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Chapter 494: The slave breaks the formation like a tiger and a wolf

Wang Yong was shouting loudly, asking the two crossbowmen beside him who were still hesitating to move forward, but a ray of light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and his expression changed. Just as he was about to wave his bow to block, his hand just

He lifted it halfway, but he only felt something hit him hard on his throat, followed by a cold feeling on the back of his neck, and then there was no feeling at all under his throat. He followed Wang Xiang who had just rushed out.

He was so frightened that he lost two of his three souls and shouted loudly: "General, the general has been hit by an arrow!"

Wang Yong's mind was spinning rapidly. His many years of battlefield experience made him try hard to remember what to do and what to say at this time. He wanted to imitate Liu Bang, lowering his head, then raising his head, and laughed: "

The thief shot my toes!" This was used to cover up the fact that he was hit by an arrow in the chest. However, he tried very hard to lower his head, but he could not move even half a step. He even felt that his head

, there were signs of strong separation from the neck. The vision in front of me gradually became dim and blurred.

At about the moment when a person dies, all senses, or the legendary sixth sense, will become particularly strong. Wang Yong even heard the sound of the second wave of crossbows firing. When his mind

The question has not yet been resolved: How did this wave of Jin army's crossbows shoot so fast? Didn't they need to be reloaded?

This time, from the center of his eyebrows, a light iron arrow shot directly between Wang Yong's eyes like breaking an egg shell. He could even see his brain flying in the air, mixed in the last moment.

With the blood spurting out of his throat, it fell to the ground in front of him, and he couldn't even feel the pain.

Wang Yong felt that the world was spinning, and his body seemed to have fallen off his horse. Wang Xiang on one side was already turning his horse's head, preparing to run away. He wanted to yell: "Come back, you coward! No!"

Escape, come back and continue fighting!"

But Wang Yong couldn't shout a word. He felt like he was something light and airy, trying his best to rise. He could even see that there were many equally light and shining things around him, falling down.

The soldiers of the Qin army who were lying on the ground soared into the air, getting higher and higher and further and further away. Another sound of crossbows penetrated the earth, and a light iron arrow suddenly penetrated the back of Wang Xiang's head.

, from the leather helmet to the skull, it was immediately smashed to pieces. The white brains were mixed with the red blood and scattered all over the floor. But he didn't even have time to scream before he fell down from the horse.

A light luminous body rose directly from his body. At this moment, Wang Yong finally realized: His grandma, I am finished like this!

Three rounds of crossbow arrows flew past, and nearly a thousand corpses fell down in front and behind the big shield. At such a close distance, the five-stone powerful three-company infantry crossbow, coupled with the penetrating power of the light feather iron arrows,

It's terrible. Take the two arrows Liu Yu shot to kill Wang Yong as an example. After passing through the throat and head, the arrow force was not used up and hit the two soldiers who were fleeing behind. It penetrated directly through the back and chest, nailing

On the ground.

As for those Wang Yong Buqu who rushed out at the beginning, their death conditions were even more tragic. Almost all of them were shot through the chest and abdomen from the front. The crossbow arrows spinning rapidly in the air hit the human body at a distance of about twenty steps, directly killing them.

The leather armor on the chest, as well as the skin, flesh and bones inside, were torn to pieces, and their stomachs were disemboweled. Their hearts, livers, and intestines were spilled all over the floor. Even some unlucky brothers were hit by two or three crossbows at the same time, and their whole bodies were completely beaten.

It was split into two pieces, with the legs at the bottom still running, but the body at the top was knocked backwards for six or seven steps, until it knocked down the big shield behind and fell to the ground.

Three arrows were fired in succession, and it only took a little more than a second. The sophisticated equipment of the Jin army allowed the crossbow arm to rotate with each strike. With one blow, the torque was just enough to turn the next crossbow arm with a new crossbow arrow and pull the string.

At the same time, it is also the source of power to twist the arm, so it is possible to fire three arrows in succession so fast. Although there are only more than 200 people, there are more than 700 arrows under the three arrows. Because the distance is too close, it is aimed at the dense crowd of the opponent.

The concentrated shooting, like modern machine gun fire, immediately claimed the lives of nearly a thousand Qin soldiers. From Wang Yong on down, corpses were lying on top of each other, and the corpses were strewn across the field. The strong smell of blood immediately filled the entire Luo River.

West Coast!

Liu Yu threw away the infantry crossbow of the Third Company in his hand and took out the broadsword on his back. In front of him, enemy corpses were strewn across the field, and the living people were in disarray. They scrambled to flee backwards, and even just lined up behind the fence.

The formation, the cavalry who were preparing for a counter-attack, were all rushed by the infantry of the front army, shouting and neighing, and they became a mess. The Qin army's formation, which was motionless just now and was full of murderous crossbows, was now under such crossbows.

The soldiers attacked and almost all collapsed.

There were three thousand people in the Qin army's front army, and more than a thousand of them alive were running wildly. In the rear camp, tens of thousands of infantrymen emerged from various tents, and they were already in chaos.

The queues, various commands and roars in Di language floated back and forth on the battlefield with a radius of more than ten miles, and they were so chaotic. No one expected that the Battle of Luojian would be such a spectacle.

What seemed like a disparity and an impossible victory turned out to be the collapse of the Qin army under Liu Yu's command.

Liu Yi and others were running wildly, firing arrows constantly as they ran. This was the happiest thing on the battlefield, chasing down the fleeing enemies and driving the enemy's front troops to disperse the rear troops.

Fang's soldiers only need to let go and collect their heads.

Liu Yi ran past Liu Yu, turned to Liu Yu and smiled: "Jinu, you are really amazing. With more than two hundred people, you defeated the three thousand crossbowmen of the enemy's front army. This time

In this battle, you should be credited with the first victory!"

Liu Yu shook his head expressionlessly: "In this battle, I do not seek personal merit, I only seek to defeat the Qin army and eliminate this powerful enemy. What we have to do now is to continue to form formations to force the enemy to prevent them from regrouping."


Liu Yi frowned, looked at the heavy armor on his body, and said solemnly: "We wear too much, and if we form a formation to press against the enemy, we won't be able to kill many enemy troops."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, pointed back, and saw countless disciples of Tianshi Dao in the mist, coming out from behind like ghosts, running like foxes and rabbits, each holding a white blade, leaping more than ten feet away,

With only a few ups and downs, they passed the formation of Liu Yu and others. Without even saying hello, they rushed directly into the shield formation. The sound of screams and blood splashing kept coming from the front, and

Broken limbs and broken bodies were flying in the air in disorder. Such a fierce and rapid killing method made even the Beifu soldiers who were like steel warriors slightly change their expressions when they saw it.

This chapter has been completed!
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