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Chapter 4062 The rear army bets on the outcome

Zhang Fugui's expression was much more relaxed than before. He waved his command flag and directed the assault ships that kept passing the Naniwa one by one, heading towards the battlefield ahead. More than 40 Mongolian clippers had formed in front.

and assault ships, when splitting and attacking more than ten Huanglong warships, it was at least a situation of two fighting one. And the Wulin was attacked by more than ten assault ships, whether it was the Wulin or the one leaning against

On the two assault ships on both sides of the Ulin, all the decks as far as the eye could see were filled with swords and swords, and blood flowed like rivers.

Zhang Fugui said: "The warships of the Jin army are still slow and bulky. Almost none of the Huanglong warships that counterattacked had long-range weapons. They only had a few crossbows. They were all fired before they came into contact with us. Huh, sure enough

As Master said, they threw away all these heavy equipment in order to escape for their lives, and now they can only rely on this kind of hand-to-hand fighting."

Zhao Kelun sneered: "However, they actually prepared sacks of sandbags in the bottom cabin to block our ballista attack. It was lucky that they did not sink them directly. However, these are still useless struggles. Now our

The water ghost has fully penetrated under their warships and is digging into the bottom of their ships. Even if the bottom of the ship is covered with iron sheets, it cannot withstand such digging. In another half an hour, all these ships will be sunk by him!


Li Yifan waved his hand: "These Huanglong warships are all good new ships. It would be a pity to sink them like this. Besides, we have now entered into hand-to-hand combat. Even if the enemy ships sink, they can still run to our battleships."

They came to seize our assault ships. We haven't completely suppressed them yet, so it's hard to say whether we will win or lose."

Zhang Fugui frowned: "Then can we burn down the enemy's ships now and attack them with fire? Now that their ships are unable to move, we can give it a try."

Zhao Kelun rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Junior brother Zhang, have you learned the art of war in vain? At this time, the west wind is blowing, how can we attack with fire? Even if we burn these big ships, our warships are still entangled with them.

When the west wind blows, our warships will be burned along with them. Are you happy that we all die together in the end?"

Zhang Fugui's face turned slightly red and he said: "Senior Brother Zhao is right, I didn't think it through well, but what about the other warships of the Jin army? Why don't they come up to help?"

Li Yifan said in a deep voice: "I have been watching. Their rearguard warships are still firing slings and crossbows, trying to hit the fleet behind us, but on the battlefield ahead, our ships are already more than a dozen behind them.

The yellow dragon warships were fighting together and they were unable to attack. Our attack was so fast and violent. The Jin troops on these rearguard warships must have been frightened. Or maybe these warships were equipped with crossbows and catapults.

We don’t have many soldiers loaded, so we don’t dare to come up to support now.”

"As for the Jin army fleet behind, I just saw more than 20 ships, which have accelerated towards the south. Hum, disaster is imminent. Leave your teammates fighting behind and escape for your lives. These Jin troops are still fighting.

The people on the Huanglong warship are also unlucky. We need to speed up the battle and deal with these Jin warships as soon as possible, and then continue to pursue the escaping Jin warships and make sure to destroy them all."

Zhao Kelun excitedly waved the weapon in his hand and said: "Master, give the order, I am willing to personally lead the remaining warships to rush forward. As long as all the thirty warships behind are escorted, the enemy army can be completely wiped out.


A trace of worry flashed across Zhang Fugui's face. He looked behind him. More than a dozen assault ships were leaning against the seven abandoned Huanglong warships. More than a hundred disciples of Tianshi Dao, carrying swords on their backs, held

Armed with knives or hand-held water thorns, they have boarded these warships and are searching everywhere. From time to time, some people laugh loudly because they find fine armors and weapons, or even find a whole box of money and silk.

On the hot battlefield, the sky-shattering shouts of death and the screams formed a sharp contrast.

Zhao Kelun obviously noticed this, and the corner of his mouth curled up in disdain: "It's just that Junior Brother Zhang's men are making a fortune right now. Are they willing to abandon the treasure in front of them and follow my brothers to fight for their lives?"

, this is hard to say."

Zhang Fugui said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Zhao, before the attack, you took the initiative to ask for orders to attack first and asked my disciples to stay behind and search for the enemy ships. But now you are saying this, it is too much. We are all members of the divine religion.

If you are willing to sacrifice everything for victory, including your life, what does it matter if you only have a few weapons and equipment?"

Zhao Kelun raised his brows and said, "Well, your subordinates will abandon these seven abandoned ships immediately and follow me to attack. The master has even sent his own escort ship and even the water ghost team. What else do you have?"

Can’t bear to part with it?”

Zhang Fugui gritted his teeth and said to Li Yifan, who was silent and gloomy: "Master, it's not that I want to hide my secrets or have any reluctance to part with it. In fact, the twenty warships of this rear guard must ensure the safety of our army."

As for the retreat route, if we encounter enemies in the rear, we must also ensure that the brigade evacuates."

Li Yifan said coldly: "At this time, there is no need to say this. It is meaningless. There is no way there are people on the seven yellow dragon boats. They have been searching for a quarter of an hour. If you want to hunt for treasure, just hunt for treasure. There is nothing that cannot be said clearly.

God's religion also has rules. On the warships it captures, three of the spoils are sold to the sect, and the rest belong to one's own. Isn't this the same way that the wealth of your current subordinates comes from?"

Zhang Fugui's expression changed, and he knelt down quickly and said: "Everything that the disciple has is from the divine religion and is given by the master. Even if you take it all away now, the disciple has nothing to say. It's just that the disciple is really not

I covet those supplies just because I am worried about the enemy’s movements. The whereabouts of more than 20 enemy ships are unknown, just in case..."

Li Yifan sneered: "What if? What if they want to attack us from behind? It's ridiculous! The warships in front of them can't stand it anymore, and they still want to attack us? Even if they really want to attack us, then let's rush

Before their ships rush back, isn't it the best way to destroy all the enemy ships in front? Fugui, if you don't want to send your men to join the battle, just say so and don't use these excuses."

Having said this, he turned to Zhao Kelun and said: "Kelun, you attack now. Here, as well as all the remaining warships of your own, are under your command. Are you confident that you can win the enemy's Huanglong fleet?"


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