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Chapter 4959: Changshi Incompetent Autonomous Prefecture

Liu Daogui frowned and said: "You mean, after the war, the positions of governors of various states and commanders of large corps will become the focus of a new round of competition, right? It's not just Jingzhou here, but also other states.


Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, Jiangzhou, Yuzhou, including Qingzhou, may have relatively large personnel changes. In Jingzhou, if you are not qualified and need to leave temporarily, then who do you think?

Is it more appropriate to take over?"

Liu Daogui sighed softly: "Actually, the chief governor of each state often also serves as the commander-in-chief of the local military officers. It was the time of Jianyi, headed by the three giants, plus the qualifications of me and Brother Ashou.

The old general became the commander-in-chief of the five major armies, and he also divided the four major states of Yangzhou, Yuzhou, Jiangzhou, and Jingzhou. He originally wanted to capture Yizhou and seize the land of Shu for Brother Ashou. As a result, after the war, the Qin Dynasty

Intervening to save Qiaoshu, Ashou Ge only led troops in Guangling and Jiankang, without having any field presence. It was not until after the Nanyan was conquered that he took up the post of governor of Qingzhou."

"Of course, when we serve as these governors, we usually just manage the army ourselves and let the children of aristocratic families or nobles do the administration. Just like in Jingzhou, the long history of Wang Zhenzhi is often responsible for government affairs and people's livelihood, and brother Ashou

When you are in Jingzhou, I will trouble you, Fat Changshi, to be aggrieved and become the Qingzhou Changshi with the dignity of prime minister."

"As for Brother Xile and Brother Wuji, they also have children from aristocratic families who hold administrative positions and manage state and county affairs for them. Only Brother Xile is special. In this regard, he leaves many of these matters to Liu Tingyun.

Behind the scenes, Yuzhou was quickly captured by the rebels after Liu Tingyun's rebellion, and the weapons, food and grass that Brother Xile had accumulated over the years also disappeared."

Speaking of this, Liu Daogui said seriously: "Now Brother Wuji has died in the battle, and the governor of Jiangzhou Wang Hong, Zhang Yu and others have escaped or even surrendered to the demon thieves. Liu Tingyun has rebelled, and although Wang Zhenzhi is our chief historian of Jingzhou, other

In this war, many shortcomings were exposed in terms of ability. Normally, it is okay to be a Taiping Changshi, but when encountering such a crisis, he cannot lead troops to attack, nor can he appease the civil affairs. For many affairs, he has to rely on Tan Daoji and He

Zhu Chaoshi and the others can handle it. If there is a subsequent replacement, I am afraid they will have to be replaced together. In addition, you will not be in Qingzhou for a long time. I am afraid you will have to return to the court after the war. From this point of view, the army commanders and governors of the major states, together with

These positions of Changshi should all be changed."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the commander-in-chief of the legion and the commander-in-chief are two civil and military positions that complement each other. Civilians manage the landowners, collect taxes, and maintain the operation of the state where the legion is located. The commander-in-chief has the duties of governor and commander-in-chief.

, use a strong legion to guard the place, accumulate strength, and once the world changes, launch the Northern Expedition."

"This time the demon thieves started a rebellion. Although they were once rampant and annexed half of the territory of the Jin Dynasty and marched to Jiankang City, no matter what, they have now shown their defeat. If nothing else, the demon thieves will continue to

This rebellion that has lasted for nearly twenty years will be completely put down by next year at most. The biggest pressure on our remaining domestic legions is the power of Jingzhou, Jiangzhou, and Yuzhou, which must be used to defend against demon thieves and Qiao Shu.

The burden of the people can be reduced by more than half. And the taxes of the people of the three states can be greatly reduced after the war to restore production."

Liu Daogui frowned: "Does that mean that the legions in the three states, and even the legions in Jiankang and Yangzhou, need to be disbanded and reduced on a large scale?"

Liu Muzhi curled up his lips: "My idea is that the legion should not be greatly reduced, but it should not be greatly expanded just because a lot of enemy troops were surrendered after defeating the demon thief. These people can identify their identities.

After that, we can encourage and even arrange for them to marry and start families with those women who lost their husbands, fathers and brothers in the war and have no one to rely on, and allocate the ownerless wasteland for farming, and reorganize the households into the people, because now

As far as I know, wherever the demon thieves went, they brutalized and harmed the people, and many villages had lost 70 to 80 households. They were either forcibly coerced or fled, and they need to be completely rebuilt after the war."

Liu Daogui nodded: "I understand what you mean. The people who were threatened by monsters and thieves, as well as the people who fled into the mountains, are to be allowed to reorganize their villages, and then to allow those newly recruited during the war who do not have enough military merit to be retained.

The officers and soldiers in the army were organized together with these new villagers. On the one hand, they became the village chiefs, Li Zheng, Qiu Kui and other officials of these villages. On the other hand, they could also take on management and supervision positions. These new villagers

Village taxes can be reduced or exempted according to imperial laws. The taxes levied by the states only need to meet the needs of the legions left behind after two or three years of war. They are about 70% less than the current taxes. Is this what you mean?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "It seems that you don't need me to tell you, you already know what to do. Dao rules, you have really made me unrecognizable in the past few years in Jingzhou. It turns out that I see you

I thought some official documents and political and legal regulations were made by Wang Zhenzhi for you, but I didn't expect that these seemed to be your own ideas."

Liu Daogui sighed: "Although Wang Zhenzhi is a son of an aristocratic family, he was also a loyal martyr during the Huan Chu rebellion, and most of his sons died for the country, but he really does not have much ability to handle actual government affairs. Your Lan Xiang official

The school is the place that truly trains and selects talents with practical government affairs capabilities for the country. We are so short of such people now. My level of handling political affairs has improved a bit in recent years. It is also because Wang Zhenzhi came to ask me for many things that he could not handle.

, so I have to do it myself, and I haven’t wasted a single day on the skills you gave me to govern the state and counties.”

Liu Muzhi laughed: "When I see your thoughts, I know that you have learned these things in your heart a long time ago. Alas, in fact, prime ministers must start from the state department, and strong generals must be promoted to the army. This is our ancestors

We all understood the truth in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Pre-Qin Dynasty, that is, since the Han Dynasty, we have increasingly relied on family status and family background to distribute power and appoint officials. We still need to work hard and try our best to turn things around."

Liu Daogui nodded: "Yes, according to this idea, after the war, most of the legions will need to be disbanded and reduced, and more than half of the soldiers will leave the army and return to their hometowns. However, most of my Jingzhou legions here have been with me for many years.

Many veterans have left Jingkou a long time ago and settled down here to marry. Do we want them to leave the army as well?" ()

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