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Chapter 3880 A new school is secretly set up in Qingzhou

Wang Miao

�positive color�




�Let the children of the family�

Nephews from Beijing

Get up to go to school


Civil and military affairs




Only through examination can one obtain the title of knighthood.

�In order to continue to enjoy wealth

�It's the solution you think of�

�Liu Muzhi�





Come step by step

�Rangjing Eighth Brother�

Nephews of middle and high-ranking generals with titles and sons of aristocratic families.

Get up to go to school

�Everyone's official�

Equivalent title


�The number of these people�


"We won't let the wealthy family react like this"


�And Jingkou is over�

It's tight



�Move too much





�This matter has been with you for the past few months�

If it's inconvenient

�You can let Xu Xianzhi come�


�Wang Miao�

The eyebrows are slightly raised



�Listen to you�

�I want to clear up the stack�

�Darkness Chen Cang

�Continue Xiangxu's plan elsewhere

�Liu Muzhi laughed


�It's still you�

It's clear

�Not bad

�I have this plan

�In Wudi

"People from aristocratic families like Jiankang"

Do this at home


The reaction was too big

�This is me�

Over the years, Xiangxu has been established

�But the heart�




�And in the prefaces, most of them are from Confucian classics.


�Your aristocratic family advocates talking about mystical theories�



Different ways of governing the world

�Wang Miao�






�Metaphysics is the virtual king’s real power

�The doctrine that allows high-ranking families to gain power


�Confucianism is�

The theory of respecting the emperor and patriotism



powerful monarch



�Greatly increase�


�You let Fan�

�Confucian masters like Fan Tai came to control Xiangxu

�It has indeed alarmed many aristocratic families.

�Liu Muzhi is indifferent�


�But metaphysics does not have the Four Books and Five Classics


If you don’t teach people to read and calligraphy first,


Can't talk about reading

De Jing

�My lord first�

�These things




At that time and place, Confucianism preceded

Teach people these basic literacy skills


nothing to say



It involves power


�Aristocratic families are not



�In Jingkou

�Do this in Jiankang


�Let the wealthy families directly think that the Kyoba warriors want to

Seizing work and seizing power

�Control government affairs



�We have to think differently this time

�Wang Miao�




Mu Zhi


I, the daughter of a noble family, say these things

�That’s how sure I am�

�I agree with you on these�

Is it legal?


�I told my mother your whole plan

�Liu Muzhi shook his head


�You can disagree with me

�but you don�t

�I don’t agree with sending slaves

�In the final analysis


�These are to realize his ideal


If you put your identity in the upper echelons of aristocratic families,


"We still need to talk here now"


�Wang Miao�

�Sighed quietly


�In terms of identity

�I am the daughter of a noble family

�But from the situation�

Said above



�Jinnu, what he thinks is correct



Don't want to

All of a sudden, the Xie family and the Wang family...


�'s farmers�





�This process should be gradual


For the children of the family


A process of slowly accepting the inner heart

�Liu Muzhi�






�Let Brother Jingba first�

Our nephew

These children of aristocratic families

We are here


�Let them�


�Today’s wealth is hard-won

There are people who are working for the country


�Only then can they enjoy peace

Everyone has honor, disgrace and shame


�You can understand better by reading�


�A child of a former aristocratic family�

We are here

Every day is full of sensuality

�After a long time, even some motivated people�



If you are with the eight nephews in Beijing,


�At least let them�



Some situations outside Jiankang and Wudi



�War and Peasants�

Life is

How about

�With these


�Some people are�




�At the same time


Here in Qingzhou

�Official staff�

The study of training


�I have discussed this with the slave before

�Just take the newly attached Qingzhou





In the name of a large number of capable officials

�Engage in this study�

�Teach people�

According to national law

collect taxes

�Encourage teaching and farming

�These things





Stay in the countryside



�Not many aristocratic families�


�Wang Miao�

�'s double �




�Who are you going to recruit into this school?

Woolen cloth

�Liu Muzhixiao�


�This can broaden the scope

�There are those who do not have a title�

Nephew of a soldier


The middle and lower class who have to endure this hardship


�Including the wealthy people here in Qingzhou�


and the nephew of a Xianbei nobleman

�Anyone can come here


Criticize me first

Personal training

Thousands of people

�On the surface, they are only asked to learn daily routines�


rural management

�After I succeed in my studies,

�Let them out and serve as local magistrates

�Village chief




�'s good


Just improve it


The world's people



�Even if you don’t join the army and fight



A way to gain wealth and power


�Wang Miao�



�You won't�

�Do it like this

There was a conflict with the local wealthy families in Qingzhou.




�The wealthy families here have been occupying the land for generations�

The position of local official

�Liu Muzhi said calmly�



Come step by step

"Here in Qingzhou"

To rebel against impermanence all the year round

�To put it bluntly, it's because of these local wealthy families�

direct control


�The laws and edicts of the imperial court

�Unable to work in place


�Morning and evening�


�Good news�

�They were the former Nanyan and Xianbei people

Over the years since the founding of the country,

We grabbed a lot of land with abundant water and grass.

�As his own pastoral place


encroached upon

Some fields owned by local Han people

�It's up to you this time�


�These places were nationalized

�Wang Miao�

�Shaked his head


�This is given to high-ranking families.

�We agreed before

�Liu Muzhi's true color�



�What do you think

�The Xianbei people no longer live as slaves and become members of aristocratic families.

The army is in trouble

�No more of this

�How many other family members are there�

Are you willing to come to Qingzhou to take over these ranches and manors?

�Wang Miao�





I just forgot about this


These are not the places that these aristocratic families fancy.


I just want to

The machine takes possession of all the armor and cavalry equipment.

�Rebuilding the family's military�

"I haven't done this yet"

What did my mother say?




The family accepts


Not too easy

�Liu Muzhi is indifferent�



We are almost reaching Yuzhou

�Li Jiankang�

Not far

�At this time�

�This is not the time to bargain�

�Instead of thinking�

The distant land of Qingzhou




How could he survive this attack?


�We just�

A person with a brain

�Everyone can understand




�Can be allocated separately in places like Guangzhou and Xiangzhou�


�To supplement these noble families�


�You can bring the treasures of Guangzhou�

Share more treasures with them

�As for this land of Qingzhou

�Leave me out of town


�Of course I have the final say

�They intend�

�Just let them come to me.

�Wang Miao�



�Mu Zhi ah Mu Zhi

�You won't�

�some people�

�Said you did this in Qingzhou

�I want to separate and stand on my own

�Do you have a disobedient heart?

�Liu Muzhi shook his head


�Let him go�

The slave has agreed

�I didn't mean�

This chapter has been completed!
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