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Chapter 5173 The navy retreated from Jingjiang River and was lost

Liu Yu said calmly: "Tieniu, don't worry, our strategy of fighting has not been decided yet. Big Shitou, your opinion is to retreat temporarily, lure the demon thieves to land, and then seek a decisive battle on land, right?


Zhu Lingshi smiled slightly: "Exactly, the demon thief's strength lies in water warfare, but land warfare is his shortcoming. Now that the main force of our Beifu Army has gathered, if it is a land battle, the demon thief has no chance of winning, but in a water battle,

Our advantage is no longer there. It is what we have to do to find a way to make the demon thieves abandon the ship and go ashore. Brother Jinu, do you think my idea is correct?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Logically speaking, this is not a big problem. Being able to fight the monster thieves on land is what we want, but you seem to have ignored two things. These two things may cause

It affects the entire war situation."

Zhu Lingshi's face changed slightly and he said, "I would like to hear the details."

Liu Yu said seriously: "The first thing is, as we said before, the morale of the demon thieves is low and people are panicked. The reason why Lu Xunxu Daofu did not dare to withdraw to Guangzhou immediately is not because they are sure of victory.

, but because their newly attached people are breaking up and running away every day, which cannot be faked."

Zhu Lingshi nodded and said: "Yes, there are a large number of these people, more than 100,000, and thousands and hundreds of people escape every day. Although they can't play any role, they can be used as auxiliary forces to sweep the countryside.

, it’s absolutely fine to transport grain and grass, after all, it’s manpower.”

Liu Yu sighed: "The core of the old demon thieves started from Guangzhou, and there were only about 40,000 people. Over the past year or so, through recruiting and surrendering, they recruited rebels, especially a large number of former Jin army soldiers who had combat experience and were well-trained.

Joining, let the number of combatable soldiers like them rise to more than 100,000. After several defeats, the number of these core troops and combatable soldiers is still about 50,000, while the ragtag group of servants are still

There are nearly 100,000, which is almost the composition of the current army of demon thieves. Among them, there are probably 20,000 to 30,000 of those die-hard thieves."

"These old core thieves will fight to the death, and the surrendered Jin army may waver in their fighting spirit. But in the past, the cruel methods of letting them kill their comrades and eat the flesh of their comrades made them dare not look back.

, and these people have had a lot of blood debts on their hands for more than a year. They have followed the demon thieves and become the kind of gangsters who kill without blinking an eye. It is not easy to win them back, so these tens of thousands of people will fight to the end, no matter what.

The reason for turning back is that the demon thieves suffered a series of defeats a while ago, which made them lose confidence. It was just because they knew that they would die in battle and they would die in surrender, so they fought to the end. But in fact, they did not have much confidence in victory.


"As for the newly attached mobs, many of them are just local powerful forces. They followed the demon thieves just because they were powerful at the time. Now they have regretted it and want to quit. However, once deserters are caught by the demon thieves, they will

Various severe punishments and cruel killing methods are used to deal with it, so there cannot be a large-scale, organized mutiny. However, if this continues, within ten days and a half, there will be a complete collapse. Even if the core old thieves are chasing and killing them everywhere,

There is nothing we can do to stop this escaping frenzy."

"So the demon thieves are just using 30,000 to 50,000 old thieves with death intentions to drive or supervise nearly 100,000 new bandits who have lost their will to fight. They really need a victory to boost themselves.

Their morale was down. This time they used many methods, including quickly losing almost the entire territory in Jiangzhou, and Fan Chongmin suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Nanling. They were all tactics to lure the enemy's arrogant soldiers, so that this battle could be fought.

Win a comeback. As long as we can win this battle, all the previous disadvantages will be wiped out, and we can even regain the initiative in the war."

Zhu Lingshi said solemnly: "So we cannot give them this opportunity. We can avoid the enemy temporarily and do not engage in water battles with them. If we withdraw to the Nanling area or further to Liyang, we can achieve this goal."

Liu Yu shook his head: "Big Stone, you seem to have overlooked one thing. That is why the demon thief deliberately allowed our two armies to join forces before?"

Zhu Lingshi's face suddenly changed, and he lost his voice: "Oh, we actually ignored this point. This time the whole Jingzhou Army came by boat and has joined us now. In other words, if we retreat,

There will no longer be a large-scale fleet of our navy on all the rivers west of Leichi. Even Jiangzhou and Jingzhou are empty. The demon thieves can completely guard the river with second-line troops after forcing back our main force.

, and use the main force of elite demon thieves to return to attack Jiangzhou, or even Jingzhou."

Liu Yu's expression was serious, like all the generals present, and he said seriously: "Yes, if the monster thieves can force back the main force of our army and lure our main force ashore, the navy fleet will retreat to Nanling or even Lili."

Yang, that actually means victory without a fight, because if our troops go ashore, deploy again, and get into a decisive battle stance, they will end up being held back by their second-rate troops and rabble until we have eliminated these current enemies.

, only then will we realize that maybe Jiangling has been captured by the demon thieves. Once the entire western part of the Jin Dynasty falls, the demon thieves will be almost invincible, and it will be very difficult for our army to counterattack again. "

"Because our army has no control over the river, no naval superiority, and only relies on the army, the supplies cannot be smoothly sent to the front line. If we fight deep into Jingzhou or Jiangzhou, we will be alone, and the risk of defeat will increase exponentially. In this case,

, is what we need to try our best to avoid.”

Having said this, Liu Yu paused: "Once the demon thieves take Jiangzhou and Jingzhou, the newly attached mobs of demon thieves who mainly come from these places will stabilize their military morale and even be willing to stay and fight hard to hold me back.

What's more, if our navy retreats, the demon thieves can even go down the river and bypass our army to attack Jiankang. However, the current Jiankang is relatively empty, although there is hope.

Le leads about 10,000 soldiers and horses to sit on the defensive, but no one can guarantee that although Doupeng is dead, his gang members will also be lurking in Jiankang. If the inside and outside cooperate, the last battle of Nantang will be very terrible.

With our tactics, Jiankang may fall into the hands of thieves overnight."

Zhu Lingshi's face was flushed, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He lowered his head and saluted, saying: "I was not thinking well at the moment and came up with a random idea. Please send me brother to punish me."

Liu Yu waved his hand: "The speaker is not guilty. At least we discussed different tactics and possibilities. This is the purpose of the military meeting. Brothers, do you have any other ideas?" (End of Chapter)

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