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Chapter 5028: Emperors live longer and become gods

Liu Daogui murmured to himself: "Do you mean that if we want to continue our great cause, we can only pass it on to our descendants? And passing it on to our descendants violates our principle that everyone is equal and has no privileges.

, in the end you can only give up your ideals and become the kind of person you hate the most?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Things are not so desperate. If we want to make everyone equal, it will take a long time for our descendants to accept all this calmly, give up the power of their parents, and start from scratch like ordinary people.

Changing customs, not to mention that loving one's own son is the nature of all humans and even animals. Even in this world, a person who holds power should not pass it on to his own children and grandchildren, but should benefit those who are not related to others.

It is also something that is difficult for people to accept. Without decades or hundreds of years of subtle influence, without having the power to force such education, I think we will not be able to achieve our goals."

"Instead of expecting future generations to inherit their own business, not to mention that they themselves will be resistant and disgusted with such a business, because this is tantamount to depriving them of their benefits and sharing them with others. Do you really think they will

Do you accept it? So I think the best way is for us to live as long as possible, carry out these ideals when we have power, and let more and more people accept and inherit them. Don’t talk about living.

Eighteen hundred years, maybe, like Murong Chui, who can live to be almost eighty and still be rejuvenated, that would be enough."

Liu Daogui said in a deep voice: "So, you hope to cooperate with the Tiandao Alliance so that your eldest brother can live for a few more decades and let him personally implement these laws?"

Liu Muzhi sighed: "I think you should be prepared with both hands. In order to hold the power, your eldest brother has changed some of his ideas. For example, he is likely to take the path of an emperor. He will first cooperate with the Black Hand Qiankun to gain the support of the aristocratic family.

, gave birth to many children, and then sat on the throne, I must tell you this."

There was not much surprise on Liu Daogui's face. These had been expected by him. He sighed softly, shook his head and said: "After the death of my sister-in-law, my eldest brother began to take in concubines and gave birth to several nephews."

, I knew he was going to take this path. I can understand his thinking, because only when you become an emperor and have supreme power, you will not have to compromise with the noble family in everything. Even, from letting the second brother and

He must have had this idea when I left Zhenjiangbei and Jingzhou respectively."

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "That's not true. At that time, he just wanted to let his closest and most trusted people control the core territory as much as possible, so that it would not fall into the hands of Xi Le and Wuji. It was just pity.

It's so disappointing. Fortunately, you were in Jingzhou, and the situation was stabilized. The battle of Nanyan lasted for more than a year, and Jinnu deeply felt the helplessness of being controlled by a big family in everything. Miaoyin said:

He has never been able to stand on behalf of the Jin Dynasty. When he had the opportunity to marry Miaoyin as his queen, he actually had some thoughts deep down in his heart. Although Murong Lan died, at least he was known to the world as your official sister-in-law, and Wang Miaoyin paid for your eldest brother.

What have you gained in your life?"

Liu Daogui curled up his lips: "My two sisters-in-law are really the most capable assistants in my life, and your fat brother. Without you, I can't imagine what my elder brother would be like. I owe you everything."

There are really too many, but when it comes to establishing a dynasty and establishing yourself as a king, you'd better think carefully about it. If your eldest brother really becomes the emperor himself, will anyone believe what he is preaching now?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "It is said that those who achieve great things do not stick to small details. What they do after holding power and the policies and laws they implement are what the people really value. If you become a king just for your own enjoyment, it will be more cruel exploitation.

The people will naturally lose their support. If becoming an emperor allows the people to live a good life and give their descendants more hope, then who would not want to? All of this is just to suppress the aristocratic families and noble families.

Make them have to obey orders instead of asking for them like before."

Liu Daogui frowned: "The Jin Dynasty has been dominated by aristocratic families for more than a hundred years. Even the emperor is just a puppet of the aristocratic families. After the eldest brother ascends the throne, he may not be able to make these high-ranking families obey orders."

Liu Muzhi said calmly: "The Sima emperors of the Eastern Jin Dynasty had no power because they had no army and were just in name. Once they wanted to seize power, they were often replaced or replaced. This will not happen to your elder brother.

, Therefore, before seizing power and ascending to the throne, you need to establish your momentum first. You cannot let people who will obviously oppose you, even your old comrades in arms, occupy large states and gain real power. This is why Jingzhou cannot fall into the hands of Liu Yi. It is also me.

The reason why we need to negotiate with Tao Yuanming and the others is to compromise."

Liu Daogui sighed: "I really understand your thoughts now. You want your eldest brother to ascend to the throne of God first and suppress the aristocratic family with imperial power. However, in this way, you will inevitably encounter resistance from the aristocratic family. They may not dare to do so when your eldest brother is alive.

Objection, but once the eldest brother dies, they will make a fuss about the eldest brother's heirs, kill the government, and regain power. Therefore, you would rather trade with the Tiandao Alliance in exchange for their secret method of immortality, so that eldest brother and us people can live.

It will take a long time for everyone in the world to accept this concept and it will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In this way, it will be impossible for the noble family to seize power after my eldest brother's death."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Dao Lu, you are still smart. You have thought through everything at once. If we have the power of an emperor, a long lifespan, and the achievement of unifying the world, then everyone in the world, including

All high-ranking families will regard your eldest brother as a god. If a god says it, it is a divine metaphor. You dare not disobey it. If you want to change the rules that have been running in this world for thousands or tens of thousands of years, you can only do it by canonizing a god.

, just like Confucius, he is a saint, so he can change the rules of the Spring and Autumn Period and Pre-Qin Dynasty in which only nobles received education and monopolized knowledge, and created the gentry, the group of gentry, by teaching disciples. And we

If you really want to spread this concept throughout the world, you have to be like Confucius and first become a god or a saint before you can do it."

Liu Daogui closed his eyes and murmured: "It's a pity that I was hit by an evil arrow and my life is not long. I can no longer accompany my brother. Fatty, just do what you want. I believe you will succeed."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Since I have told you my thoughts, how can I let you leave like this? There is someone who can let you live." (End of Chapter)

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