn this farming thing sooner or later. This time

After destroying Yan, we can count and sort out their troops. If they are strong armored cavalry, and these are highly professional cavalry, then let them continue to serve in the army."

"I think five thousand to ten thousand people are enough. The remaining ordinary men are scattered throughout Qingzhou. As guards of the farm, they don't need to farm, but their family members must learn to farm and weave. In name, they are

Lending it to aristocratic families to look after their homes can actually give them an opportunity to learn farming skills."

Liu Yu nodded: "In this way, it is not a bad thing to allow the family to partially manage the farms and pastures in Qingzhou. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It is also an explanation for them. Only by making them happy and willing to take the initiative

If you come to Qingzhou for business, you can send some skilled farmers to teach farming like we did in Jiangbei."

Liu Muzhi said seriously: "Yes, half of the villagers in this manor are Xianbei people who surrendered. As for the other half, they can attract the villagers and tenants of the powerful local Qingzhou family. This may be more important.

, If we want long-term peace and stability here in Qingzhou, we must make the country’s power stronger and stronger, while the local power must be weakened as much as possible.”

Liu Yu frowned slightly: "You mean to compete with local powerful people for human resources? This is tantamount to taking away their dealers. Is it really appropriate?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "The large Han families here in Qingzhou have been powerful since the Qi State in the Spring and Autumn Period. Many families were transformed from the former Qi State's official offices, such as the Bohai Gao family, which was formerly the Jiang family.

The clan of the Qi Kingdom has been a local leader here for more than a thousand years. A large number of people depend on them, and their family also occupies a large amount of land."

"In the hundreds of years since the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed the country, no matter which foreign forces entered Qilu, they could only cooperate with these large clans, give their clan leaders official positions and power, and recognize the land and tenants they owned in exchange for their loyalty to this dynasty."

Liu Yu nodded: "It is precisely because of their huge power that they have just destroyed Nanyan and are not stable here, so we have to steal people from them. Is this really possible?"

Liu Muzhi's eyes flashed coldly: "Our advantage over big clans like them is that we have a strong army to suppress them. Even if the army retreats, the original Xianbei Yan army can still be left here, and they are also the new ones who have surrendered to us.

The attached army here, plus some troops and horses left behind, is about 30,000, which is enough to suppress the powerful people here and not dare to make any mistakes. They performed well when they attacked Guanggu this time, so we will not move their land, even

You can also increase it symbolically as a show of goodwill. However, the population of this land is another matter. There is no reason for them to occupy it forever."

Liu Yu curled up his lips and said: "It turns out that we are not going to allocate land to these common people. In this way, naturally everyone will have land, and they will also leave the original territory of these wealthy families. But now, instead of allocating land to the common people, we will allocate land to the common people.

If we use the name of state-owned farms to attract people, will anyone really come?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "If we build this kind of state-owned farm in this way, it is equivalent to taking the land that was originally intended to be distributed to the people and focusing on this kind of agricultural construction. The local people in Qilu are almost left with only two choices, either

You can continue to be a tenant in the village of a powerful family, or you can come to our new state-owned farm and engage in agriculture under the leadership of the state. I have heard that local farmers here have to pay about 50% of the tax if they become a tenant farmer.

If we only offer 30% to the local powerful, and also provide seeds, farm tools, and soldiers and horses for protection, then the local people will definitely be willing to defect."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "It sounds good, but are the dealers really willing to come? They have a contract with the local powerful family."

A trace of pride flashed across Liu Muzhi's face: "These contracts were not signed by the Jin Dynasty. It is said that once the emperor and the courtiers were born, Nan Yan died. I, the Jin Dynasty, can selectively declare that these original contracts are invalid.

Anyone who is willing to come to our manor will be given the status of a free citizen. This will solve the dilemma."

Liu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's really wonderful. Everything has been solved. You didn't tell me this before the war. Why are you mentioning it now?"

Liu Muzhi said seriously: "I have had this idea for a long time, but I had an agreement with the family before. To be honest, I don't know how to resolve it. In the end, it was you who came forward to solve it, so I dared to put forward this plan

Take it out. Moreover, in the future we will not only attract the powerful tenants of Qingzhou, but also people from enemy countries in Hebei and the Central Plains who want to defect, you can also follow this procedure."

This chapter has been completed!
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