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Chapter 4505: Exclusive fish and water situation at the market

Tan Zhi's voice was choked, and tears were shining in his eyes: "On behalf of all the soldiers, especially the Dongman brothers, I would like to thank you, Brother Daogui, for your kindness. I promise that all the soldiers in my army,

I will definitely fight to the end for the soldiers and people of Gangneung, to protect this prosperous city, and to protect my future home."

Liu Daogui nodded and said calmly: "You have traveled a long way, crossed the river, and came from Wuling hundreds of miles away. Before you had time to rest, you were about to go to the battlefield again. If the situation hadn't been urgent, I really wanted you to be here.

You are allowed to rest for ten days and a half, but there is no other way now. I can only give you half a day. If you are really tired, you can spend the night in the military camp outside the city today and hit the road again tomorrow morning. I have made room for you.

Come out."

Tan Zhi waved his hand: "No need, just for today's half day, after visiting the market in Jiangling, these Dongman sergeants will go to Matoudu overnight with our other Han army brothers. The Han army soldiers will not go.

They are not surprised to join in the fun, but for the Dongman soldiers, this is a rare opportunity, and some may even be the only opportunity in this life."

Liu Daogui nodded: "I will send all the scribes in the government to help you go to the market. If there is anything you like, record it, move it to the warehouse of the Governor's Mansion, and label it with the name of the person you want.

, the money will come from the treasury of the Jingzhou governor, and after the fight is over, all will be collected by name."

Tan Zhi laughed: "I'm afraid they'll be spoiled for choice and want everything. They can't just have as much as they want. Let's do this. I'll set a rule, no more than three items per person, no more. Also, please

Lend me a hundred carts to carry these things."

Liu Daogui frowned slightly: "There are large trucks, but they are going to transport military supplies and luggage to you. If you want to use them to transport these goods first, then there is no way these large trucks can follow you to the Matou camp overnight.


Tan Zhi waved his hand: "There is no need to go there all night. There is food for us to eat for a few days in the Ma Tou Camp, which is enough. I think the monster thieves will not appear outside the camp early tomorrow morning.


Liu Daogui sighed: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Monster thieves are always elusive. We can't rule out the possibility of such thieves falling from the sky. This is why I didn't keep you here this time and sent you directly to the front line. If you are really in the camp

If you encounter a demon thief here, what should you do?"

Tan Zhi frowned slightly: "If that's the case, it would be a bit troublesome. This time our entire army came to help. In order to pursue speed, we didn't bring any heavy offensive and defensive equipment or heavy armor and crossbows, because you gave me

The order stated that these ordnance can be obtained from the arsenal in Jiangling City."

Liu Daogui also frowned: "The arsenal of equipment for you is in the Yingdu warehouse thirty miles outside the city. If you want to pick it up now, you won't be able to get it until tomorrow. Otherwise, you should do what I just said.

I suggest you take a rest today."

Tan Zhi waved his hand: "No, we also have equipment with us. Although we don't have crossbows and trebuchets, we also bring ten eight-stone running bull crossbows. The sergeants dismantled them and carried them with them. The archers each brought one.

The arrows in a quiver are made of the finest wood in our Wuling Mountains and can shoot a few steps farther than ordinary bows and arrows."

Liu Daogui laughed: "I have long heard that Wuling is rich in fine wood made from towering ancient trees, and bows and arrows are also a specialty. No wonder you don't even bring a crossbow this time, but also bring a quiver with you. What about the armor and protective gear?

How about it?"

Tan Zhi curled up his lips: "Except for the three hundred Chinese infantrymen who wore iron armor, most of the other soldiers wore leather armor, and those Dong barbarian warriors didn't like wearing armor and only wore clothes when they started fighting.

Come, even these undressed clothes will be taken off and they will go into battle shirtless, so they must hold wooden shields as protection."

Tan Daoji frowned: "This is not possible. Although he is brave, he has no protection on the battlefield. Facing the enemy's arrow rain attack, he will suffer heavy casualties. How about I take off my men's leather armor now and give them to them?"

You have a thousand sets for the Dongman brothers to wear."

Tan Zhi waved his hand: "Fourth brother, don't mess around. If they can get them to wear armor and fight, I would have put it on for them as early as Wuling. These Dong barbarians are very superstitious and think that the tattoos and talismans on their bodies are

They are blessed by the ancestors and gods and can make them invulnerable. If they wear protective gear, it will make the ancestors unhappy and they will no longer bless them."

