Chapter 399 The Qin Armys heavy-armed general offensive

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There were also the Qin army's heavy infantry who were paralyzed and defeated by their own heavy infantry. Several of these Jin army's light-armored auxiliaries carried one of them, grabbed their limbs, and threw it directly down the city like throwing stones, and then

They smashed a large area and hit them, but five or six hundred heavy infantrymen of the Qin Army rushed to the top of the city and were quickly thrown down. In addition to relying on their broadswords and heavy swords, they killed and wounded more than a hundred Jin Army infantrymen.

Except for the militia, no one can stand at the top of the city.

Liang Cheng's teeth were chattering as he watched his heavy infantry rushing to the top of the city and throwing them down like sandbags.

Stones, fallen gold soup, and the bodies of those heavy infantry kept hitting the phalanx at the bottom of the city. The number of people who were knocked down and injured in this way was no less than 500. Even half an hour ago, the military was in good condition.

, the motionless armored infantry phalanx also began to appear slightly chaotic.

Liang Yun sighed: "Brother, it seems that the defense at the top of the city is tighter than we thought. What should we do now? Should we withdraw first and then reorganize?"

Liang Cheng said sternly: "No, send more people, maintain the intensity of the attack, let the archers continue to fire arrows, shoot for me regardless of enemy or friend, and don't let the light infantry idle behind, they are all damned

I'll go up. I'll use the claw hook and the rope to get up to the city. It's good if one more can get up, so hurry up!"

Arrows flew across the sky, screams and groans came one after another. More and more Qin soldiers rushed to the top of the city. The shield phalanx of the heavy infantry under the city had dispersed. Almost all the heavy infantry were

Start climbing the city using various ladders.

Beside them, the lightly-armed Qin sergeants shouted slogans and threw hundreds of hooks onto the city head, tightly hooking them on the battlements, while they climbed up the ropes while stepping on the city wall with their feet.

, while pedaling upwards, from time to time, the Jin army at the top of the city used their swords to cut the ropes, turning the Qin soldiers who were pedaling up the city into flying trapezes, and then had close contact with the ground.

, but still more than 300 light infantry and more than 100 heavy infantry rushed to the city and started a melee with the Jin defenders.

There were not many Jin army militiamen who could continue to throw stones or kill people at the city. They also picked up the weapons at hand, whether they were swords or spears, and fought with more and more enemy troops coming up to the city.

There was a tacit understanding that the heavy infantry fought against each other, while the light infantry and the Jin militia fought against each other.

The arrows under the city caused huge damage to the light-armed soldiers at the top of the city. From time to time, some people screamed and fell down. While the injured were rolling around on the ground, they would occasionally trip over a few who were fighting against each other.

Guys, many people struggled together, hugged each other and fell off the city wall, or strangled each other's necks, and died together like this. The casualties on the top of the city increased linearly, and the collision of steel and the screams of the dead were...

Echoing in the air throughout Nancheng.

Xu Yuanlang's brows were furrowed. Although he was between the walls, he knew the situation at the top of the city clearly. He gritted his teeth, looked at Dao Yanzhi beside him, and said: "Yanzhi, the city is a bit tight.

, do you want to attack with a catapult now?"

To Yanzhi smiled slightly and shook his head: "Isn't it good now? The enemy began to increase their investment, light infantry also came up, and the archers also shot without distinguishing between friend and enemy. Liang Cheng probably saw hope of breaking through Beicheng.

Well, it is only when he sees this hope that he will be sent to the reserve force again."

Having said this, Xu Yuanlang stared at the more than 10,000 finely armored heavy infantry two miles away behind Liang Cheng, and murmured: "Liang Cheng, will you press this main force?


Liang Cheng's brows were also furrowed. More and more infantrymen from his side attacked the city. However, the Jin army still held on tenaciously. The shouts of killing shook the sky and the earth, while the sound of war drums inside and outside the city became louder and louder.

As the beating got louder, Wang Yong gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Commander, the last general is willing to lead his troops to reinforce the attack on the city."

Liang Yun also said: "Brother, I am also willing to rush forward and give orders!"

Liang Cheng hesitated for a moment and said: "But if the main force of the Chinese army is 10,000 men and the enemy has something like a trebuchet or a heavy crossbow machine, what should we do?"

Liang Yun laughed loudly: "Brother is really worrying too much. If they had this thing, they would have used it long ago when they were beaten like this. But they would rather keep adding more troops and take people's lives than throw out a trebuchet."

Stones come, this only means that they don't have this thing. Liu Jinu came here in a hurry, how could he have time to make siege weapons like catapults? Brother, we are only one breath away from conquering the city. If we don't increase our troops,

I'm just afraid that the brothers who attacked the city will lose all their efforts."

Liang Cheng's eyes were shining with light as he was thinking, but he heard another rapid banging sound from the direction of the city head, and a sound of armor leaves rustling. From the tower on one side, more than two hundred men with heavy armor and iron helmets rushed out.

The heavily-armed soldiers of the Jin army were all tall and tall, holding giant axes or hammers in their hands. The weapons in their hands were heavier than those of ordinary soldiers.

The Qin army's light infantry, whose leather armor and shields were like paper in front of these sharp axes and broadswords, were cut into two pieces with their armors, and the scene suddenly became bloody and brutal.

The leader of these warriors is a tall warrior in his twenties. Isn't it Liu Yu? He is wearing a large fine steel armor, which is particularly conspicuous. He holds a Bailiansu iron sword, which is fierce and powerful.

When it comes to lightly-armed Qin soldiers, they cut them into two pieces with one sword. When they encounter heavy-armed infantry, they knock them down with the back of their swords. The guards on the left and right swarm them, smashing them into pieces with hammers and sticks. The city was once shaken.

At the head of the defense line, this new force rushed forward. More than two hundred Qin army infantry were either killed or wounded, and fell like raindrops on the city. Even the claw-hook ladders were chopped down seven or eight of them.

Wang Yong was so anxious that he slapped his thigh: "Grandma, you are a bear. This kid Liu Jinu went into battle with his own troops. Commander, the Jin army really has no strength. Now the general is going to fight in person. Please give me five

One hundred people, no, three hundred people, I will definitely attack the city and take off Liu Yu's head with my own hands!"

Liang Cheng's eyes flashed coldly, and he shook his head: "You're right, they have no other tricks. The general will rush to kill him personally. It's already the last moment. It seems that all the strength of the Jin army is in front of them. Flying rocks to attack the city.

When it was worn out, Xu Yuanxi let Liu Yu guard the city here, but did not mobilize his own troops to come for reinforcements. I saw that there were also many contradictions within the Jin army. I sent an order for the Chinese army's 10,000 armored infantry to press forward and charge for me.

Get down to Nancheng!"

This chapter has been completed!
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