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Chapter 5152 The harvest of the Han family in the Xianbei Pastoral Area

Xuanwu sighed softly: "The human heart is the most elusive and dangerous thing in the world. What Liu Yu really wants to challenge and change is not the specific system, but the human heart with unlimited desires.

Therefore, he is destined to fail. His nobility is due to his selflessness, but he cannot ask everyone in the world to be like him. No matter how knowledgeable he is, no matter how well-educated he is, he cannot be willing to give up his own interests.

, who only serve others. Instead of changing from a poor person to a powerful person, he will take care of the same poor people as himself before. On the contrary, it is more likely that he is afraid of being poor and will intensify his behavior after he becomes a powerful person."

Qinglong gritted his teeth and said: "So we just need to make Liu Yu realize this. Whatever he has in mind, we will cooperate with him to complete it. In the end, he will find that things are counterproductive, just like he never wanted to take the throne of the emperor.

Lu, he didn’t even want the position of emperor to exist anymore, because as long as there was an emperor, there would be a hierarchy, which was inconsistent with his idea that everyone was equal. But now, the facts have let him know that without the power of the emperor, those ideas of his would not be the same.

It is impossible to achieve. So I think Liu Yu is not a very stubborn person and will change as the situation changes."

Xuanwu nodded with satisfaction and said: "If this is the case, then I think this Lanxiang official school should not be exclusive to the powerful local families in Qingzhou. To be honest, the development of the six counties in Jiangbei in the past has allowed

Many of our sons and nephews separated their families and went there. The conditions at that time were very favorable. However, considering that Jiangbei was close to the barbarian enemy countries like Nanyan, many people did not dare to go and gave up such an opportunity in vain. On the contrary, those who dared to take a gamble

In other words, families with big businesses and big businesses who are not afraid of losses in Jiangbei have all made money now. With this precedent, if Liu Yu lets our Wu family go north to run Qingzhou, I am afraid many people will be willing."

Bai Hu shook his head: "I'm afraid this is not an easy task, because the local powerful people in Qingzhou are very powerful, especially those powerful families who have served as local officials. They can hold together the local snakes and deal with the outside world collectively. And we

There isn't much you can do. With the abilities of most of us, we could only eat, drink and have fun in the past. People gave you face to let you enter the Lanxiang Official School, and you only held a temporary position after you came out. But you really want to control the power at the grassroots level in the local area, and then continue to work hard.

It is impossible to use these powers to purchase properties and control one party."

Xuanwu shook his head: "That's not what I think. The local gangsters you just mentioned are ganging up to deliberately make things difficult for those students who go to what are they called? Oh, intern officials, forcing them to be unable to achieve anything, forcing them to have no choice but to do it on their own in the end.

Leaving, or even being punished for dereliction of duty and neglect of government, this method is often used by our aristocratic families in Wu to exclude outsiders, and it is actually not difficult to deal with it."

Bai Hu frowned and a cold glint flashed in his eyes: "What you mean is that you want to do the same as we did with the gentry and native people in Wu a hundred years ago. While dividing and disintegrating them and letting them fight each other, at the same time let our nephews lead the troops.

Or bring a paramilitary force under the name of Jia Ding Buqu to take over the territory?"

Xuanwu smiled slightly and said: "There are always ways. I think it can be done with force or force. The method you just mentioned is to use force. At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty's southern crossing, the status of the wealthy families in the south of the Yangtze River was uncertain.

There were many people who took advantage of the chaos to stand on their own and refused to obey the king's orders. At that time, they had an excuse to send troops to attack them, but now that Qingzhou has been pacified and all the powerful people are obedient to the imperial court, there is no reason or excuse to eliminate them."

Qinglong smiled slightly: "If it is really an excuse, there are some. For example, in the battle to conquer Nanyan and the battle to quell the demon thieves, the soldiers who have made meritorious services can receive land rewards, including us nephews in name. These land rewards

, including the land of Qingzhou."

Bai Hu shook his head: "It's not that easy. At that time, in order to win the submission of these powerful Han people, they were allowed to continue to keep their land and farms in Nanyan, and only the pastures and pastoral areas of the Xianbei people were confiscated.

, those fields are limited in quantity and cannot be cultivated. We Han people have no use for them. Now some Wudi aristocratic families have nominally bought these pastures there, but they only hire Xianbei people to continue grazing there, and the rewards will be in the future.

These Xianbei riders want to join the Wu family as private soldiers, but the number is limited, and Liu Yu may take back this authority at any time in the future."

Xuanwu nodded: "So in fact, the collection of pastures is already a good attempt. Those families did not completely let these pastures belong to the Xianbei people. Instead, they sent some trusted stewards to take over and learn how to herd them.

It is also necessary to have a grasp of the local situation. Gradually, we can bring some retired meritorious soldiers, especially those dealers with the help of our family, after they retire, and send them to this place in Qingzhou to promote them to become

The stewards of manors at all levels also manage the Xianbei people. Only in this way can we control the Xianbei soldiers who can ride and shoot in the land of Nanyan. If we have enough armor and cavalry, then we will have

The ability to compete head-on with Liu Yu, you don’t have to rely on him for everything.”

Baihu said coldly: "I think this matter is unlikely to be realized, because Liu Yu has very strict control over these Xianbei people. Now they are defined as military households and directly under the management of the state, and we are sent to the so-called acquisition of grassland pastoral areas.

, it is just a method similar to the way of recruiting grain into the nobility. It is just a temporary management before the Lanxiang official school can produce a large number of suitable officials. In the future, whether the Xianbei soldiers who fought in the south return to the tribe or they join Lanxiang now

The nephews and nephews of the Xianbei people who studied management and governance in the official school will take over the management of these pastures and pastoral areas when they return home, because they are people of the country and can be trusted and relied upon by Liu Yu."

Xuanwu said coldly: "It depends on man-made things. If these foreign tribes go back and continue to manage the tribe, they will still maintain the original tribal model. This is a lesson learned from the past. Back then, Cao Cao introduced the five southern Xiongnu tribes, without disrupting their organization, and unified the people into households.

Instead, they were allowed to nomadically live in Bingzhou according to their original tribal pattern. Finally, during the chaos at the end of the Jin Dynasty, their leader, the Great Chan Yu Liu Yuan, organized them to build an army after he returned and rebelled against the Jin Dynasty, thus kicking off the Wuhu rebellion in China.

, these barbarians are not of our race, and they will revolt if given the opportunity. They must be dispersed and mixed with the Han people. In the future, we Han military households will also be allowed to settle in these grassland and pastoral areas. Only then can the risk of rebellion be eliminated.

Invisible." (End of this chapter)

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