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Chapter 4074: Killing prisoners to establish power and move forward

Four giant ships strung together with iron ropes and wooden planks on the iron ropes, like four conjoined castles, were weighing anchor. The sound of constant commands and hoarse shouts was heard, and people everywhere were busy going back and forth like ants.

running man.

On the general platform of the Kuaiji Hao, Zhu Chaoshi was wearing leather armor with exquisite embroidery of Taishang Laojun's pattern. He wore a black cloth bun on his head. He was dressed like a warrior and looked at everything in front of him coldly.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Xia Yiqi's voice sounded behind him: "Dashuai Zhu, Marshal Zhu."

Zhu Chaoshi didn't look back. From the loudness of his voice, he could tell how far away Xia Yiqi was. He said calmly: "Captain Xia, you should be on your own Tianshi at this time, not on my Kuaiji.

If I strictly enforce military orders, you will be guilty of leaving your post without permission."

Xia Yiqi gritted his teeth, wiped the sweat from his face, and said in a deep voice: "Even if Marshal Zhu wants to punish me, I have to come over. Isn't it too dangerous to send out giant ships in series at this time? Isn't this the same thing?

Our original idea of ​​standing still and luring the Jin army to attack was different."

Zhu Chaoshi sighed and pointed to the deck in front of him: "The situation has changed. Captain Xia, let's see who this is?"

Xia Yiqi took a closer look and saw two people reflected in the moonlight. Their whole bodies were pitch black, stripped naked and painted with ink, like two black pigs. One of them had even his eyes and mouth.

They were all sewn to death, their ears and noses were cut off, and all the hair on their bodies was shaved, just like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, or a wriggling mass of meat. The miserable state was unbearable to watch.

The other man was a little better, but his whole body had been completely shaved, and one of his arms had been cut off at shoulder level. He was now kneeling on the ground, shivering.

Xia Yiqi took a breath of air: "This, isn't this Lin Zihao's apprentice Li Yifan? The other person seems to be Li Yifan's subordinate, some guy named Zhao, how did he become like this?"

Speaking of this, Xia Yiqi's expression suddenly changed: "Could it be that Lin Zihao's fleet..."

Zhu Chaoshi bit his lip: "Lin Zihao personally led more than a hundred boats to pursue the Huanglong fleet in front of him. He asked his apprentice Er Mazi to bring more than fifty boats to stay at Meihuizhou. He asked Li Yifan to bring seventy

Multiple ships, including five Qianlong warships, and 800 disciples of the General Guards on board, went to pursue the more than fifty escaping Huanglong warships. As for the result..."

He glanced at Li Yifan and Zhao Kelun who were sitting on the ground, and sneered: "Zhao Kelun, where are your fleets? Where are your soldiers?"

Zhao Kelun didn't dare to raise his head, and said sadly: "My disciple is incompetent. My disciple is incompetent. We were attacked by the enemy and the whole army was wiped out. We fought to the death and unfortunately fell into their hands. The enemy general, the enemy general is Tan Daoji. He

, he said, he asked us to come back to report the news, saying that he would be waiting for you, Marshal Zhu, there."

Xia Yiqi's eyes widened: "With your strength, you already have almost half of the escort fleet. Your pursuit fleet is all the elite. How many soldiers and horses and more than fifty ships the enemy has, they can wipe out all of you."


Zhao Kelun gritted his teeth: "Their ships are all Huanglong warships, and they are full of warriors. They have been prepared for a long time to lure us into pursuit. All the illusions they have given us before are to lure us into being fooled, and then they will attack us."

Surrounded from all sides, they even deliberately abandoned seven Huanglong warships, but they hid ambushes between the walls of the cabin, and also ambush water ghosts at the bottom of the ship. They waited until all our fleets pursued us before they launched their ambush.

Cut off all our escape routes. In one hour, just one hour, our fleet will be finished!"

Xia Yiqi shook his head in disbelief: "I don't believe it. I know the strength of the Jingzhou Navy. Although it is not weak, it will never be able to wipe out our fleet of more than 4,000 people in one hour. The Beifu soldiers have strong combat effectiveness, but they have never been able to do so."

In the water battle, even if they set up an ambush, how could they achieve such a fast attack speed? We have so many elite sailors and hundreds of swordsmen, can we not even defeat these sailors?"

Zhao Kelun said quickly: "The enemy is well prepared. Those Beifu sergeants are by no means landlubbers. They have obviously experienced water warfare training. Their boots are specially made with claw hooks on the bottom, which can nail the ship's planks, so that they will not follow suit."

The wind and waves were rocking, and fighting on the ship felt like walking on flat ground. Our soldiers had no advantage at all in a one-on-one battle with them, because they were all wearing heavy armor, and their protection was far stronger than our soldiers, even with stainless steel swords.

, and it is difficult to penetrate their shields and armor."

Zhu Chaoshi said calmly: "You see, Captain Xia, their arrangement is not to deal with our pursuit fleet at all. They just want to lure our giant ship to attack, and then take the opportunity to climb on our giant ship to fight. Although we

They lost a pursuit fleet, but they also tried out their tactics. The real main force of the enemy is not elsewhere, but precisely this attacking fleet that wants to escape!"

Having said this, he jumped off the general platform, and the entire front deck was shaking slightly. Zhao Kelun's face turned pale, and his fear could be felt even in the ink: "Marshuai Zhu, please, please

Give me another chance to go back and fight, don’t, don’t let me die worthless!”

Zhu Chaoshi said coldly: "Your value should be on the battlefield just now. The warriors who died in the battle are the greatest value to the divine religion. The enemy lets you come back alive just to use you in turn and hurt our army again."

, look at you like this, do you still look like a disciple of the sect or even a senior commander?"

A trace of fear flashed in Zhao Kelun's eyes, and when he was about to speak again, he saw a flash of white light, and his head suddenly moved from his shoulders. Then Zhu Chaoshi waved the euphorbia in his hand again, and Li Yifan's head also followed a black watermelon.

Rolling around on the deck, he turned to the guards behind him and said in a deep voice: "Throw these two corpses into the river to feed the fish. Don't leave them here to embarrass themselves and shake the morale of the army!"

With two "thumps", Zhu Chaoshi walked back to the general platform, looked at Xia Yiqi, and said: "Li Yifan and the others have risked their lives to test the main force of the enemy's army for us. Now is the time to make a plan. Qian

We must not allow this main fleet to retreat to Jiangling City. We will use giant ships to approach the enemy's water stronghold and cut off the enemy's return route. By daybreak, they will have nowhere to escape. At that time, we will concentrate our main force and attack them on the river.

Annihilate them in one fell swoop and make them unable to return anything!"

This chapter has been completed!
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