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Chapter 4992 The Unwritten Rules of Heaven and Earth

Liu Muzhi put away his smile and said calmly: "Because Liu Yu's ideal is to realize the dream we had deep in our hearts when we were studying books and etiquette, that is, the paradise of kingly harmony in the world. This paradise,

It is not a real world where a few people oppress and enslave the majority, but a world where everyone is like a dragon, just like the world in your article Peach Blossom Spring. Yuan Ming, you wrote such an article yourself, in addition to wanting to secretly

Apart from ridiculing our so-called tyranny of conscription and taxation, don’t you have any real ideals of your own?”

Tao Yuanming's body trembled slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he murmured: "How could it not be the case? But as long as there are emperors and nobles in the world, they are destined to have people to rule people and people to manage people. There is no such thing as

The managed village and paradise can only appear in my fantasies and poems. Mu Zhi, when we study, we must have ideals and have the kingdom of heaven in our hearts, but we still have to be pragmatic in doing things."

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "A gentleman should examine himself three times every day in order to reflect on his own shortcomings, manage himself first, and then manage others well. The so-called governing the country, cultivating one's morality, ordering the family, and bringing peace to the world are what scholars of our generation should do.

But the Qi family and the peace of the world are not about enslaving and ruling others, nor are they about making others have no culture and ability and can only be controlled by themselves. So what is the difference between such people in the world and wild beasts?"

Tao Yuanming said coldly: "We can tame even wild beasts. In fact, the same is true for people. In this world, if there is no manpower to drive them to work, what about us scholars and nobles who do not work in farming?

What about survival? If we have to do heavy physical work like farmers every day, facing the loess with our backs to the sky, sweating dust and sweat, how can we become knowledgeable? If survival means enduring hardships like cattle and sheep, just for

If we can survive, then what is the meaning of living in this world as humans?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Because I want to live a relaxed and happy life and be better than others, I have to turn more people into animals to endure hardships and provide for myself. Slowly, people become better than others."

The days were no longer satisfying. I wanted to live a long life and live as long as heaven and earth. Xiu Xian asked, this is the source of the Tiandao Alliance."

Tao Yuanming smiled slightly: "This is something hidden deep in everyone's human nature. Even if there is no Tiandao League, this idea will still exist. Also, I have contacted too many people, and I know that deep in their hearts,

They still have desires and intentions. They don’t want to be like cows or horses, and they don’t want to suffer. They also want to get something for nothing and drive others. Once they are allowed to sit in the position of you and me, they will not

How can you and Liu Yu be so compassionate and save others from living a good life?"

"Just like the Jingba brothers, weren't most of them poor people before, or even farmers and tenants? Liu Yu tried his best to save them, to get them out of poverty and live a good life, and then

Just like yourself, help other poor brothers and create a peaceful world."

"But what's the result? I won't give examples of other people, but I will mention two. One is Liu Yu's own brother Liu Daolian, and the other is Wei Shunzhi. These two are the brothers Liu Yu has grown up with, and they also came from poor backgrounds.

, his abilities were average, but he also gained some credit following Liu Yu, and finally he was promoted to the governor of the state and the history of the county. It can be said that he changed his position and became a superior person. "

"But after they became high-ranking officials, did they benefit the people and save the poor? Mu Zhi, you know better than me. After these two guys came to power, they were greedy and greedy.

, they are trying their best to plunder local powerful people. After they became officials, the local people not only did not live a good life, but it was worse than before. Don't say that I am making up stories and fabricating facts. These are all true.

It’s true. So don’t think that poor people will be kind to other poor people after they turn over. In fact, most poor people will intensify their bullying of poor people who were just like them before.”

Liu Muzhi nodded: "You are right. There are many Jingba brothers who have forgotten their roots. This is why we need to further educate them and let them know the rules and regulations. But this is not their fault, it is because

They have been oppressed and enslaved for generations, just like cattle and horses. Therefore, once they gain power and become officials, they do not know how to use their power to get along with others. They are even more afraid of losing the wealth in their hands. The purpose of plundering it is to accumulate it for future generations.

Wealth prevents them from having to live a hard life like they did before when they cannot become officials in the future. This problem can only be solved through education. Only when the world is peaceful and our products can be richer, can everyone no longer be poor.

, no longer suffering or being tired.”

Tao Yuanming shook his head disdainfully: "How can you be more naive than me who wrote Peach Blossom Spring? This world is dominated by the jungle. From the Qin Dynasty to the present, there has not been much change. Even if there are no wars or disputes, that acre of real estate

Three stones of grain is something that cannot be changed. Without relying on a lot of manpower to farm, how can it be possible for people in the world to have food? Once there are more people in the world and less land, there will always be famine and people will have nothing to eat.

Like wild beasts, we will gather together to cause chaos, attack others, and rob food. This is our human instinct."

Having said this, Tao Yuanming breathed a long sigh of relief: "Even if you become an immortal, you must enjoy the incense of the human world, otherwise the magic power of the immortals will slowly weaken and dissipate. This is probably because the Tiandao Alliance always has to grow stronger.

After all, we need to mobilize all the manpower and material resources in the world to provide for them."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "We want the world's manpower and material resources to supply them, but we don't want to assume our obligations to the people of the world, we don't manage and care for the people, we don't teach farmers and mulberry trees, and they make the people of the world a better place.

Who is willing to offer incense?"

Tao Yuanming smiled and said: "Leave these so-called worldly matters to the kings, nobles, or religious leaders in the human world. In the human world, they can be prosperous, wealthy, well-clothed and well-fed, and enjoy the real power of life and death."

That kind of happiness, but it cannot last too long. Life is short. There will be new kings and rulers in the world, and the people who are enslaved and ruled by them will also change in waves. Dozens of springs and autumns, in the blink of an eye.

Yes, if you live too long, the king will have the desire to live forever, and the people will no longer be able to endure the suffering of this world. Once the order of the world is out of balance, the gods in the sky will not live a good life." ()

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