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Chapter 4695 The swordsman enters the battle and the tiger devours the wolf

Fellow Daoist Sangkun had a determined look on his face, nodded vigorously and said: "As long as the Jin army's formation is disrupted, I will immediately lead my brothers to attack in person to open and expand this breakthrough. This was what Senior Brother Li gave us just now.

If you don't obey the military order, not only will you have to settle accounts with us, but even Senior Brother Li won't be able to let us go. Senior Brother He, please hurry up, the formation gate will be closed if you're too late."

He Tianping nodded and looked at some Daoist brothers: "The enemy generals are all in this formation, and the enemy's main force will inevitably gather here. As long as this square formation is broken, the other square formations will not be there."

By the way, Junior Brother Daniu, you have always been brave and upright, so I leave this place to you."

Daoist brother Da Niu quickly saluted and said: "I have a good team here, and I will follow up immediately. But now I have to change to melee swordsmen, which requires formation rotation. It will take some time. I..."

He Tianping didn't wait for him to finish, and said solemnly to the last twenty swordsmen around him: "What are you still waiting for? Come with me!"

He suddenly pulled out the gleaming sword, put it to the tip of his tongue and licked it. The residual fishy smell in the blood groove on the sword made his face look ferocious, like a giant blood-devouring wolf.

Turning around, he rushed forward at an incredibly fast speed. About thirty steps ahead, there were densely packed Tianshi Dao sergeants. Now they were crowded together, and they didn't know whether they were going forward or backward.

, the captains of each team and their senior brothers were shouting and blowing whistles desperately, but amidst the passionate drums and shouts of killing, the effect was minimal. Daniu Dao and the others were indeed right. They had to reorganize their teams to attack.

It takes time.

He Tianping didn't talk too much with these people. He rose into the air like a big bird. His feet stepped on the shoulders and heads of these sergeants one after another, just like gliding waves, stepping on them.

When the sergeants under his feet screamed in pain, the man had already taken advantage of the force to fly up until a few steps ago. By stepping on people and flying in the air, He Tianping's figure quickly crossed these thirty steps or so.

The distance jumped to the gap in the Jin army's shield array that was about ten steps away.

And behind him, his companions also followed the same example, stepping on people and jumping all the way. Under their feet were corpses scattered everywhere. Those were the sergeants on the front lines of both sides who fell on the ground in the previous battle.

Underground, a corpse belt was formed. A wounded soldier of the Jin army, covered in blood, was still groaning at He Tianping's feet. His eyes had been blinded, and blood was flowing from the two blood-red eye holes.

His hands were groping around in the air, and they touched He Tianping's leg. As if he had found a savior, he shouted: "Help me, help me."

A hint of killing intent flashed in He Tianping's eyes. He didn't even look at the wounded soldier on the ground. When he landed just now, he had already seen the surrounding situation from the air, and then he found a place to stay where there were almost no weapons around.

After all, no matter how good your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of sneak attacks, especially when you land on the ground. Who knows if a guy like Voldemort will suddenly appear and remove your legs with one sword after another.

And this blind wounded soldier was the best place to stay, because he didn't even have a sword in his hand, and his hands were empty. He had been waving for help. He Tianping landed here and stood in an open space next to him.

These two feet of open space are almost the only free space on the front of this square formation that is more than a hundred steps wide, and this is a safe zone.

He Tianping swung the long sword in his hand casually, as if shaking his sleeves, and in this swipe, the sword edge scratched the back of the wounded soldier's neck, and his head was like a torment.

Like a cut watermelon, it immediately fell to the ground, rolled twice, and was submerged among the surrounding corpses.

The blood-colored smoke and dust on the opposite side slowly dispersed. The Jin soldiers who had fallen to the ground struggled to get up from the ground, trying to straighten their helmets and try hard to fill the gap. However, they were surprised to find something unknown in front of them.

At that time, there were more than twenty Tianshi Dao swordsmen covered in blood and with murderous intent on their faces. Next to the leader, there was a headless corpse with blood still flowing from the neck of the corpse.

The blood surged out of his mouth, while two bloody hands were weakly grasping the swordsman's legs and feet.

A halberdier who had fought just now recognized He Tianping and exclaimed: "This is He Tianping, the leader of the demon thieves and the swordsman commander. Hurry, close the gap."

As he spoke, he picked up the big halberd he had dropped on the ground and rushed forward, trying to block the gap and stop the impact of these swordsmen of the general altar.

He Tianping laughed and nodded: "I am He Tianping. On Huangquan Road, in front of the Lord of Hell, remember to state my name!"

He waved his hand violently, and a flying knife flew out from his cuff, like a stream of cold light, hitting the throat of the advancing halberdier. The distance was too close, and the halberdier was wearing heavy armor.

He didn't even have time to dodge, but a handleless flying knife suddenly appeared at the Adam's apple that was not protected by armor. The halberd in his hand suddenly fell to the ground and hit the foot of a warrior who was also running next to him.

The man screamed in pain and bent over, while the halberdier in front of him rolled his eyes white, a bright red flower appeared on his Adam's apple, waved his hand feebly in the air, and fell down.

The two warriors at the front were knocked down with just one strike. The speed of the other warriors rushing forward was inevitably affected. Behind He Tianping, the other swordsmen of the general altar also joined hands.

Swinging, a storm of flying knives and hand halberds flew in the air, almost all of them hit the faces, eyes, foreheads, and throats of these Jin army halberd warriors, which were unprotected and fatal places.

More than a dozen Jin soldiers fell down screaming, and almost the same number of their companions tripped over. The Jin soldiers who had just stood up and wanted to fill the gap in the phalanx suddenly fell to the ground, and this gap

, there is no way to block it.

He Tianping jumped up, raised and lowered a few times on the ground, and rushed into the opening about ten paces wide. Two big halberds came from both sides of his body. They were the two halberd warriors of the Jin army on the left and right. They were anxious.

At this moment, he didn't care about facing the enemy head-on, and rushed towards the gap, one to the left and one to the right, to attack He Tianping who had just rushed into the formation!

He Tianping laughed: "Well done!" As soon as he dwarfed his body, he immediately changed from rushing forward to rolling on the spot. Two halberds whizzed past his back with the sound of fierce wind.

, and pierced into the belly of the Jin Army Halberdier on the opposite side at the same time! ()

This chapter has been completed!
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