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Chapter 4842: Dao rules reveal the intentions of demons and thieves

Chapter 4863 Taoist rules reveal the evil spirit’s intentions

With this successful assassination, the formation of Yin Qianze's cavalry, which was still advancing, also opened a hole on the right wing. The other tactical team left on the right wing was suddenly isolated and helpless.

, they immediately began to rush from the spearmen in the middle to the side of the sword and shield bearers, holding the spears in their hands and stabbing blindly at the surrounding ground, as if there would be Tianshi Dao killers like just now nearby at any time.

It can burst out suddenly and give them a fatal blow.

The two teams in the center and rearguard also quickly shrank towards the center. The front that originally expanded to about two hundred steps suddenly shrank by as much as fifty steps, and the distance between the sergeants also became wider and wider.


But at this moment, the sergeants of Tianshi Dao were uncharacteristically uncharacteristic. They did not rush in from the right wing where a hole had been torn. Instead, more than a hundred black figures jumped up and killed these Jin soldiers from the front.

Coming in, after a short and intensive attack with flying knives and hand axes, more than ten tall warriors wearing double-layered leather armor, holding sledgehammers and iron rods, struck hard and smashed open the front.

The shields in the hands of the two shield guards facing each other in the circular formation, then, the swordsmen rushed in and slashed at the archers and spearmen who had not had time to counterattack. Of course, at the same time, they also attacked

The sword and shield players with their backs turned towards them stabbed, and the entire attack process was just one word - "quick"!

Almost in the blink of an eye, within a few minutes, the two or three small circular formations in the front were breached. Almost all the Jin army sergeants inside were killed, while in the rear, Yin Qianze was biting.

Holding his teeth, he commanded the remaining archers in the nearby circular formations and kept firing arrows at the Tianshi Dao sergeants who launched the attack. In this kind of melee between the two sides, the enemy could not continue.

Those who used the art of turning and moving, at this time, seven or eight killer assassins of Tianshi Dao were hit by arrows and fell to the ground. If they were shot at this distance, they would basically be fatal injuries that would break the intestines.

However, even such an attack did not prevent the Tianshi Dao swordsmen from further counterattack. After killing the three scattered teams as quickly as possible, the other Tianshi Dao swordsmen started to attack one after another.

Killing the remaining Jin army squads, the swordsmen in heavy armor took the lead, using their bodies to run and fly as fast as they could, hitting the shields.

The following sergeants holding long weapons followed up and stabbed when the shields were knocked around and small gaps appeared. The following swordsmen even picked up some stones that could be seen everywhere on the ground.

He threw them into the shield and smashed them against the archers. Although this was only a squad-level fight involving dozens of people, it was still very intense and involved various tactics.

Yin Qianze himself had already picked up a long spear and put it in front of his central squad. This squad was composed of all his personal bodyguards, and their combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of other squads. With Yin Qianze taking the lead, one step at a time

The spear danced so well that water couldn't get into it, and kept stabbing from behind the shield, blocking the enemy's attacks again and again. Not only did he block the attacks for himself, but he also helped the swordsmen and shieldmen in front to deflect them again and again.

enemy attack on them.

After a few rounds, Yin Qianze personally stabbed down four or five Tianshi Dao swordsmen who were rushing in front. At the same time, he also directed himself and the remaining sergeants to retreat while fighting, because he knew very well that in the future,

With the strength of the remaining troops on our side, it is impossible to defeat or even destroy these demon thief armies. The only thing we can do is to hold back the opponent, especially the demon thief commander Xu Daofu!

However, fifty steps away within sight, that tall and mighty figure, that incarnation of evil and power, Xu Daofu, stood with a big sword and a cold smile on his face.

, standing behind the battle line, with one foot stepping on the body of a Jin Army cavalry captain who died in the battle, watching the battle here with interest, seeming to be admiring how his men acted.

Can completely annihilate this Jin army.

Yin Qianze gritted his teeth. He wanted to rush over and avenge his brothers, but reason told him that as long as he left this shield formation for even one step, there would be no return. He would be the same as the corpse at Xu Daofu's feet.

What remains is the ending of being humiliated after fighting to death.

Liu Daogui was standing more than a mile away, looking at the battle ahead. He nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed Xu Daofu. However, he was still just in the process of escaping, and he chose a place that was beneficial to the situation.

The purpose of his ambush on the battlefield is not to really eliminate our troops, Ivory Tusk, I'm afraid you have been fooled by him."

Lu Gui's expression changed: "Zheng Xi, are you saying that Xu Daofu is not that strong or powerful? Are you deliberately trying to scare us so that we don't dare to attack?"

Luo Longsheng shook his head and said: "Xu Daofu didn't know about our military discussion. How could he have thought that we would only send Yin Qianze's troops to attack? If we had come together at that time, how would he have resisted?"

When he said this, something suddenly occurred to him and he shut his mouth. Yes, isn't this the situation now? The Jin cavalry was divided into three groups, and one group went up to pursue them. Then, they were ambushed and nearly annihilated the entire army.

The other two groups of troops were too frightened to attack any more. Didn't this just frighten the enemy?

Liu Daogui nodded and said in a deep voice: "You two must have noticed that while you were hesitating and fearing the enemy's follow-up ambush, the enemy has already succeeded. They only have four or five hundred people.

In order to lure the enemy, one or two hundred people went into the river. Dozens of people were lost in the previous battle. Xu Daofu could not have predicted that there would be an ambush here. At the beginning, he just wanted to use the terrain to repel your attack as much as possible.

, however, when only one cavalry goes up, the disadvantage of his insufficient strength is hidden, as is the case now."

Lu Gui gritted his teeth: "Zheng Xi is right. We are indeed a little careless and timid, but what should we do now? Should we attack immediately and charge directly into the enemy's position?"

Liu Daogui curled his lips and said: "The frontal battle area of ​​​​this rocky beach is too narrow now. If more than a thousand soldiers rush over together, it will be difficult to start. This is why Xu Daofu still dares to stay here. He just wants to

By annihilating General Yin’s troops, they will deter you from marching, so that they can continue to march along the land with great arrogance, and even..."


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