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Chapter 5098: Transforming Barbarians into Han Dynasty and Changing Public Security

Shen Tianzi spoke sonorously and forcefully, and with his resolute expression and waving fists, all the generals cheered, including Wang Zhene on one side, and Wang Zhen, who had always been quarrelsome with him, always taunting and choking at each other. He couldn't help but nodded and said: "Okay, what I want is this momentum. It seems that the great contribution to pacifying Lingnan is none other than you Tian Zi and Brother Sandan."

Shen Tianzi smiled proudly and said: "Hmph, you are not allowed to come here to take credit from me this time. However, if you are willing to give in and accept my leadership, it is not impossible to consider joining the army and becoming a deputy general here."

Wang Zhene said angrily: "You're fat and you're out of breath. Think about how to capture Guangzhou first. If you don't conquer Guangzhou quickly, all your thoughts are just a dream."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "Okay, don't be ridiculous. We don't have time here for you to talk nonsense like this. Now it's a military discussion. The key to the battle of Guangzhou is to quickly capture the city of Guangzhou. The demon thieves from all over the country and those loyal to the demon It is best to defeat the thief's tribe individually. If they can be gathered together, they can be wiped out in one fell swoop as Tian Zi said. However, you must also consider the situation if the demon thief is defeated and returns to Guangzhou. If Lu Xunxu Dao overturns these two If the thieves still have enough strength to retreat to Lingnan, then your situation will be dangerous. You will have to defend Guangzhou City and wait for our rescue."

Sun Chu's expression changed: "Why would you let them run back? If Jiangzhou cuts off their retreat, how can they return to Guangzhou?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "Don't have too high hopes for Yu Yue and Tao Yuan Mingbao. Besides, there are too many roads from Jiangzhou to Lingnan. They can choose more than one road to break out. The enemy is expected to be wide, so we must do a good job Preparations in this area, after all, the main force of the demon thieves is about 200,000. It is not impossible to come back with 30,000 to 50,000, but it will be a huge advantage for you, so you must not underestimate the enemy. You must ensure that you have Guangzhou City in hand. .”

Shen Tianzi nodded vigorously: "I understand. When the time comes, we will inquire more about the situation outside and make all arrangements. Brother Jinu, if it is those tribes that are loyal to the Jin Dynasty, take the initiative to attack those who are determined to follow the demon thieves tribe, in the end, as mentioned before, the male captives were kept as tribesmen, while the old, weak, women and children were plundered and sold into slavery, so what should we do?"

Liu Yu nodded and said in a deep voice: "We cannot offend these barbarian tribes in Lingnan, nor can we chill their hearts, but in the long run, we must not legalize this kind of plundering and trading of people as slaves. , This will only infinitely allow these barbarians to attack each other and deepen their hatred. Perhaps in the eyes of the previous officials, this is a good way to use barbarians to control barbarians, allowing them to kill each other, thus reducing their hatred of the Han people in Guangzhou. Threat, but this is not the Jin Dynasty I want, and this is not the country I want to protect."

"Brothers, why did we join the army to establish justice? Is it just to gain wealth and honor for ourselves? For our own fame, we have to kill countless people of the Jin Dynasty like us and use their blood to dye our officials red. Robes? At least that’s not what I think. I believe that the brothers who have been with me for many years don’t think that either. We are soldiers. The military rations we eat and the military uniforms we wear are given to us by the people of Jin Dynasty, so protecting They, not maiming them, is our duty as soldiers."

"I know that some brothers will say that these barbarian tribes are not of my race and cannot be regarded as the people of the Jin Dynasty. Therefore, according to their own rules for many years, the strong are respected and the weak are slaves. This is a matter of course.

, they kill and consume each other to make us stable, but is this really the case? It has been hundreds of years since the Qin Dynasty attacked Baiyue in the south. Have we Han people established a foothold in Lingnan? Like in Wudi and Jiangbei

Can these places be transformed into kings?"

Xu Xianzhi sighed: "Jinu, the kind of kingship you want will take time. At least, it is necessary to educate the noble children of these barbarian tribes to learn our Han Confucian Zhou rites, understand etiquette and justice, and know

Only with benevolence and righteousness can you achieve what you want."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "Understanding etiquette and righteousness, and understanding benevolence and righteousness cannot be achieved by relying on book education. Teaching by example is better than words. If we talk about benevolence and righteousness at the same time, we acknowledge their slave trade and even encourage them to do this kind of thing.

, then how can you tell them these principles of benevolence and righteousness? These tribes were born in the territory of the Jin Dynasty, and they are the people of the Jin Dynasty. Although they are not registered as households, they are still the people of the Jin Dynasty. They are regarded by their own

The chief and his commanders were deceived and participated in the rebellion. He deserved to be killed by the tribe loyal to the imperial court. However, this crime should be punished according to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, rather than being directly sold into slavery, let alone

Slave for generations.”

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "Even according to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, they are rebelling and causing rebellion. So if they do not surrender voluntarily, but resist to the end, and are captured and thrown into slavery, isn't it also what the laws stipulate?"

Liu Yu shook his head: "But we have an amnesty order. We only punish the chief criminals and their gang members, and never ask for threats. These tribesmen of the defeated tribes are typical coercions. If we want to pardon all the people in Guangzhou who followed the demon thieves and caused trouble,

If the scholars serve the common people, they can no longer plunder the barbarians as slaves. The law is the law and cannot be different for different people. Unless we also treat the entire Han people in Guangzhou as slaves and trade them. Do you think this is reasonable?


Liu Jingxuan laughed: "You are smarter than sending slaves. With this explanation, it will be clear that the barbarians are actually the same as the Han people in Guangzhou. They are coerced rebels and should be pardoned. However, you must really pardon them.

, then I’m afraid the tribes that attacked them won’t be happy, and this will break their rules.”

Liu Yu said seriously: "So, if I want to think of a way to get the best of both worlds, the only thing I can think of is for the imperial court to redeem these captured barbarian old and weak women and children at the cost of money, food, cloth, and silk, but it does not treat them as slaves, but

It is to integrate the people into households and move into craftsmen's households or military households. First, as army craftsmen, they can do what they can. For example, the elderly and children can make handicrafts or ordnance for the army to use.

Women learn to make clothes and textiles for the soldiers and civilians in Guangzhou, such as nvhong. Later, if there are soldiers stationed in Guangzhou who want to marry, they can also marry as military wives. In this way, they can regain their freedom and obtain household registration. In terms of status,

, before they became formal civilian households, they worked for the government and the court. Once they became civilian households, they were the same as the Han people. With the stability of Guangzhou, they will definitely be able to live a better life than the Shanzhong people. In this way, then

It can make the barbarians in the mountains admire Hanization, even if they come from afar, this is the fundamental way to ensure long-term stability in Guangdong. Who is in favor of it and who is against it?" (End of this chapter)

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