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Chapter 4983: Powerful Landlords Hold Back

Yu Yue's whole body collapsed to the ground. All his excuses, unwillingness, and anger were completely shattered in front of Liu Muzhi's righteous and powerful words. There were some things that even his superiors could not understand.

He didn't know, but when Liu Muzhi showed these cruel facts in front of him in such a bloody way, he even felt like dying.

Liu Muzhi sighed softly, stood up, walked to Yu Yue, helped him up, took Yu Yue's hand, and said seriously: "Yugong, I don't want to explain these things to you directly like this.

Yes, you heads of aristocratic families and children of nobles are born with rich clothes and fine food. It is rare in your life to go to your own manors. Your assistants, managers, and even intelligence guards have already become this huge benefit.

Grasshoppers on the line, they deceive the superiors and conceal the inferiors, line their own pockets, and exploit the common people and bankers more cruelly than you can imagine. If you collect an extra bushel here, in their hands, you can collect three more

It’s not more than five buckets.”

"How many people can support such exploitation at all levels? Why did these demon thieves raise their arms during the Sun En Rebellion, and the entire Wu region responded, with hundreds of thousands of people rebelling? We paid such a heavy price.

We just drove them out of the land of Sanwu, but we have always turned a blind eye to the reasons for the emergence of demon thieves. Yu Gong, back then, your ancestors worked hard to start a business and struggled to preserve the Jin Dynasty that was almost destroyed, and to preserve our Chinese clothes. They

How would you feel if you saw today's scene?!"

Tears welled up in Yu Yue's eyes, and he kept nodding his head and said: "Brother Mu, I was wrong. After I go back, I will definitely find out who these bastards are, how to deal with them, how much land they occupy, and how much they invade."

I will definitely return the land to the court so that those farmers and tenants can be allocated the land and be able to support themselves!"

Tao Yuanming sneered and said: "Yu Gong, don't talk too much. As Brother Mu said, over the past hundred years, this has already formed an orderly hierarchy and clear division of labor. Even the Xie family can't do anything about it.

Eradication, what's the use of being excited by yourself? Believe it or not, if you really want to do this, then your position as the head of the Yu family must be replaced first. If you betray your entire family, how can you make a living?


Yu Yue suddenly shook his head helplessly like a frustrated ball. Liu Muzhi sat back on his seat, looked at Tao Yuanming, and said calmly: "Mr. Tao, why are you at this time?

Are you so calm that you are cruel? Now why don't you say something nice like asking for life for the people, all people in the world, and public conscience? Don't you think you are too hypocritical?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "This is not hypocritical at all, because this world is originally like this. It should be divided into hierarchies and each has its own destiny. The people at the bottom should rely on the powerful landlords to survive, and the powerful landlords are dependent on them.

From high-ranking families, the children of high-ranking families then hold power as officials in the court, formulating various laws and regulations to maintain order. This is the origin of the world and what it should be like."

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "It's again what you just said about the superiority of the gentry, and the other common people should be born as ants and be ants from generation to generation. You regard this as the way of heaven, but these ants in your eyes are not

If you think like this, once you have the opportunity, you will rise up and break the cannibalistic way of heaven."

Tao Yuanming laughed: "Then these ants who rose up will turn into new aristocratic families, new powerful landlords, and continue to enslave and rule the ants. The five elements change and the qi cycle reincarnates. There is no immortal dynasty in this world.

But this kind of orderly way of heaven will not change. The big mistake of you and Liu Yu is that you try to use your own efforts to reverse this way of heaven. This is doomed to fail. Just as you think

Thinking about the Northern Expedition, thinking about expelling the Huru, thinking about occupying more land to reward and distribute to these villagers and tenant farmers, the idea is very good, but what is the actual result?"

At this point, Tao Yuanming's eyes flashed coldly, and he stopped smiling: "Actually, the tax you imposed for the Northern Expedition, one bucket of grain turned into three buckets, five buckets, originally just gritted your teeth.

After surviving it, it became ruined and the land was sold into slavery. Don't blame those aristocratic families, stewards, and small landowners. They are indeed schistosomiasis on the same line, but so what? There is no such increase in grain taxes as you announced

According to the law, how can these schistosomiasis have any reason to further exploit the people and seize their land?"

"You are thinking of liberating the people in the north and regaining the Han empire, but before the Han empire is recovered, the Han bankers in the south will be worse off than dead. Is this the heaven on earth you want? You guys

In your eyes, I am a stubborn and conservative old guy who is stubborn and conservative, and I am against you in everything, but in fact, I am protecting you!"

"Wang Mang wanted to restore the old days, and wanted to seize the land from the powerful and give it to the people, so that they could bypass the powerful landlords and pay taxes directly to the state. The result was that ordinary people could not live even if they had land, and eventually it led to a civil unrest.

The world was in chaos, and Wang Mang went from being a saint in people's hearts to becoming a traitor for all eternity. Brother Mu, you are a smart man. Liu Yu couldn't understand the general trend, but you knew that you had learned from the past and didn't advise him. What on earth are you?

Are you helping him or harming him?"

Liu Muzhi looked straight into Tao Yuanming's aggressive eyes and said calmly: "Mr. Tao, whether it's a noble family or a powerful landowner, the nobles have been able to enslave and enslave the people for generations by relying on their monopoly of knowledge and culture.

The days of ruling a large number of common people are coming to an end. Before the Spring and Autumn Period, the era of the aristocratic world in the pre-Qin Dynasty is gone and will never return. Confucius began to spread education and knowledge to the people of the world, not just the aristocrats as before.

Possession, so Confucius is a saint because he began to give ordinary people the opportunity to learn culture. If it hadn't been for Confucius, I'm afraid your ancestors would not have been able to walk out of the mountains and become county officials. Even your ancestor Kan Gong

You will become an unknown wild man in the mountains for the rest of your life, let alone you, Mr. Tao."

The muscles on Tao Yuanming's face twitched and his eyes narrowed slightly, but he could not refute.

Liu Muzhi continued in a deep voice: "The fundamental of Shang Yang's reform was to eliminate the Qin clan and a series of old nobles separated from the clan, so that ordinary Qin people could join the army and return home after joining the army.

As village officials, they do not need to be highly educated, but as long as they know the laws and collect taxes on time, and as long as there are no strong local forces holding them back, the entire Qin State can still operate well." ()

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