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Chapter 3887: Military-civilian alliance defends the country

Liu Jingxuan laughed loudly and said: "If you think it's okay to send slaves, then it will definitely be okay. Let him command the remaining Xianbei people and guard Guanggu. I think..."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "No, Ah Shou, you didn't guess right this time. Regarding Duan Hong, I don't want him to defend Guang Gu. Even Guang Gu is no longer needed."

At this time, everyone in the tent took a breath of cold air, except for Liu Muzhi, who still looked calm, because he had exchanged opinions with Liu Yu on this matter before the military meeting. At this moment, he actually just wanted to announce the decision to everyone.

, rather than a military discussion.

But Liu Jingxuan opened his mouth wide, shook his head in disbelief and said: "Jinu, you, you are not mistaken, Guanggu is the capital of Qingzhou, a world-famous fortress that is difficult to attack and is also the fortress that will guard Qingzhou after we withdraw our troops.

,Are you really not prepared to keep it?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "In the nearly 100 years since its establishment, when has Guanggu truly become a fortress guarding Qingzhou? From Shihu to Murong Ke, to Murong De and then to us, four times, not all of them were conquered and controlled.

Qingzhou? I don’t think this is a good place. It looks solid, but from the moment it was established, it has been cursed. Not only can it not hold Qingzhou, but it has become the basis for local careerists to seize control and cause rebellion. Cao Yi and Duan Gong

, Piluhun, Murong Chao, they all thought that with Guanggu, they could separate themselves and stand on their own, and even conquer the world. Everyone has seen the result."

These words made everyone in the tent nod their heads, but Liu Jingxuan still frowned: "However, if Guanggu is gone, then Qingzhou will be unsafe. If after our army withdraws, the Later Qin or the Northern Wei take the opportunity to attack, then what will happen?"

what to do?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "Ah Shou, we have been fighting for a lifetime, and we should understand that what protects the territory and the people is never a solid city wall, but a united and unified human heart, a brave and capable army, and the human heart is the city wall.

, A strong army is the moat. How big can Guanggu be, no matter how strong it is? How many people can be accommodated in the city? This time Nanyan let more than 200,000 people into the city, which is already the limit, but there are millions of people outside the city.

, Can Guanggu save them? In the end, these abandoned people turned to support us. Isn't this the result of relying only on the city wall but losing the hearts of the people?"

Liu Jingxuan breathed a long sigh of relief: "What you said makes sense, but relying on these principles still cannot change the fact that if Qingzhou is undefeable and foreign enemies come, how will we deal with it? The Jin Dynasty's new conqueror Qilu is

The land and people's hearts cannot be recovered at once, and there will be no strong army to deter foreign enemies. What if foreign enemies attack when we are fighting demons and thieves, and we leave the fortified city, how can we defend it?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Ah Shou, when Nan Yan still existed, our six counties in Jiangbei were able to defend themselves against attacks by barbarians from all walks of life. What did they rely on?"

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "When you asked this, you asked the right person. No one knows better than me how Huaibei has been defended over the years. It relied on the many forts and forts dotted around, including those outside the imperial court roster.

More than 100,000 Huaibei mountain people are defending these forts and forts at the front. They trust each other and are in the same spirit as the powerful and thieves in the south of Nanyan."

"Once the Hu army from the direction of Qidi attacks, they will cooperate with the officers and soldiers in fighting. The officers and soldiers will fight head-on or defend the city, while they will attack in all directions, cut off the enemy's food routes, and ensure the enemy's backup. In this way, although it seems that they cooperate with each other,

We may have fewer troops, but the victory lies in understanding the terrain. If the enemy cannot take advantage, they will naturally retreat."

At this point, he curled up his lips: "As for the last time the Nanyan army made a sudden attack, it hit the central part of the six counties, San'a and Xuyi, and robbed thousands of people. That was because the villages in Huaibei were later destroyed by my father.

After my death, they gradually fell apart. After I returned to the country, they left Shanzhaiwubao in large numbers and became my subordinates, fighting everywhere. The successor governor of Beiqingzhou even secretly communicated with the Northern Wei Dynasty and rebelled against the Jin Dynasty. This led to dozens of people in Huaibei.

The collapse of the military-civilian joint defense system in recent years has allowed Nanyan to take advantage."

"However, with the demise of Nanyan, the land of Huaibei has finally enjoyed peace. There is no need for so many mountain people and Wubao households here. You can also consider moving them to the city after the war.

Distribute the land and organize the people into households, I can..."

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Okay, Ah Shou, I don't want to talk about Huaibei now. I just want everyone to understand that even a seemingly undefendable place like Huaibei can only be defended by the military and civilians, and intelligence

In time, we can also use a small number of officers and soldiers plus these local forces who are both soldiers and civilians to block the Hulu army. Huaibei can do this, and Qingbei can also do this."

Shen Tianzi shouted this time: "The northern part of Qingzhou has always been guarded by the Helan tribe. It's not the same as our situation in Huaibei."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "He Lanlu has guarded Qingbei for many years and has many connections with the powerful families in Hebei. This is the reason why he can defend the Northern Wei's attacks many times. Every time the Northern Wei prepares to gather troops to attack, those

The Han people would tip him off, and he could mobilize the Yan army to deliver a severe blow to the Northern Wei army along the way, and then send some scattered troops to sneak into Hebei, and join forces with some local Hebei forces disguised as horse bandits to cut off the Wei army.

Food routes and supplies forced them to retreat."

Liu Jingxuan nodded: "Yes, it is difficult for the Northern Wei Dynasty to station its main army in Hebei. If it really wants to mobilize troops to attack Nan Yan, it often requires a large-scale deployment of troops from the grassland area. This news is difficult to hide, and Nan Yan

If Helan Lu's troops are insufficient, he can even dispatch a large army from Guanggu to support him. Since the death of Tuoba Si in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the army has been on truce in the past few years. Helan Lu's defense also contributed a lot. This style of play is similar to that of Guanggu.

It’s the same for us to guard Huaibei, are you planning to continue sending Helan Lu to guard Qingbei?”

Liu Yu said calmly: "Then what do you think? Can Helan Lu lead his troops to Qingbei?"

Liu Jingxuan said in a deep voice: "Absolutely not. He Lanlu has stayed in the northern part of Qingzhou for too long and has become his own power. When he was in Nanyan, he almost obeyed the instructions and ignored the propaganda. This time we also saw it when we attacked the city.

Obviously, he can even refuse orders from black robes. What we want to restore Qingzhou is for Qingzhou to be completely integrated into the imperial court and become a prefecture and county of the Jin Dynasty, instead of creating a bunch of local snakes that will end up being too big. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Once Helan Lu becomes rebellious and invites the Northern Wei Dynasty to attack, Qingzhou will be doomed!"

Liu Yu smiled and nodded: "That's very good. Therefore, He Lanlu can't be sent to Qingbei to guard it. How about letting Duan Hong go?!"

(End of chapter)

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