Liu Daogui sighed: "I have long heard that these barbarians in Chu are very superstitious and believe in ghosts, gods and ancestors. I can't see any such people in Jiangling City. This time I really saw them. It seems that after the war, we will let them

After moving to Gangneung, it is not easy to change the customs."

Tan Daoji smiled slightly: "Brother Daogui, it's better not to think so far ahead. It's more important to talk about the war first. I think it's impossible for the demon thieves to kill Ma Tou overnight. There's still a long way to go from Wulindu.

It's more than a hundred miles away. Even if they occupy Wulindu now, they won't be able to attack the Ma Tou camp all at once. Besides, Third Brother's troops are not bare-handed. The equipment of individual soldiers is enough. Relying on the camp, even if

If the enemy attacks, you can still hold on. As long as you hold on for a day, no, half a day, and the backup troops, horses and ordnance arrive, the crisis can be resolved."

Liu Daogui thought for a while, nodded and said: "Indeed, soldiers are valuable and fast, so I'll work hard for you. I will go to the market later to see the Dongman brothers. However, I also need you to declare to them, Ah Zhi.

These things in the market are all hard-earned by the vendors in Jiangling. They have to sell them in exchange for money to supplement the family income. In the past year or so since the demon thieves started to cause trouble, everyone's life has been difficult. Today happens to be the half-monthly market.

I will first arrange for the local people in Jiangling not to go, free up space and time, and meet the needs of the Dongman brothers first. Therefore, you cannot hide items privately for petty gains, or take things without recording or paying them. If there is a fuss,

If there is any unhappiness and conflict, that is not my intention."

Tan Zhi laughed: "Anyway, there is no charge for taking things. It is paid by the government. I don't think they will do such a thing. However, I will make it clear to them, and all the officers in our army will be sent out to help."

Keep track of how much each of them took."

Liu Daogui said seriously: "I don't want anything unpleasant to happen during this market meeting. I will also send my personal guards to assist in the management. They are all my subordinates who have been with me for many years. They are loyal and reliable. If Brother Dongman

If you need help with anything, just ask these white tassel guards."


Tan Zhi's voice was choked, and tears were shining in his eyes: "On behalf of all the soldiers, especially the Dongman brothers, I would like to thank you, Brother Daogui, for your kindness. I promise that all the soldiers in my army,

I will definitely fight to the end for the soldiers and people of Gangneung, to protect this prosperous city, and to protect my future home."

Liu Daogui nodded and said calmly: "You have traveled a long way, crossed the river, and came from Wuling hundreds of miles away. Before you had time to rest, you were about to go to the battlefield again. If the situation hadn't been urgent, I really wanted you to be here.

You are allowed to rest for ten days and a half, but there is no other way now. I can only give you half a day. If you are really tired, you can spend the night in the military camp outside the city today and hit the road again tomorrow morning. I have made room for you.

Come out."

Tan Zhi waved his hand: "No need, just for today's half day, after visiting the market in Jiangling, these Dongman sergeants will go to Matoudu overnight with our other Han army brothers. The Han army soldiers will not go.

They are not surprised to join in the fun, but for the Dongman soldiers, this is a rare opportunity, and some may even be the only opportunity in this life."

Liu Daogui nodded: "I will send all the scribes in the government to help you go to the market. If there is anything you like, record it, move it to the warehouse of the Governor's Mansion, and label it with the name of the person you want.

, the money will come from the treasury of the Jingzhou governor, and after the fight is over, all will be collected by name."

Tan Zhi laughed: "I'm afraid they'll be spoiled for choice and want everything. They can't just have as much as they want. Let's do this. I'll set a rule, no more than three items per person, no more. Also, please

Lend me a hundred carts to carry these things."

Liu Daogui frowned slightly: "There are large trucks, but they are going to transport military supplies and luggage to you. If you want to use them to transport these goods first, then there is no way these large trucks can follow you to the Matou camp overnight.


Tan Zhi waved his hand: "There is no need to go there all night. There is food for us to eat for a few days in the Ma Tou Camp, which is enough. I think the monster thieves will not appear outside the camp early tomorrow morning.


