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Chapter 4414 There is no way to reverse centralized management

Wang Miaoyin was a little surprised. Today she heard too many things that she had never heard before, as well as nouns. She murmured: "Renaissance? What is this? Did the Western Yi powers have a strong culture before?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Before the emergence of Christian culture, there used to be a country called Greece in the West. Later, Greece was conquered by Rome and became the Roman Empire. This Greece was a slave country.

, but among the upper-level rulers, they like to engage in some freedom and discussion, which is a bit like the Zhou Dynasty's model of national affairs. In the Greek and Roman periods, there were also some splendid cultures. After the rise of Christianity,

, has the backward side of religion, suppressing other ideas, not allowing other religions, and even describing those who are inconsistent with their teachings as heretics, who will be tied to a wooden frame and burned alive."

Wang Miaoyin frowned: "It sounds a bit like Cao Cao's Cao Wei, the art of severe punishment. Even when Qin Shihuang burned books and humiliated Confucians, it didn't seem so cruel."

Liu Yuzheng said: "If the rule is too strict, it will be conservative and backward. If the rule is too loose, it will be out of touch with the people and lose their support. This has always been the dilemma of rule and management throughout the ages.

Like our Chinese dynasty, there are two different paths: the inaction way of Huang Lao and the great action way of centralized power. However, in the land of Xiyi, Christianity only wants to maintain the interests of the church and occupy the rights of land and population.

It was not that we were too aggressive. More than a thousand years had passed like this. It was not until a thousand years later that the Arab Empire in the Parthia region rose up and posed a serious threat to it, even in danger of annihilation. Only then did we begin to learn from the painful experience, from culture to national system.

The government has carried out reforms to strengthen itself."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Where is the rest? I heard that it was called the Persian Empire in ancient times. It was a very powerful country. But when we first came into contact with this civilization during the Han Dynasty, it was already divided and declined. However, there used to be

A great empire with a glorious history can be revived sooner or later. If Christianity does not think about making progress for thousands of years and only knows how to suppress those emerging histories, it will inevitably stick to the old ways and be replaced by others. It seems that Mencius said that he was born in sorrow and died in happiness.

, is a principle that holds true wherever it is placed.”

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin raised her eyebrows slightly: "It seems that the Renaissance you are talking about is just because you don't want to be suppressed by the church anymore, and you don't want to be ruled by these magicians in the name of God.

The emerging princes are relying on ancient reforms and using the names of Greece and Rome to deny the teachings of Christianity. To put it bluntly, it is still a power struggle."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, because the church wants these worldly benefits without assuming the responsibility of governance, so what they like most is the model of Emperor Zhou, where the king, the princes, and the lords restrain each other.

, all turned to the church, and they acted as judges. For the king who wanted to centralize power and unify, they would find ways to cause trouble for him and instigate his lords to rebel. They have been playing this game for thousands of years, which is equivalent to

Our Zhou Dynasty has gone through thousands of years, but it has never made any progress. When encountering a strong enemy, this method will no longer work. If you don't change the method to become stronger, you will be destroyed by others, because the Arab Empire believes in another set of religions.

, if they really take over the entire Western Yi land, this Christianity will cease to exist."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "We understand this truth. Just like if a big family continues to be decadent and unwilling to make progress, they can only count on Brother Yu and you folk heroes to complete the redemption and win the Battle of Feishui.

After quelling the Tianshi Tao Rebellion, aren't you the process of gaining power from these achievements in the past ten years? I think the same is true for the Western Yi's reform path."

Liu Yu said seriously: "Yes, but I have said before that in this Renaissance, they emphasized the unrestrained nature of individuals, emphasized freedom, opposed autocracy, and opposed the kind of people from the church to the king, for such local princes, and even

The literate and knowledgeable common people suppressed and took life and death. In the end, they succeeded. The king was beheaded, and the church's ability to interfere with the secular world was basically deprived. Their world became those of the emerging nations.

The feudal lords turned into a parliament and a country controlled by capitalists. From then on, the Western barbarian powers entered a new era from the feudal era to the era when Christianity controlled everything."

Wang Miaoyin said thoughtfully: "If you put it this way, it is equivalent to changing from the Zhou Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty. These capitalists do not seem to be an emperor, but in fact, if their goals and interests are consistent, they will oppress the people internally and let them

Peasants went to work in factories and became workers, and then they destroyed the country and conquered foreign countries, plundering the population and minerals. After getting the benefits, they would just like the Qin State in the past, constantly conquering all the places they could see. For hundreds of years

If you come down, you will be able to conquer a huge empire."

Liu Yu nodded: "But the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty has made the people of the world suffer for a long time. The strength of the Qin State does not mean that it can bring enough benefits to ordinary people, and even make their lives worse than death. The same goes for the Western Yi powers.

, if their rule is to make workers live less than twenty years old, and even children in their early teens have to work as child labor, then their level of cruelty is far greater than that of Qin, and it will inevitably lead to resistance, but the workers

At the beginning, they were restricted to factories, and their food and accommodation were controlled by the capitalists. They had never served as soldiers and had military experience, so they could organize their people to rebel, so it was very difficult for them to rebel."

"It seems that in our era, the world is so big and there are villages everywhere. If the villagers kill officials and rebel and flee into the mountains and forests, it is difficult to hunt them down. They can only find ways to recruit them. But in Xiyi, the workers

With nowhere to go, thousands of people are concentrated in factories, being guarded by dozens or hundreds of thugs hired by capitalists. The workers are even allowed to supervise each other themselves, and are encouraged to report. There are eyes and ears everywhere. This kind of eyes and ears

, being called a scab makes everyone feel insecure and dare not act rashly.”

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "I see, if you are concentrated in a small place and there are no mountains, lakes and lakes where you can hide, then it is indeed difficult to rebel. In addition, if your wife, children and family are controlled by others, there is no possibility of rebellion. Just

Like our manor, the tenant farmers are managed centrally, so that they cannot communicate with each other, let alone have a place to stay after gathering together to make trouble. Unless it is Tianshi Dao, which can form a series of connections in the name of preaching, then according to you

So, how did the workers of these Western barbarian powers resist later?"

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