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Chapter 5131 Fighting against the evil god

Liu Yu sighed softly and said: "The terrible human sacrifices of the Shang Dynasty are really harmful to the world. By destroying them, the Zhou Dynasty is really trying to eliminate violence and bring peace to the people. If it weren't for Zhou Keshang, I'm afraid there would be no living people in the world.

It will become a hell, only those evil spirits and ghosts will exist."

Wang Miaoyin nodded and said: "The legendary battle of the gods in ancient times was that all kinds of demons, ghosts, and evil gods were on the side of King Zhou, while the righteous people and immortal cultivators helped the Zhou Dynasty. After the battle,

, a large number of monsters and monsters were wiped out, and a small number were conferred as gods and became immortals. After that, it seemed that Taoism reached a consensus and no longer participated in the affairs of the world as disciples. Moreover, as the number of mortals in the world increased,

The spiritual energy left over from the ancient times among the mountains and rivers is also getting less and less, and it is unlikely that it can help all living beings to cultivate as before."

Having said this, Wang Miaoyin paused and said with a smile: "Just like according to the records in classical books, some tribes are giants, such as Kuafu, and some tribes, such as Fangfeng clan, are also tall and tall, and their bones can be loaded with weight."

There is a whole cart, this is what Confucius saw and recorded in person, and it is not just a lie."

Liu Yu frowned: "In other words, with abundant spiritual energy, after a person absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, his body can become larger and resemble a giant. If he cultivates immortality and becomes a god, his body will be as big as a hill. Look at us mortals.

, are they just like ants?"

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "I think it should be so. Brother Yu, so I'm thinking that maybe the Tiandao League is a sect or organization that has existed since ancient times. During the Xia Dynasty, they had the ability to instigate rebellion and bring Xia to the sword.

The resentful spirits of Hou Taikang were sealed in ancient arrows. Maybe they were from the Shang Dynasty or a similar Dongyi tribe, and they were familiar with various evil ways such as soul magic, Gu magic, and human sacrifice. After the demise of the Shang Dynasty,

, they dare not appear in public again, maybe if they continue to harm living beings and harm the world like the Shang Dynasty did, it will trigger another war to confer gods, and the righteous monks in the world will join forces to eradicate them, or maybe after the war to confer gods, the heavens will

What rules did the gods set that did not allow the second Shang Dynasty to appear in the world?"

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "So there are only evil organizations like the Tiandao League that hide underground, relying on manipulation and control of these powerful emperors and generals in the world to collect various resources for them to cultivate immortality? For example, like the Shang Dynasty

, those nobles of the Shang Dynasty wanted to cultivate immortality and get the blessings of their ancestors, so they had to kill people in large numbers for sacrifice. Is this kind of sacrifice by the Taoist League that day just to cause chaos in the world and devastation of all living beings? Countless people would die miserably, and then...

Those evil gods in the sky provide incense or energy, and in turn bless the big devils of the Tiandao Alliance to succeed in cultivating immortals and overcome tribulations and become immortals?"

Wang Miaoyin looked serious and nodded: "Brother Yu, after giving you such an analysis, I have an idea. Human sacrifice in the Shang Dynasty was not only about simply killing people, but also using various cruel and barbaric methods.

Killing methods such as killing people with thousands of knives and cutting the corpse into thousands of pieces are considered good. Cruel killing methods such as boiling people in a big cauldron and mincing them into minced meat, such as cannon torture, and disembowelment are all business methods.

The regular sacrificial method of the dynasty requires the sacrifice of killed human beings, which is extremely painful. It seems that in such pain, the soul is twisted and the soul is wailing. Only in this way will the evil gods in the sky who suck the resentful spirits become even more powerful.


Liu Yu said sternly: "Such evil gods and demons should be eradicated completely. They should not exist even in the sky. Listening to what you say, I wish I could directly cultivate immortality and become a god without doing anything on earth.

, just so that there will be no more evil spirits in the sky.”

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly, gently stroked Liu Yu's hand, and said: "Okay, my brother Yu is so righteous and cannot tolerate the slightest evil person or evil god. However, this also depends on the reality. We don't have any of these things."

It's just a guess. We don't know what the facts are. Only when you destroy the Tiandao Alliance or find a way to get words out of the big devil's mouth, will we understand the origins of the Tiandao Alliance and their

Demands and ideas, as well as the Ten Thousand Years of Peace Plan.”

"If the Tiandao Alliance is really like what you said, and wants to create wars in the human world, make all people suffer and be tortured to death, and use these countless undead to increase the possibility of them becoming gods and cultivating immortals, then how can such a devilish organization

There is no possibility of coexistence and they must be eliminated. But if they are not like this, or if they change their evil ways, maybe some of their soul magic and magic will help us complete our great cause. Even if your career in the world can be fulfilled,

Isn't it your new goal in the future to become a god and go to heaven to slay all kinds of evil spirits?"

Liu Yu laughed, held Wang Miaoyin's hand tightly, and said: "Okay, okay, this is the best, Miaoyin, if my goal in the future is to fight the evil gods in the sky, are you still willing to help me?"


A strange light flashed in Wang Miaoyin's eyes, and she nodded vigorously: "Brother Yu, I promise you, no matter in the sky or in the world, no matter whether you are a human or a god, as long as you really don't change your original intention and really serve the people of the world.

If you fight, I, Wang Miaoyin, will be shattered to pieces, wiped out in ashes, and my soul will be scattered. I will always stand by your side and help you with all my strength."

Liu Yu smiled and nodded: "Very good, then let us fight together. The first goal is to destroy the demon thief first!"

Wang Miaoyin smiled and said: "I have been waiting for this day for a long time. Get rid of the thieves!"

Two days later, Jiankang, Xinting, and Tutu Temple by the river.

A man dressed as a fisherman hurriedly walked into this earth temple. The river breeze was blowing, and on the warships all over the river, the shouts of the soldiers who were about to march to the west and the chants of the sailors were heard.

It was higher than a wave, forming a stream of wind, beating at the door of this small earth temple. After opening and closing the door several times, the figure of the fisherman had disappeared, leaving only the bamboo hat, coir raincoat, and his

Fishing nets were scattered underground in the Tutu Temple, as if this person had evaporated from the world.

Underground in the Earth Temple, a few feet away, in the main hall of the True Black Hand Universe, three people wearing masks and covered in black robes were sitting in a triangle. Only Suzaku from the south was guarding that side, and the seats were

It was completely empty, and a Suzaku mask was placed on the big table next to the chair. The map of the entire world and the river were already filled with flags of the Jin Army and the Tianshi Dao Army.

Countless warships stretch from Jiankang to Liyang, and then all the way to Lujiang, Chaisang and other places in the middle section of the Yangtze River. Anyone who sees this knows that a decisive battle to determine the fate of the Jin Dynasty is about to begin! (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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