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Chapter 4052 Abandoning ship and rushing at full speed

Amidst the conversation of these people, the distance between the two fleets became closer and closer. The ships in the Huanglong fleet of the Jin Army that were still escaping forward did not slow down, while the six or seven behind them

The boats that were thrown off had completely stopped in the river and started to spin. The sparse torches on these boats could illuminate the situation on the boats to some extent. I think they might be those who jumped off the boats to escape or were driving small boats.

The fleeing soldiers must have stayed behind.

Everyone on the Mengchong ship named Naniwa where Li Yifan was on held their breath and watched every move on these abandoned warships, even though everyone had just seen the Jin troops on these ships.

They fled one after another, but they were still not sure whether it was true that the ship was completely unarmed, or whether when it approached, groups of ambush troops would suddenly rush out of the ship to attack and intercept the Tianshi Dao warships passing by.


Li Yifan said solemnly: "Slow down slightly, all warships are ready for battle, and all the crossbow emplacements on the sides are opened. If the enemy ship makes any change, sink it immediately!"

Following his words, hatches the size of ordinary bucklers were opened on the sides of each warship. Inside the hatches, everyone had been prepared, and the medium-sized crossbows with crossbows were also in place.

During the battle, while engaging in broadside fighting, using this flanking crossbow to penetrate the deck and side of the enemy ship was almost the most lethal weapon in the water battle at this time, along with the ramming angle. If Li Yifan hadn't saved

If we capture these Jin warships, we may be able to sink all the Jin warships floating on the river as they pass by.

Two hundred steps, one hundred steps, fifty steps, on the Naniwa and on the more than ten vanguard warships that went hand in hand, everyone's eyes were fixed on the abandoned ships of the Jin army in front of them.

Not only were the sides of the warship opened, the crossbows were in place, but the archers on the upper deck were already ready to go. The arrows of hundreds of bows and arrows were all ignited with flames. As long as there was one soldier, one

When the soldiers rush out of the cabin, thousands of arrows will be fired, and the ballistae will follow up, which will sink these warships every time.

The distance of fifty steps came in an instant, and the Naniwa rushed through the channel between the two Huanglong warships. On the sides of the ships, the boatmen held stern poles more than two feet long, and the two lost power.

The Huanglong warship drifting on the river struggled to push it to a safe distance to prevent it from directly hitting the Naniwa. No one in the cabin rushed to the deck, even when the Naniwa passed the two ships.

, you can also see clearly that all the ship's sides are open, and the hatches where the ballista should have been launched are scattered with scattered ballista parts. There are even some hatches with obvious knives and axes.

The marks of the chop turned into a large mouth more than ten feet wide.

The disciple holding the flag widened his eyes, pointed at the big gaps, and said in surprise: "Master, what's going on? Why is there such a big gap in the side of the ship? It can even fit a walking boat."

The first disciple before, a guy named Zhao Kelun, said proudly: "This is obviously the Jin army trying to escape, and it is also the bottom boatmen and oarsmen who can escape directly in the boat without having to go to the deck to be attacked by the people on the deck.

The Beifu army was killing them, so they simply split the hatches of these ballistas, pushed the boats that were originally in the cabins directly into the river, and then got on the boats and escaped. You see, many of them were cut off.

The wooden handle of the boat was missing, and the oar was missing a lot. Apparently, these escaping boatmen cut off the oar of the Huanglong warship and cut it into the length of the oar of the small boat to facilitate their escape while rowing."

Having said this, he looked at Li Yifan: "Master, there is no problem with the disciple's analysis."

Li Yifan nodded with satisfaction: "Ke Lun is right, everyone must learn from him. This kind of judgment ability, huh, I'm afraid there was internal strife when the Jin army fled and abandoned the ship just now. The boatmen directly

They cut holes in the cabin to escape from the lower level, but the Beifu army found it too late. In the end, they had no choice but to jump into the river from above. Look, the leather armor and steel helmets scattered all over the deck of this ship prove this, don't they?

?" he said, pointing towards the rear decks of these Huanglong warships.

Everyone looked where he pointed and saw swords, spears, leather armor, and iron helmets scattered all over the rear deck. The leather shields at the rear of the ship were all removed.

A few scenes, obviously, this is a scene just after the great escape.

Zhao Kelun laughed: "Master is still wise. Look at this posture. There are at least two hundred people on this boat. There are at least 120 or 30 fully armed Beifu troops. Look at these weapons and armor. Hehe, they are really sophisticated.

, it would be a pity if we had sunk these ships just now."

The disciple holding the flag, named Zhang Fugui, also nodded quickly and said: "Master and Senior Brother Zhao are really powerful. I admire them very much. I ask for your order and are willing to board these Huanglong warships in person and capture them. Maybe I can pilot these warships immediately."

Ship, helping Master to annihilate the fleet in front?!"

Li Yifan waved his hand: "That's not necessary. I think these boatmen took away the rudder and blades before leaving. They just didn't want the Beifu army on the boat to chase them again. Those who escaped might be

Don’t worry about those who jumped into the river and drowned. These warships are left to the small boats in the rear team to deal with. Send an order to the whole army to speed up and rush forward. There are still these big ships in front. Once we catch up, they will all be ours!"

Without saying a word, Zhang Fugui quickly raised the flag, and soon the sound of a horn sounded behind him. Li Yifan's eyes were shining, he held the harpoon in one hand and held the railing of the bow with the other, gritting his teeth and said:

"All the chasing warships should light up their torches for me, light them up, and let all the children shout loudly for me. The morale of the Jin army is about to collapse at this time. Let's work harder and charge again.

, they will have more and more people on the warships fleeing and abandoning the ship. I will not stop the pursuit from behind, and I will not allow a single Jin warship to escape."

The Jin army broke through the fleet, rear, Jiangning.

Tan Daoji calmly looked at about half a mile behind, where a few yellow dragon warships were thrown down, and suddenly a large fire appeared. On the dozens of Tianshi Dao warships, the lights were bright, and everything in the night sky was bright.

It was so conspicuous and so clear. Thousands of Celestial Masters and Taoists, each with a ferocious look, held the weapons in their hands, made various scary shapes, waved them wildly, and shouted in unison.

The same slogan: "Let the war go without killing, let go the war without killing!"

Fu Hongzhi's face was solemn and he said: "The number of demon thieves is greater than we thought. They didn't even try to capture the few ships behind them, but came directly to us. Do we really want to fight them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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