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Chapter 4643 Hidden dangers under the victory

Tan Zhi laughed: "Yes, probably these big demons of the Tiandao Alliance, even if they have exhausted all their mechanisms, would not have thought that Brother Jinu could emerge from nowhere and truly break their conspiracy single-handedly.

Find out all these evil evil ways that are playing tricks and causing harm to the world. Now, even conflicts have arisen between the Tiandao Alliance and Tianshi Dao. It is impossible to continue to control Tianshi Dao. In this battle, we only need

By destroying Xu Daofu's elite, it will be possible to eliminate all these organizations that are causing chaos in the world and controlling all kinds of chaos."

Fu Hongzhi gritted his teeth: "Yes, the Tianshi Dao has also been shaken internally. Just like what you just said, maybe more than ten years ago, when they raised troops in Wudi, their followers were like Liu Yong

Such a person will charge into battle without hesitation, and will not frown even if it means going through mountains and seas of fire, and will even regard death in battle as martyrdom as the highest honor. But now?"

Tan Zhi nodded: "Yes, Liu Yong, a senior disciple of Tianshi Dao, has also been shaken. Over the past ten years, he has seen clearly that Tianshi Dao's benevolence, mutual assistance, and ambition are nothing more than careerists.

It was just a method they used to incite the people when they seized power. The so-called ideal of creating a peaceful world has long been shattered. Originally, he thought that although he could not turn back and continue to be a commoner in Wudi, after arriving in Guangzhou, he could finally settle down and marry a wife.

A baby was born."

"But even this ideal and wish was completely shattered by Lu Xun and Xu Daofu's rebellion for their personal ambitions. If it weren't for his family's drag, I'm afraid Liu Yong would have fled Guangzhou and left Tianshi long ago.

That’s right. The fighting spirit and fanaticism have long since disappeared from his eyes. I believe he is not the only one in this situation. I’m afraid the more years of veteran thieves there are, the more likely they will have such thoughts.”

Fu Hongzhi sighed: "Although there are people like Liu Yong, most people will still be like Liu Dazhu who committed suicide. They know that their sins are serious and they can't turn back, so they can only fight to the end, just like Liu Dazhu, who committed suicide

At that time, he was very decisive."

Tan Zhi smiled slightly: "This is the reason why I have to recruit Liu Yong before the battle. To be honest, as the commander-in-chief of the former army, I don't have the power to pardon his crimes, but I have to do so. This is my need to act cheaply."

, The reason why Liu Dazhu committed suicide was not because of how determined he was, but because of fear. He was afraid that after surrendering, we would still not let him go and would kill him, and his family in Guangzhou would also be punished by the Heavenly Master.

The demon thieves were put to death, just like Liu Yong, who initially wanted to commit suicide but only wanted to save the young men under his command."

"I just want to use Liu Yong's example to tell all the middle and lower-level officers like him among the monster thieves that our Dajin can forgive the sins committed by these people in the past, as long as they are willing to lay down their weapons in this battle.

If they defect and surrender like Liu Yong, not only will we not kill him, but we will also protect them and allow them to be rewarded for their meritorious service. Only in this way can we eliminate their worries and allow these senior officers of the demon thief to survive when the situation is unfavorable.

When the situation arises, instead of stubbornly resisting to the end, you can abandon the battle and surrender on the battlefield."

Fu Hongzhi suddenly realized: "Ah, it turns out that these old thieves are mostly officers commanding dozens to hundreds of people. If they are willing to surrender, they will surrender with a bunch of their men. The combat effectiveness of the army

The level of organization and organization all come from these middle- and lower-level officers, from captains to brigade commanders, building leaders, captains, and other officers. As long as they are willing to surrender, most of their subordinates will obediently obey."

Tan Zhi nodded: "Yes, the reason why the demon thieves are fierce is that these middle and lower-level officers are also held according to the high and low positions within the church. During the war, these officers can charge forward and rely on their extraordinary strength.

Martial arts leads the way and inspires the courage of the men. This is similar to our Beifu Army. Therefore, if we generals can fight at the front, the soldiers can follow. Otherwise, if we also retreat behind,

How to get everyone to work hard?"

Fu Hongzhi smiled and said: "Brother A Zhi, what you said is so good. Now, I will do as you said, lead the charge and charge into the battle. I see that the sergeants are almost advancing to the front line of rocks.

Although it is not convenient for my chariot to run and attack on such terrain, it can go around from the side and cut off the retreat of the demon thieves. Also, behind this rock field, we still have hundreds of archer brothers.

, they are fighting hard with the swordsmen of the Demon Thieves Association, I have to save them."

Tan Zhi frowned, glanced around, jumped off the horse, and boarded Fu Hongzhi's chariot directly. Fu Hongzhi understood the idea and said to the left and right: "You get off the car first and be on guard. General Tan and I have important matters."

talk over."

As he spoke, he sat down in the driver's seat, pulled the reins of the horse, and drove the chariot to an open space in front. There was no sergeant following him within thirty steps. The howling wind was enough to scare the two of them.

The conversation is unknown.

Tan Zhi curled his lips and said: "To be honest, the chariot attack this time was a bit early. I originally wanted the enemy's entire front army to press forward and attack here, and then send out the chariot troops in one fell swoop.

They were completely overwhelmed."

Fu Hongzhi frowned: "Do you mean to sacrifice all the attacking troops?"

Tan Zhi sighed: "I didn't think so originally, but the demon thieves' Kongming Lantern raid directly cut off our retreat, which disrupted our plan. I originally thought they could dispatch five or six thousand troops to attack from the side.

Outflank and then intercept our army's rear, but this Lin Hu only has 2,000 people, and he took the initiative to attack our shield formation. At this time, I can't help but attack."

Fu Hongzhi nodded: "Indeed, our plan at the beginning was to overwhelm the demon thieves' front army and reinforcements and repel our attacking troops. Although the Dongman soldiers fought bravely, they encountered a strong enemy counterattack.

, if the durability is not good enough, it will really retreat, and when the enemy forces cover up and follow up, it is the best opportunity for our tanks to counterattack, but now, this plan cannot be realized, and you are still worried about the main force of the enemy's front army.

Where are you going?"

Tan Zhi nodded: "Yes, Zhang Linhu crossed over, but Li Nanfeng didn't know what was going on. We only killed Zhang Linhu. Even if we rescue Asiba and the others, we are still facing a crisis. Now the strength of our front army

Everything has been exposed, and the enemy's front troops are still full of strength. In addition, they already have the advantage of having more troops than us. Although we have eliminated six to seven thousand demon thieves, the results are still not ideal."

This chapter has been completed!
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