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Chapter 4094 Ten crossbows fire flesh and blood flying

In front of Ying Liuzi's eyes, there were two crossbow machines clearly placed. On each crossbow machine, there were five dazzling broken sticks about three feet long. These were the ten-stone repeating crossbows, the most powerful weapons of the Jin army. Now,

Son, the ten shining branches are pointing at Ying Liuzi and the Tianshi Dao disciples behind him.

Ying Liuzi muttered unconsciously: "Mom, it's over now..."

But before he could finish his sentence, he only heard two sounds of "ba" and "ba", and ten branches were broken and splattered out. Yingliuzi didn't even feel much pain.

Painful, he just felt a strong wind blowing hard from his body, and then everything became light and airy. He could even see his own blood flying out and splashing five steps away.

The Beifu sergeant who pressed the button of the crossbow's firing handle had a bright blood flower blooming on his mail.

Yingliuzi instinctively wanted to lift the big sword in his hand, wave the shield in front of him, and rush forward to kill the crossbowman. However, just as he was about to raise his left hand, he only saw a "click" sound, and he

Half of his arm fell to the ground, along with a shield fragment that had been broken into four or five pieces.

Yingliuzi was shocked and angry now. He just wanted to use his right hand to kill this damn crossbowman, but he only felt a cold on his right side. His entire right arm flew straight out from the shoulder, and his fingers

Still holding the handle of the knife tightly, he stabbed the door directly above the door opposite. The imaginary jar filled with lime did not fall, but the knife he was holding with his black broken arm was nailed to the door.

The tattoo of the naked Kunlun woman on the broken arm was very familiar to me, but now when I saw this tattooed woman, it seemed as if she was laughing at myself.

Yingliuzi finally felt a sharp pain, which came like lightning along the broken parts of his arms. He looked up to the sky and hissed in pain: "My hand, my hand!"

The crossbowman on the opposite side quickly rotated the crossbow arm, and another round of crossbow arms loaded with five broken branches quickly arrived in place. While this round of crossbow arms rotated, eight strands of animal tendons provided ten stones of shooting power.

The twisted crossbow string was also pulled apart suddenly and got stuck at the end of the crossbow arm again.

Ying Liuzi felt furious in his heart, and almost cursed: "Boy, how dare you ignore me."

But he could no longer shout these words, because he suddenly discovered that his breath could no longer flow in his body. He could no longer control the breath in his body below his waist. Looking further down, it was okay this time.

Both of his legs were gone, but half of his body was still suspended in mid-air. His bloody intestines were flowing downward like red noodles.

Yingliuzi suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and the upper half of his body began to fall rapidly downwards. Before the world became completely dark, the last glimmer in his eyes turned as his body landed and turned to see what was behind it.

The dozens of sergeants standing behind him were beaten to pieces just like him.

The power of the ten-stone five-piece crossbow's close-range shot was equivalent to the volley of five eight-stone bull-running crossbows. Almost no one was spared within twenty steps on the front of the entire front deck. Flesh, flesh and stumps were scattered in the air.

Flying, blood and brains are swaying everywhere.

At least fifty of his companions, who had looked fierce just now and were rushing forward behind him, trying to steal the credit, were beaten to death just like him, with no body left alive.

Ying Liuzi's last remaining vision swept to the deck in the distance. His lord Ying Mingzhi had already crouched on the ground with more than 20 other guards to avoid these flying crossbows.

He, as well as the swordsmen who had just rushed forward, became the props of Yingming's temptation and ambush, and they were truly defeated.

In his heart, Yingliuzi cursed secretly: "You are such a wise man, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely pounce on you..."

But before he could say the last word "mother", he completely lost his strength. All the energy, all the light in the world, together with the word he didn't say, had disappeared forever, and he

The last thing he felt was the faint sound of a new burst of crossbow firing in his ears, which was the subsequent firing of the crossbow gun again. After a burst of screams, he felt nothing anymore.

Ying Mingzhi was still lying on the ground motionless. The scene in front of him was too bloody and exciting. It was not even like the usual situation where wounded soldiers were rolling around on the ground and screaming. Everyone who was hit by the flying missiles had completed their mission.

The highest form of ascension for teachers and Taoists - the soldier's solution - has been solved in a real way. It is so scattered with other people's fragments and parts that it is impossible to tell who is who.

But Ying Mingzhi has seen such a scene. He can even recall that during the terrible Battle of Yuzhou, when he was still under Zhang Meng and attacked Liu Yi's camp, thousands of people attacked him head-on.

In an instant, the scene of hundreds of eight-stone running bull crossbows firing in volley, the "whoosh" sound tearing the air when fired rapidly, the sound of explosions when the human body is smashed and the muscles and bones are broken, every sound.

, like the sickle of death, harvesting life, and I am a pig and sheep in this slaughterhouse.

Ying Mingzhi closed his eyes. He could see the unwilling and angry look in Ying Liuzi's eyes when he stared at him for the last time. Although he could feel that this was the result, for some reason, he suddenly felt a twinge of anger in his heart.

I feel guilty about this black man. Although I know that this guy is not very smart, and although I intend to use him to test, I did not expect that the Jin army's counterattack would be so fierce, and I originally judged that the Jin army had long wanted to pass.

The escape from the lower cabin proved that it was an absolute tactical misjudgment, and the price of this misjudgment was the fifty or sixty lives in front of us!

A loud roar came from above: "Brothers, don't panic, reinforcements are coming."

Ying Mingzhi opened his eyes and looked upward. He saw another forty or fifty disciples, like big birds, flying down from the sky and landing on the deck. The leader was Xia Yiqi's deputy and deputy.

My younger brother Xia Ercai, who is over thirty years old, bears a strong resemblance to his elder brother, but the long scars on his face reveal a fierce look.

There were "dong dong" sounds one after another, and the forty or fifty people Xia Ercai brought fell onto the deck and among the corpses. However, these thieves who had been fighting for many years did not have any panic or hesitation. They had long been accustomed to this.

There was a smell of blood and death. Xia Erlin even rolled twice in a pile of severed limbs as a buffer. When he got up covered in blood, he had already rushed towards the hatch and three flying knives came out.


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