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Chapter 3913: The Hu slave turns over

At night, outside the west city of Guanggu, there is the Beifu Army camp.

Liu Yu stood on an arrow tower and looked at the Guanggu City Wall in the distance with an expressionless face. It was being dug like ants in an endless stream by civilian workers waving various tools, digging and chiseling in Qilu dialect.

The sound of folk songs resounded in all directions.

There was a sound of dense iron weapons hitting the stone wall, accompanied by a loud voice: "The city has fallen!"

Thousands of civilians immediately turned around and ran away. The darkness seemed to be ebbing. Behind them, a section of the city wall more than ten meters wide was already crumbling. When the last civilian ran out a hundred paces away,

Behind the scenes, there was a dull sound coming from the ground. It was the sound of the wooden pillars used as support in the tunnel dug under the city wall finally burning away.

"Boom", "boom" and "stuck", this section of the city wall, which was more than ten meters wide, finally inevitably collapsed. Just like the large hole on the side of this section of the city wall that was already more than a hundred meters wide, the West City was still standing.

The remaining city wall is less than half.

In the midst of the rising smoke and dust, the more than a thousand civilians who had just retreated became even more excited. Like the tide that rises again after ebbing, they once again rushed towards another section of the city wall that was still standing, and under the city wall.

, countless people are frantically digging holes in the hard rock of the mountain, stuffing large logs underneath, coating them with grease, and leading out lines of fire. When the city wall begins to loosen, they burn the pillars and sink them into the wall.

Liu Yu sighed softly: "Unexpectedly, these people of Qingzhou, whether they are Hu people or Han people, were so excited after destroying this city wall, just like yesterday when they killed the three thousand nobles of the Murong tribe.

They were also cheering loudly, and no one even shed tears for these Murong clan members."

On the top of the arrow tower, only Liu Mu stood. He looked relaxed and said calmly: "Because it is not only the distinction between Han and Hu that distinguishes closeness and distance, but the distinction between superior and inferior among Han people or among barbarians will be even more severe.

For the Hu people at the bottom, they have been riding on their heads for more than a hundred years, sucking their blood and sweat, forcing the men in their families to go to the battlefield, and the women to warm the beds of the noble men.

He is the most hateful enemy."

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Liu Yu curled up his lips and said, "In that case, why didn't they welcome Master Wang as happily as the Han people did when Master Wang arrived?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Due to the division of Han and Hu, the Han people lived in Han villages and forts, while the Hu people lived in tribal units. The Murong family also promoted ten tents in one building, and they sat in a row.

In the punishment system, if people from one tent fled privately and no one reported it to the other nine tents, they would be severely punished together. With mutual monitoring in this way, everyone would be at risk, and the plunder after the war could be equally divided. Naturally, before the Murong clan fell,

, no one dares to rebel against these low-level people."

Liu Yu nodded: "Heipao has learned countless tyranny techniques from our Han Dynasty and used them on these barbarian people, so he can quickly establish an empire. However, this lack of benevolence is completely based on high pressure and violence.

How long can the rule of the emperor last? Once a powerful enemy from the outside invades, their country and their dynasty will turn into dust just like Guanggu City."

As soon as he finished speaking, another section of the city wall collapsed. Amidst the cheers mixed in Chinese and Xianbei, many foreigners and Han people even excitedly supported and celebrated each other. A few days ago, they were fighting each other.

, the two ethnic groups who are fighting to the death are actually as close as family at this time, which is unbelievable.

Liu Yu sighed softly: "I didn't expect that I have spent my whole life exterminating Hu people, but now I realize that what we really want to eliminate are not the ordinary Hu people, but those greedy and cruel people who are for their own selfish gain.

The barbarian aristocrats who are constantly waging war and causing harm to the world, but these barbarian people at the bottom are not wild beasts and can still be civilized."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Jinu, don't think too much of ordinary Hu people. In any case, if these Hu people who enter the Central Plains cannot turn into farmers and rely on their own work to support themselves, they will inevitably die in the end.

Sooner or later, they will become robbers and bandits, and they will start their old business of robbing and killing for a living. Now they hate the Murong family for bullying them for many years and want to resist and take revenge. But if we can't create enough means for them to make a living, then

Sooner or later they will become our enemies again."

Liu Yu said seriously: "I leave it to you to educate these barbarian people. You are now the governor of Qingzhou and also their parent officer. Is there any way to help them become farmers within a year and farm with peace of mind?"

Liu Muzhi curled up his lips: "Don't forcefully change their way of life in the past two years, and don't make a one-size-fits-all approach. After all, they have been nomadic for thousands of years, and it is not possible to change their minds in just one or two years. Qingzhou also has large areas of grassland and pasture.

, it is enough to support their lives for the time being. As long as we can provide them with seeds and farm tools so that they can try farming, and finally find that the income from farming will exceed the income from grazing, then they will actively want to learn agriculture within five years.

, I am confident that they will all learn this production method of our Han people."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Then I'll leave everything to you. However, I heard that the military is not very stable these days. There are bad rumors spreading. What's going on?"

Liu Muzhi frowned slightly: "Yes, there are rumors that we slaughtered thousands of Murong's clan and royal family in Guanggu, violating the original agreement between you and Murong Lan, and these Murong clan members died before their death.

I issued the final curse, cursing our army to die miserably, and even more so, cursing you..."

At this point, he frowned and shut his mouth.

Liu Yu said calmly: "Curse my descendants to fratricide, curse my congregation to betray their relatives, all their achievements will be turned into dust, and all their hegemony will be lost again, right?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "So you already know it. It seems that this rumor is spreading faster than I thought."

Liu Yu said seriously: "However, these vicious rumors can't save their lives, let alone harm our army. Early tomorrow morning, we will send out troops to break camp and return to the southeast. What's going on at Xile?"

Liu Muzhi curled his lips and was about to speak. Suddenly, he heard a burst of noise from more than ten steps away under the archery tower. Ding Wu's loud voice rang out from more than ten steps away: "Lin Zi, come at night, but you can

Is there an order from the commander-in-chief?"

Shen Linzi's voice sounded urgently: "Report to the commander quickly, someone wants to rebel! Lin Zi is here to inform you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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