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Chapter 5087 Zhuangke joins the army to defeat the powerful

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "Yes, this is the reason why we cannot really control the situation in various places after the success of Jianyi. There are too few officers and soldiers loyal to the imperial court, especially the brothers of the Beifu Army. There are only more than ten thousand in a large state, and even

Thousands of people have to be stationed in big cities such as counties and various fortresses and ferries. It is difficult to form an advantage to suppress local gangsters for a while. The garrison of field troops can only play a role in pacifying the rebels and thieves in various places, or in other words, when there are big

It played a role in protecting the county when the bandits invaded, but it did not have the ability to suppress the counties and townships on a daily basis and let the emperor issue orders to each village."

Zhang Yu said seriously: "So the grassroots level of the Jin Dynasty, at least in places like Jiangzhou, Guangzhou, and Jingnan outside Yangzhou, is still in the hands of powerful people from all over the world. If they stand on the side of the imperial court, then political orders can be issued.

If they openly and secretly violate or even openly contradict, then these decrees will not be passed. When I was in Jin'an County, I also encountered local wealthy people who were dissatisfied with the king's rule, so they secretly ordered their subordinates to gather in the mountains and forests to attack those officials who served the court, and even

I want to connect the major families and attack the county together."

Tao Yuanming frowned: "So arrogant? Was this before the demon thief made trouble? Or did the demon thief deliberately send people to cause trouble?"

Zhang Yu sighed: "It has nothing to do with demon thieves. It's just two local big families who were dissatisfied with the imperial decree and wanted to levy some additional taxes for the Northern Expedition. So they incited a civil uprising and colluded with a group of thieves from other places to try to

Attacking a county and killing the county magistrate and other officials, it was finally put down thanks to the support of six or seven other wealthy families who sided with the imperial court and their family members helped. Less than a month after I reported this matter,

While we were still waiting for further orders from the court, the demon thieves came knocking on our door."

Zhu Chaoshi nodded: "Similar things have happened in Jiangzhou. I personally led the troops to pacify this kind of place. There were three or four cases where local tyrants disguised themselves as thieves and killed court officials and people. My biggest feeling was in pacifying these rebellions.

, that is, local favors are often on the side of these rebellious parties. They deceive these people, and the various orders from the court are to exploit and harm them. There are really many people who believe it and stand on their side.

.But I don’t realize at all that for many years, the ones who have exploited them the most are the powerful landlords from this locality.”

"But there's nothing we can do about this, because we Beifu soldiers are all foreigners, and we don't usually live with them. There is a natural barrier. In their eyes, we are here to conquer, rule and even plunder them.

Foreigners, although we also want to do many things that are close to the people, we have been blocked or even deliberately misled by the local powerful people, so it has been difficult to do it. We even gave some cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs and other meat to the local villagers.

, they would all tell them that it was poisonous and poisonous, and finally throw it away without daring to eat it.”

Tao Yuanming frowned: "The relationship is so tense. In the past few years, I have spent most of my time in Wu and Jingzhou, and less time here in Jiangzhou. I really didn't know about this situation. Otherwise, the poems and songs I want to write,

But there’s more.”

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Tao Gong is now a court official, not a famous person or a great poet in the opposition. What you have to do is to find ways to solve these problems. Is it really like what you said in your poem?

If we don’t need the government, the court, or the ruler, just let everything be a paradise, can we be autonomous?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "That is just an ideal situation. The premise is that the world is unified, with no foreign enemies and no civil strife. Only in this way can the people live and work in peace and contentment without the government. Although I sympathize with the sufferings of the people, I am not incomprehensible to the world.

People now have to solve these problems when they serve as officials. However, according to General Zhu, the root cause of this problem lies in the local people and the people. They do not trust the foreign soldiers like the Beifu Army and do not regard them as human beings.

On the contrary, we regard our own people as enemies who want to enslave us, and we regard foreign nobles like Zhang Changshi as corrupt officials who want to exploit them. I'm right in saying that."

Zhang Yu curled up his lips in embarrassment: "It doesn't sound good, but the effect is almost true."

Zhu Chaoshi said solemnly: "The occurrence of these things cannot just be blamed on the local people, because the previous government did not act. Not to mention these local villages, even a large state like Jingzhou has been unable to rule for many years, leaving Huan as a sixty-year-old

During the years of the Tu emperor, places such as Jiangzhou and Xiangnan were also constantly jumping between the imperial court and Jingzhou. Neither Huanchu nor the government could control this place. They could only rely on local powerful landowners to manage it. Even if we have been in recent years

After eliminating Huan Chu, Zhang Changshi still faced the same problem. In the final analysis, the local powerful people did not regard themselves as the subjects of the Jin Dynasty, and the local people were also high in the sky and the emperor was far away. They only knew the local people.

Landlord, I don’t know that there is an emperor in the imperial court.”

"There is only one way to solve this situation, which is to allow these local people, whether they are farmers or farmers and tenants who are attached to powerful landlords, to have the opportunity to serve the court and earn titles for their meritorious service. After winning the titles, they can return home

By purchasing land in the countryside, you will have an industry, and you will be able to become local officials who obey the orders of the imperial court. Only by relying on these people can you maintain stability at the grassroots level, collect taxes, and raise young men."

Tao Yuanming frowned: "You mean to support these villagers who have returned to their hometowns as grassroots officials to compete with and restrict the local big families? But aren't these local powerful people fools and will sit back and watch these former slaves turn against the guests?


Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "Then the imperial court can sit back and watch the tigers fight, because these new officials have no one to rely on. If they want to get rid of the control of powerful families, they can only rely on the imperial court for support, and they are familiar with the local situation and will not

Like the officials sent directly from Jiankang, they cannot control the grassroots, and if the powerful families really attack them, it will arouse the anger of other local people. At this time, the people will side with the court, not the big families.

On the one hand, the imperial court can also take the opportunity to eradicate these local wealthy families who violate laws and disciplines."

Zhang Yu laughed: "Gao, it's really high. This move is really wonderful. But..." At this point, Zhang Yu frowned: "If the powerful clan also wants to understand this, they won't let their subordinates

The villagers and tenants have joined the army, or they only support the official army with some money, food and weapons, so what should we do?" (End of Chapter)

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