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Chapter 464: Emerging forces are about to emerge

Liu Yu sneered and said: "Hope? What else can you do besides pretending to be gods and ghosts, using magic swords, and getting some women to satisfy the needs of those hungry ghosts? Could it be that you just rely on your heaven-human intercourse ritual?

Does it give people hope? Bah."

Lu Xun smiled and waved his hand: "Jinu, Jinu, you really don't understand us. Our Tianshi Tao originated from the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period. The earliest leader was Zhang Lu, who once dominated Hanzhong. At that time,

The divine religion is also called the Five Pecks of Rice religion, do you know what this means?"

Liu Yu nodded: "I heard Pingzi and the others say that everyone has to pay five buckets of rice when they join the religion. The believers will help each other when they are in trouble. But what can these five buckets of rice solve?"

Lu Xun sneered and said: "Liu Yu, there is a saying that a well-fed man does not know a hungry man is hungry. Maybe in your opinion, five buckets of rice only lasts for a few days, but for the church members in famine years, it is life-saving."

Food. With this thing, they can survive. You must know that the government and those aristocratic families rarely have good intentions. In times of famine, they will impose excessive taxes and try every means to bankrupt these farmers."

Liu Yuqi said: "No way. When I was in Jingkou, the court had clear laws. In times of famine, taxes would be reduced or reduced. How could this increase exploitation?"

Lu Xun sighed: "That's because your place in Jingkou is really special. You know, since the founding of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, refugees from the north have not been allowed to cross the river in principle. These people are sent to be difficult to control, and they are even more afraid of them coming to the south of the Yangtze River.

Develop and seize the territory of aristocratic families."

"But in order not to let the refugees from the north lose hope, they also deliberately opened up the area and used the Jingkou area as a residence for refugees who have made meritorious services in the north, or as a residence for gentry who have gone south. Most of them are from the north, and they are naturally good at recruiting soldiers.

So since Xi Jian guarded Jingkou and established Beifu, this place has been a special place. The officials are not filled by the chief's servants like other places, but by the descendants of northern refugees like Liu Yuyou.

The managers are all from the countryside, so naturally they can't bear to do that kind of thing, right?"

Liu Yu murmured: "Are there people like the Diao family serving as parent officials in other places?"

Lu Xun nodded: "This is the case in most places in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. High-ranking families may have to pay attention to their food habits, but second- and third-rate families like Diao Kui have no bottom line when they are greedy for land.

As soon as he became an official, he desperately searched for money. In times of famine, he even withheld the government's relief. He even falsely conveyed the emperor's orders and increased rents and taxes, just to force these common people to lose their families and sell themselves to wealthy families as slaves. Otherwise, those kings would thank

Aristocratic families have thousands of servants at every turn, how did they get there?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I still don't believe it. At least the Xie family, the Xie family I know would not be like this. They would never join forces with someone like Diao Kui!"

Lu Xun laughed: "Absolutely not? Jinu, you are an adult now, don't be so naive, okay? You don't even think about how you saved the Xie family when you framed Diao Kui and was about to be beaten to death.

You. They gave you the position of governor of Guangzhou, and then the Diao family stopped taking action on you. Do you think this kind of deal has never been done before? The whole world of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, every state and every county, can be controlled by the Xie family.

Becoming a bargaining chip, if you really hate evil as much as you think, with the ability of the Xie family to have been in power for twenty years, will the Diao family still exist and grow?"

Liu Yu wanted to refute, but knowing that what Lu Xun said was true, his heart began to waver, beads of sweat began to form on his head, and he remained silent.

Lu Xun looked at Liu Yu and sighed: "Jinnu, it is a bit cruel to destroy the beautiful things in your heart. I was just like you back then, and my heart was full of beautiful things. Until I traveled all over the Jin Dynasty, I knew The world is in a cold state, and this hope was shattered after tigers and wolves took over. The Xie family can be friendly to you because you can fight and you are useful to them. But without you, those farmers and village women who only know how to farm will be likened to the Xie family. You have a good face. If you don’t believe what I say, after this battle, you can take a walk around Dajin and you will know whether what I said is true or false."

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "I will check this matter myself, but even if it is as you said, Dajin will retain places like Jingkou, and expand places like Jingkou to more and more places in the future. The place is not enough. The Xie family can send out their young servants and tenants to join the army in order to resist the Qin Dynasty, and they will definitely be able to do the same for the Northern Expedition in the future. Lu Xun, you joined the Tianshi Dao with evil intentions. You, the Tianshi Dao, want to use Wang Guobao. If someone who is evil and evil climbs up, is he a good person again? If you take power, it will be even worse than it is now!"

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "You are prejudiced against our divine religion. Jinu, I traveled all over the world and finally joined the divine religion. You don't think I did it because of those heaven-human mating rituals, or my Lu family You can only join if you need five buckets of rice. To put it bluntly, I joined the religion because I saw hope in the religion and saw a kind of kindness that truly sympathizes with the grassroots people. You can go back and ask your good brother Tan Pingzhi about this. Go with Wei Yongzhi."

Liu Yu sneered: "They have severed ties with you a long time ago, will they still say good things about you? Lu Yuanlong, don't be so sentimental."

Lu Xun smiled and waved his hand: "Liu Jinu, Liu Jinu, you are wrong again this time. Tan Pingzhi, Wei Yongzhi and the others will never leave the cult. If they really want to leave, they should have changed their names long ago. Get rid of it. The reason why they are opposed to us now is because of you, because they are willing to accept you as their big brother. They feel that the divine religion wants to harm you again and again, so they stand on your side. Without you, they would I will definitely return to Christianity."

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide and said in a deep voice: "This is impossible. He has seen so many bad things you have done, why would he still come with you?"

Lu Xun sneered: "But they got more help from the divine religion. Without us, how could they go south smoothly and how could they see you? You know, their family is in the north and has been bullied by the barbarians. No. How did you survive so many years with the help of the divine sect? Liu Jinu, it was you who put your brother in a dilemma now, do you understand?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "I will ask them clearly what they think. Let's not talk about it for now. Lu Xun, you go on and on, can you win people's hearts by giving small favors? You just want to take this opportunity to seize power. It’s just self-reliance, do you think I can’t see it?”

This chapter has been completed!
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