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Chapter 405: Fire prevention, theft prevention, and slavery prevention

Liu Yu shook his head: "Then what's going on with the fire prevention in the grain depot this time? If Hu Changshi and General Xu didn't think of it because there were too many important things, then this time I came here to remind them, they should have dealt with it decisively, right?


Hu Wenshou said coldly: "Yes, Liu Yu, before you came, General Xu and I were discussing how to deal decisively with the mud you asked Lord Xu to smear on the governor's mansion a while ago.

Get rid of it!”

Liu Yu's expression changed, and he loudly said: "This is absolutely impossible. General, you know that the mud at the bottom of the well is the key to preventing fire attacks, how can you..."

Xu Yuanxi suddenly took a shot at Shuai An and jumped up from the bed. He said sternly: "Liu Yu, you are too lenient. Find out who you are talking to!"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and performed a military salute: "Of course I understand the superiority and inferiority of superiors and subordinates, but when it comes to matters of war and defense, I have to speak my mind!"

Hu Wenshou sneered and said: "Liu Yu, do you think we can't see what you are thinking? I don't usually see you here, but before defending the city, you came to Shouchun, saying it was to protect the marriage, but the marriage was over and still there.

If we don't leave here, even if Xie Zhenjun is the governor of the five states and has overwhelming power, he can't just take Shouchun as his own!"

Liu Yu widened his eyes and looked at Hu Wenshou: "Hu Changshi, how can you say that? Liu Yu is sincere and can be learned from the sun. He stayed to help guard at this time entirely for the sake of the people and the people of Shouchun City.

How could General Xu have other thoughts? This Shouchun belongs to the imperial court and the country, just like Xie Zhenjun, the governor of the five states, is definitely not a personal property!"

Hu Wenshou said coldly: "Okay, Liu Yu, there is no one else here. Don't say secret words in front of people. General Xu has been running this place in Shouchun for many years. No matter whether you are surnamed Huan or surnamed Xie, please invite

Stay away from here. When you come here to marry, you are looking for Governor Huan, but it has nothing to do with General Xu. Now that the enemy is approaching, Governor Huan himself has not sent any troops. General Xu is here to take charge of the defense. If you are willing

Helping, that's great, but it's best not to have other thoughts."

Liu Yu felt clear in his heart. Although Xu Yuanxi was considered a local warlord, he was not a deep-seated person in the city, and he did not have to live or die with Shouchun. He knew this very well from his previous dealings with this person. On the contrary,

This Hu Wenshou had rarely been seen before. He had just come from Liyang a few days ago before the siege. That is to say, since his return, Xu Yuanxi began to live in seclusion. Even at this critical moment of defending the city, he was sitting in the Governor's Mansion. Not only

If you don't come forward to inspire the whole city's soldiers, it will be difficult to even see them in person.

Liu Yu understood it all at once. He was afraid that this time, it was Hu who was instigating him again. What he had in mind for doing this was not clear for the time being, but now it was obvious that Xu Yuanxi's desire for power had arisen. He was afraid that no matter what he mentioned,

Any good suggestions will be regarded as having ulterior motives.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu looked at Xu Yuanxi and said calmly: "General Xu, no matter what you think of me, every word I said is really for the thousands of soldiers and civilians in Shouchun City, and also for your own good. You

I am also familiar with the art of war. Fire prevention is the top priority for defending the city, and food is related to the success or failure of the city defense. Now the military rations are stored in the governor's mansion, and there is a lack of minimum fire prevention measures. If the enemy fire attacks, then we will

The army is in danger!"

A trace of suspicion flashed across Xu Yuanxi's face and he looked at Hu Wenshou. Hu Wenshou laughed and a fierce light flashed in his eyes: "Building Master Liu, stop being alarmist here. If you want to talk about fire prevention attacks, put some on the top of the city."

Mud, it’s understandable, but this place is more than a mile away from the city wall, so how do the enemy’s rockets fly in?”

Liu Yu's face darkened: "A fire attack does not necessarily require rockets. There may not be enemy spies in Shouchun City. If it is set on fire, it will cause disastrous consequences! Besides, wasn't the Governor's Mansion in the city burned down last year?

Are you forgetting this lesson so quickly?"

Xu Yuanxi nodded thoughtfully: "What Chief Liu said makes sense, Hu Changshi, I think..."

Hu Wenshou waved his hand: "General, the governor's office is related to your majesty and power, General Xu. It is different from those city towers and residences that are plastered with mud. Then where is your face? Why are there two stone lions placed in front of the official office?

?It is to tell the world that there are differences between officials and civilians, and you, General Xu, are the lord of Shouchun!"

Xu Yuanxi curled up his lips: "But now we are defending the city, and what Building Leader Liu said makes sense. If an enemy spy sets a fire, then..."

Hu Wenshou said coldly: "We only need to send more manpower to strengthen the guard of the granary. If you feel that five hundred personal guards are not enough to defend a granary, then let Master Xu be transferred back to guard it. I think there is

Your brother is here to patrol and will not give the thieves any chance!"

Xu Yuanxi's brows gradually widened: "Well, that's right, Hu Changshi, you said it very well. At this time, the soldiers and civilians in the city need to have a backbone. They need to know who said it in this city.

Forget it. As for the defense of the granary that Chief Liu mentioned, just increase the manpower to patrol it."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "General Xu, if we really want to send more manpower, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Our army is insufficient. In today's battle, hundreds of soldiers were injured or killed. At this time, I want to ask you for reinforcements. Do you want to send more troops?"

If we withdraw our troops, I'm afraid it will affect the defense of the city."

Hu Wenshou laughed: "Zhu Zhu, I knew you would say that, but whatever, General Xu, I think the more than a hundred guards in the prison in the city can be transferred to Zhu Zhu, so that Zhu Zhu can only

Just bring a dozen guards, plus the guards from these prisons, to patrol the granary."

Xu Yuanxi shook his head: "Hu Changshi, have you forgotten that there are still many refugees in the prison who robbed the city a while ago, and there are even thieves like Yang Qiu. If you remove all the guards, what about these

Why don’t people take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble!”

Hu Wenshou said with a smile: "General Xu, don't worry. Those refugees who came to rob were just because they were short of food and clothing. They were confused and committed some crimes. They were not spies. Now that the defense of the city is important, they can be incorporated into the defense."

Among the ranks of civilians, they will atone for their sins. I remember that last time, Lord Liu also pardoned the leader of the civilians who caused trouble at the top of the city, right?"

Liu Yu secretly cursed Xu Yuanxi in his heart, but he could only nod his head: "Yes, but that person who arrived at Yanzhi was a good citizen of the Jin Dynasty. This time, the defenders also volunteered to dig tunnels out of the city to kill the thieves. How can they be compared with those in the prison who took advantage of the situation?

Not all the way. General, be careful when letting these people out."

Xu Yuanxi sneered and said: "The people you let go are good people, but the people General Xu wants to let go are spies. Liu Yu, is that what you mean?"

This chapter has been completed!
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