Liu Daogui sighed: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Monster thieves are always elusive. We can't rule out the possibility of such thieves falling from the sky. This is why I didn't keep you here this time and sent you directly to the front line. If you are really in the camp

If you encounter a demon thief here, what should you do?"

Tan Zhi frowned slightly: "If that's the case, it would be a bit troublesome. This time our entire army came to help. In order to pursue speed, we didn't bring any heavy offensive and defensive equipment or heavy armor and crossbows, because you gave me

The order stated that these ordnance can be obtained from the arsenal in Jiangling City."

Liu Daogui also frowned: "The arsenal of equipment for you is in the Yingdu warehouse thirty miles outside the city. If you want to pick it up now, you won't be able to get it until tomorrow. Otherwise, you should do what I just said.

I suggest you take a rest today."

Tan Zhi waved his hand: "No, we also have equipment with us. Although we don't have crossbows and trebuchets, we also bring ten eight-stone running bull crossbows. The sergeants dismantled them and carried them with them. The archers each brought one.

The arrows in a quiver are made of the finest wood in our Wuling Mountains and can shoot a few steps farther than ordinary bows and arrows."

Liu Daogui laughed: "I have long heard that Wuling is rich in fine wood made from towering ancient trees, and bows and arrows are also a specialty. No wonder you don't even bring a crossbow this time, but also bring a quiver with you. What about the armor and protective gear?

How about it?"

Tan Zhi curled up his lips: "Except for the three hundred Chinese infantrymen who wore iron armor, most of the other soldiers wore leather armor, and those Dong barbarian warriors didn't like wearing armor and only wore clothes when they started fighting.

Come, even these undressed clothes will be taken off and they will go into battle shirtless, so they must hold wooden shields as protection."

Tan Daoji frowned: "This is not possible. Although he is brave, he has no protection on the battlefield. Facing the enemy's arrow rain attack, he will suffer heavy casualties. How about I take off my men's leather armor now and give them to them?"

You have a thousand sets for the Dongman brothers to wear."

Tan Zhi waved his hand: "Fourth brother, don't mess around. If they can get them to wear armor and fight, I would have put it on for them as early as Wuling. These Dong barbarians are very superstitious and think that the tattoos and talismans on their bodies are

They are blessed by the ancestors and gods and can make them invulnerable. If they wear protective gear, it will make the ancestors unhappy and they will no longer bless them."

Liu Daogui sighed: "I have long heard that these barbarians in Chu are very superstitious and believe in ghosts, gods and ancestors. I can't see any such people in Jiangling City. This time I really saw them. It seems that after the war, we will let them

After moving to Gangneung, it is not easy to change the customs."

Tan Daoji smiled slightly: "Brother Daogui, it's better not to think so far ahead. It's more important to talk about the war first. I think it's impossible for the demon thieves to kill Ma Tou overnight. There's still a long way to go from Wulindu.

It's more than a hundred miles away. Even if they occupy Wulindu now, they won't be able to attack the Ma Tou camp all at once. Besides, Third Brother's troops are not bare-handed. The equipment of individual soldiers is enough. Relying on the camp, even if

If the enemy attacks, you can still hold on. As long as you hold on for a day, no, half a day, and the backup troops, horses and ordnance arrive, the crisis can be resolved."

Liu Daogui thought for a while, nodded and said: "Indeed, soldiers are valuable and fast, so I'll work hard for you. I will go to the market later to see the Dongman brothers. However, I also need you to declare to them, Ah Zhi.

These things in the market are all hard-earned by the vendors in Jiangling. They have to sell them in exchange for money to supplement the family income. In the past year or so since the demon thieves started to cause trouble, everyone's life has been difficult. Today happens to be the half-monthly market.

I will first arrange for the local people in Jiangling not to go, free up space and time, and meet the needs of the Dongman brothers first. Therefore, you cannot hide items privately for petty gains, or take things without recording or paying them. If there is a fuss,

If there is any unhappiness and conflict, that is not my intention."

Tan Zhi laughed: "Anyway, there is no charge for taking things. It is paid by the government. I don't think they will do such a thing. However, I will make it clear to them, and all the officers in our army will be sent out to help."

Keep track of how much each of them took."

Liu Daogui said seriously: "I don't want anything unpleasant to happen during this market meeting. I will also send my personal guards to assist in the management. They are all my subordinates who have been with me for many years. They are loyal and reliable. If Brother Dongman

If you need help with anything, just ask these white tassel guards."


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