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Chapter 4152: The people awaken and are no longer slaves

Yu Yue gritted his teeth bitterly and said: "Loyalty and filial piety are Confucian theories, not our Taoist metaphysics. Taoism is natural, and there is no need to pay attention to loyalty to the king. We have already argued this point theoretically.

.As long as everyone follows the laws of this world, abides by the laws of heaven, and cultivates his moral integrity, he can naturally live freely and happily. As for the Huru, they are barbaric, ferocious, warlike, and bloodthirsty. Heaven has its own way to destroy them. In the past hundred years, the Huru in the north have

Killing each other and having constant disputes are the best proof, isn’t it?”

The black robe smiled slightly: "You rely on the law of heaven for everything. Then why didn't you use the law of heaven to deal with the millions of Qin troops during the Battle of Feishui? Why did you still form the Beifu Army to fight back with all your strength? Lord Yu, I

Let me remind you again, please don’t use these deceptive words in front of me. We are all old gangsters. We have used this set of words to deceive the world for our whole life. Do we still want to deceive each other here? "

Yu Yue said in a deep voice: "According to your statement, Liu Yu wants to talk about loyalty and filial piety, use Confucianism, and rely on this set of Confucian words to rule the world. How can we break his words? Do you want to say that this emperor

, this ruler is not worthy of allegiance and support, do you want to oppose him?"

The black robe said calmly: "Everything is born, and there will be a king after him. The people of the world are used to the emperor being the emperor, which is not something you can deny easily. For so many years, the high-ranking members of your family have only regarded the emperor as a puppet and did not allow him to truly

He has power, but he dare not really depose him. Because the emperor of the Sima family is also the face of your family. If there is no such a common master in the world, then you will fight first. The best result is that the three families will be divided.

The Jin Dynasty split the world into several countries controlled by big families."

Yu Yue sighed: "Loyalty and filial piety are a concentrated expression of the rules of the world. From the emperor to ministers to nobles to scholars to common people, all different classes have their own duties and are ruled and managed layer by layer. Loyalty, however,

It is the recognition of the people of the world for a unified and complete country, and thus the different class divisions. Without this, we cannot rule and manage the ordinary gentry at the lower level, and then lose control over the village chiefs of Zhuangtou. Therefore

"Although we cannot admit the Confucian principle of loyalty to the emperor, we cannot openly oppose it, because it will lead to the collapse of the order of the world, so we can only downplay this point and act like a false emperor."

The black robe laughed: "Yes, this is your cleverness. You don't want to be ruled by the emperor, but you can't do without the emperor. So in the past hundred years, you have continuously supported and abolished the emperors of the Sima family, and then

Marry him, use the queen and concubine to monitor the emperor, and give birth to children to ensure that the successor can continue to be the puppet of the family. It's a pity..."

Speaking of this, the black robe's eyes flashed coldly: "Xie An opened this hole, giving Sima Yao hope to regain power. Once the power was in hand, Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian and his son also followed up to seize power, attracting other

The Sima clan's ambition for power resurfaced decades later. Hehe, it's interesting to think about it. You Blackhand Qiankun guarded the infighting and finally released the imperial power, and then released the Beifu Army, an army that you couldn't control. No matter what you do,

Being able to talk clearly about mysteries, no matter how beautiful the words are, cannot withstand the changes in this world."

Yu Yue said in a deep voice: "I don't want to hear you review history, I want to ask you, what can you do to make the world go back to the past? Can you make the emperor go back to being a puppet obediently? Can you make Liu Yu and others give up military power or

Is becoming a member of our aristocratic family something that can make the people of the world believe again that only by following our noble family and accepting our rule and leadership can they live a good life?"

The black robe said calmly: "Then, let me ask you, Mr. Yu, your noble family has controlled the power of the world and ruled the millions of people in Wu for nearly a hundred years. Have you allowed them to live a good life?"

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "To say how good life is, I can't even talk about being rich and powerful, but at least I can live and work in peace and contentment. In this world, I can live well, not be affected by the war, I can still marry a wife and have children, and continue my descendants.

, it’s pretty good. Compared with the endless wars and countless casualties in the north, I ask myself whether our noble family can be worthy of the people of Jiangnan over the past hundred years."

The black robe smiled and said: "Maybe compared with the people in the war-torn north, they are living a good life, but compared with the future that Liu Yu promised to the people, do you still dare to say that?"

"Let's not talk about the future. Even if we talk about the present, the people of Jin now have to pay far less taxes than before, and they are allocated far more land than before. Their whole family's household registration has also been registered in the yellow book, and they have become upright people.

They are no longer the missing people who have never seen the light of day in the manor of your aristocratic family. They have the opportunity to join the army to serve the country, and to make achievements and make themselves rich!"

"In other words, Liu Yu gave them hope, the hope that they could be rewarded as human beings after struggling, instead of working like animals all day long and living just to live. Yu Gong, in such a day,

Can you give it to the people of the world?"

Yu Yue said bitterly: "If all these hopes are given to the grassroots untouchables in the world, then we, the children of aristocratic families, will only be disappointed. This is the power in the world. If we give it to them, we will not have it. If we want to be a master, we want to be a master."

If we want to inherit the title of our fathers and grandfathers and be born rich, we can only let them be slaves for generations, or become the missing people you mentioned, and they must willingly cultivate the land, spin and weave yarn for us, and then we can enjoy wealth forever.

This is how our noble family survives."

The black robe nodded: "Yes, in order to live a good life for yourself, you have to let most people in the world have a bad life, live like a cow or a horse, and live humbly, and you have to be grateful to those of you who ride on their heads.

The domineering aristocratic men rewarded them with a bite of food and a piece of clothing."

"It's a pity that such good days are gone forever. Liu Yu made them understand that they can live like human beings. Even if they are separated from you, the children of the aristocratic family, they can still live well under the management of the country. Compared with

It was better before. Now they are living full of hope. Even the three thousand soldiers of the Yu family who came with you this time, I am afraid that most of them want to make achievements, kill the enemy and receive rewards, and then they can leave the Yu family in an upright manner and become a big man under the sun.

Jin people, if Liu Yu appears here now, all they need to do is raise their arms and they will immediately join Liu Yu's army and become soldiers of the Jin army, instead of being slaves of the Yu family who don't even have names!"

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