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Chapter 4423: Rewards based on merits can calm peoples hearts

Wang Miaoyin pondered for a moment and said: "But this time, in order to expand the team, the demon thief quickly attracted many powerful locals in places like Jiangzhou and Jingnan. Even if they did not join the religion, they gave them names such as senior brothers.

As well as some of the original local officials who were forced to join the demon thieves after being captured, and were awarded false positions such as honorary senior brothers. Do you not condone such a situation?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "I know that some people, or some powerful people in some places, and even small and medium-sized aristocratic families secretly send their children to be captured by demon thieves, and then join them in this way. In fact, it is them, or some of you aristocratic families.

It's like sitting on the fence, right?"

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "You know us. For the sake of the continuation of the family, we cannot completely bind our destiny to one dynasty or one ruler. Now the demon thieves are so powerful that they may take over the world. You

It is impossible for all high-ranking families to coexist and die with the Great Jin Dynasty. Even our Xie family cannot be completely like this. The reason why I ask you this question is that some people join the demon thieves in name only.

But I won't do anything practical now, I'm just waiting and watching. If you try to deny mercy, you will force these people to fight to the end, and it will also affect the support of these aristocratic families for you."

Liu Yu said calmly: "I have considered this a long time ago, and it's not like I didn't leave some workarounds. Just like Zhu Chaoshi, he was helpless for a while and was coerced by the demon thief. Not only did he give him a high position as a hall leader,

, and even made him a general in the crusade against Jingzhou, but his heart was in the Jin Dynasty. He turned from darkness to light at the critical moment, and also helped us destroy the enemy's navy. With this great contribution, he can forgive his previous sins. In other words,

According to common sense, the senior disciples of these monster thieves who are senior disciples and above are not pardoned, but in practice, they can perform meritorious service to atone for their sins. Even if they have not performed meritorious service themselves, they can have their family members perform meritorious service."

Wang Miaoyin's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea. In other words, as long as the relatives who are still on our side have performed meritorious services, the sins of these relatives who are in the enemy army can be redeemed?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Well, yes, at least your life can be saved, but your official position will definitely be taken away, and the land you hold according to your title must also be handed over to be distributed to meritorious soldiers. It is impossible to say that you have joined.

The demon thief can still be reinstated by an official thanks to the merits of his relatives, just like a normal person, right?"

Wang Miaoyin laughed and said: "Then who will distribute the land that is handed over? Or to the relatives who have meritorious service?"

Liu Yu shook his head and said: "No, if the merits done by these relatives are used to atone for sins, they will be lost. You and Empress Mu will set the specific standards for atonement later, but here, there is only one principle, and that is

If you want to save your life, basically all the contributions made by your relatives will be lost. This is also a warning to you noble families, don’t always think about the benefits of sitting on the fence. If you sit on the fence in my place in the future, you will have to hand over your property.

, I have saved my life. If I refuse to atone for my relatives’ sins, I can reward them based on their merits. However, it’s not my business to have a family feud.”

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "This method of dividing aristocratic families is indeed clever. Who are you going to give the land to? To the meritorious soldiers?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "No, the first thing I want to separate are the officials and generals who were loyal to the country and died unyieldingly. They did not sit on the fence, but died fighting for the country. From Wuji on down, there are such generals

There are more than three hundred people, and there are more than a hundred such civil servants. We cannot let these heroes die like this. At least, we must give their families and descendants a bowl of food to eat."

Wang Miaoyin sighed: "Yes, we must first appease the officials who died because of their loyalty. So, this second batch will be distributed to the soldiers who died in the battle?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, there are currently more than 67,000 soldiers killed in the war according to statistics, including the civilians who served. When the time comes, Guangzhou will be recovered, and the property of the demon thieves and the rebellious people will be confiscated."

The property must be distributed to these people first. They often do not have titles yet. The mainstay of the family has died and it is difficult to make a living. At least, these people must live better than ordinary people, otherwise no one will be willing to do so in the future.

He sacrificed his life for the country."

Wang Miaoyin said sternly: "Okay, I have written it down. This third batch is to reward meritorious soldiers and officials."

Liu Yu glanced at Sima Dezong on the side and sighed: "Well, if the rebellion can be put down, all the officials who have performed their duties and the soldiers who have made meritorious deeds should be rewarded, but this time the rebellion has caused great losses to the country, and because it is

During the civil war, there were not many land rewards. The first two groups of people should have almost divided the land. To these living people who have made meritorious services, I think the main thing is to distribute property and tell them that this time to suppress the rebellion, the country

It is not easy. There is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and construction will be the main thing in the future. Therefore, titles and land cannot be distributed indiscriminately. We can only use most of the treasury income as rewards. If we make meritorious service in foreign wars again in the future, it will be doubled.


Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "We are not fighting this war for money, but to protect our country. Everyone will understand your orders. However, the losses of the generals and colonels are very great now. It is really in peacetime."

The lower-level officers who performed outstandingly during the rebellion should still be promoted to fill their vacancies."

Liu Yu frowned slightly: "I'm afraid this is not easy, because we have massively expanded the army to recruit soldiers because of the counter-insurgency, and the number of military posts is already a bit too much. After the counter-insurgency, we have to take a break from the army for a few years to recuperate, so we still have to

We have to face a large number of soldiers returning to their hometowns to farm after receiving rewards. We can discuss this after putting down the rebellion. Now the demon thieves are still outside the city and can even break in at any time. We still have to win first before we can have a future.


Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Then what else do you need me to do to help you win this battle?"

Liu Yu thought for a while and said: "There shouldn't be much of a military problem, because the demon thieves' raid on Nantang this time was actually to create chaos in the city so that they could kidnap the emperor out, and use this as bait to force me to face the fight.

Peng, looks dangerous, but it is actually impossible to conquer Jiankang. Now that Doupeng and the Tiandao League are finished, you only need to worry about the remnants of the Tiandao League in the city. I will handle the military matters."

Wang Miaoyin looked at Liu Yu motionlessly: "What about Liu Yi? After this military victory, your brother will probably compete with you again for credit and the world. On your road to becoming an emperor, prepare

How to deal with this stumbling block?”

This chapter has been completed!
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