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Chapter 4942: Allied fleet seeks help in danger

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, I did come with an army. Guess which army it is and who is the leading general?"

Liu Daogui closed his eyes and murmured: "You can't break through the river in this situation and come to Jingzhou from the waterway or the south bank of the river. The only way is to pass through the northwest of Yuzhou and the Tongbai Mountain area to Jiangxia County.

It's difficult to walk all the way. With the speed you are going here, you won't be advancing with infantry, but you will be coming with a pure cavalry force. Jiankang City should not have such an organized cavalry regiment, if my predictions are correct.

, you should be the Xianbei armored cavalry unit that surrendered to my elder brother with Nanyan, or the tiger-spotted cavalry unit, right?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Taogui, it seems that your mind is still very clear. Even if you have been lying in bed and comatose for so long, you still have a calm analysis. Yes, as you said, the battle of Jiankang will be fought.

After finishing, we were eager to come to Jingzhou. Although due to the isolation of roads and information blockade, even homing pigeons and flying eagles could not pass, Jinnu still organized the cavalry with the armored cavalry as the main body as quickly as possible.

There are more than 1,500 troops, one man and two horses, led by Suo Miao, plus some veterans from Meng Huaiyu's unit who are familiar with Tongbai Mountain in western Henan Province as guides, to open a passage to you."

Liu Daogui said calmly: "You don't know the situation in Jingzhou, so aren't you afraid that the whole place will fall? Tongbai Mountain is not easy to escape. If Jingzhou falls, and Tongbai Mountain is completely controlled by demon thieves, and there are ambushes, then you

If we don’t have an army, I’m afraid the whole army will be wiped out.”

Liu Muzhi nodded: "There is such a risk, but compared with rescuing Jingzhou, this risk is still worth taking. Moreover, we are not rushing in with light troops, but scouts in front, with reconnaissance cavalry everywhere, while marching,

While searching for information everywhere in Tongbai Mountain, we found out the situation nearby. On the third day in the mountain, through contact with more than a dozen nearby tribes and cottages, we were very sure that the demon thieves did not control Tongbai Mountain, which at least meant that

This passage can be walked through."

Liu Daogui murmured: "In Tongbai Mountain, there are many Shanyue barbarians from the late Han Dynasty, as well as the Qiang Di tribe who later moved here. They are very complex. Those who rashly enter the mountains will escape death. I heard that even Liu Yi was in the army."

After the defeat, we used the Tongbai Mountain passage to cross into Yuzhou, and we lost most of our subordinates and almost lost our lives. It is really not easy for you to pass."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Xile also helped with this matter. He was able to pass through the Tongbai Mountain passage at that time because he was the governor of Yuzhou and made friends with some local tribes and barbarians when he was a general.

, gave them some benefits, so some tribes did not take the opportunity to hunt them down, and also gave them some supplies, weapons, and medicine to help them move forward. This time when we entered the country, there were also some guides in the army who had participated in the Tongbai crossing.

We have contacted some reliable tribes so that we can understand the surrounding situation. If we only rely on ourselves, I am afraid it will be difficult to cross over, at least, not so quickly."

Liu Daogui slowly opened his eyes, looked at Liu Muzhi's face, and murmured: "You seem to have lost a lot of weight, fat man. I haven't seen you in the past two years, and you have actually succeeded in losing weight."

Liu Muzhi said angrily: "How long has it been since you forgot to entertain me? It's not your good brother's fault that I'm so thin. He has to do this and that, so I don't even have time to sleep.

No amount of braised pork can make up for this. This time in your place, if there is anything delicious in Jiangling, you are not allowed to hide it."

Liu Daogui wanted to laugh, but the muscles on his face were very stiff, and it was difficult to even move. He could only shake his head and said: "Okay, fat man, you passed through Tongbai Mountain safely this time. Follow up

Will there be any troops to follow up? What is the big brother's action now?"

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "Now Ji Nu is a great naval force. He is building ships and preparing to march on both land and water. He will directly pursue Lu Xun. The demon thief Jiankang was defeated miserably, but the main force is still there. However, this attack on Jingzhou failed. Xu Dao

The main force of the overthrow army has been lost, which is a major event that shakes the morale of the army. There is one thing you may not know yet, and that is the Goguryeo fleet, which also helped us a lot this time, so the current Jin Dynasty does not

It’s not that we don’t have navy, it’s not that we don’t have the ability to attack.”

Liu Daogui frowned: "Goguryeo's fleet? Where did this come from?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "When we conquered Guanggu and wiped out Nanyan, a princess from Goguryeo came to form an alliance with us. She probably saw our strength and wanted to cooperate with us. The condition is that we send troops to attack

Destroy Baekje.”

Liu Daogui nodded: "I have heard about this matter, but it is said that there is no further explanation. It is impossible for us to help them send troops to expedition to Baekje in the current situation, not to mention that Baekje is not our enemy. Cooperation with Goguryeo,

Doesn’t it stop here?”

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "No, the princess of Goguryeo is still willing to cooperate with us. Although she does not want to attack Baekje, she does have trade relations with us. At that time, the monsters and thieves were coming. Our army wanted to return to Jiankang urgently, but

An epidemic broke out, so we secretly cooperated with Goguryeo and asked their warships to escort our transport fleet to ensure that our troops could safely return to Kuaiji and disembark."

Liu Daoguan breathed a sigh of relief: "I see, how could the army in Nanyan return to Jiankang? It is said that the river is blocked by monsters and thieves. Could it be that they flew over? It turns out that there are huge warships

Fleet escort, but you are very risky. If Goguryeo rebels or betrays, or even cooperates with the demon thieves privately, these tens of thousands of troops will be just like feeding fish on the sea."

Liu Muzhi looked solemn: "Yes, it was indeed very risky at that time. We didn't know anything about Goguryeo, but they sought an alliance after we destroyed Nanyan. They must have realized our strong strength and would not betray easily.

The demon thieves are thousands of miles away from Goguryeo, so it is unlikely that they will collude, so we finally chose this path. After all, if Nan Yan's army cannot come back in time to rescue Jiankang, it will not be a big deal compared to feeding all the fish at sea.

The difference is that your eldest brother finally made the final decision and cooperated with Goguryeo."

At this point, Liu Muzhi laughed and looked at Liu Daogui: "Didn't you Daogui do this kind of thing of seeking wealth and wealth in danger and taking great risks alone? Didn't you Daogui do it a few times? Open the city gates and let Jiangling, who collaborates with the enemy,

The nobles came and went, and they entered Lu Zongzhi's camp alone in order to form an alliance. The risks of these things were no less than cooperating with Goguryeo." ()

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