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Chapter 517: Huans Uncle and Nephew Jiangling (2)

Huan Chong's brows gradually relaxed: "Lingbao, your idea is very good, but with the strength of Jingzhou, it is still a bit difficult to go north alone. I think, even if we defeat Murong Chui in front of us,

, it’s not easy either.”

A glimmer of pride flashed in Huan Xuan's eyes: "Uncle, don't worry, Murong Chui is very ambitious. He is not a loyal minister of the Qin State. I believe that the person who wants Fu Jian's life the most is not us, but him!"

Huan Chong nodded with satisfaction: "This man has been secretly communicating with us for many years. I have known for a long time that he is not a kind person. However, when Qin was not defeated, he would not have acted rashly. If Fu Jian could make a big move on the eastern front

If Xie Xuan's Beifu army is defeated, Murong Chui will definitely fight us to the death. You must be fully aware of this."

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "My nephew knows this. Murong Chui led his army to leave Xiangyang a while ago and went to Lianghuai, but they returned soon. It should be that Fu Jian didn't trust him and didn't want him to cause trouble in Shouchun. That's fine.

, we can continue to maintain a tacit understanding with Murong Chui and live in peace. If Fu Jian is defeated, Murong Chui will also retreat. If there is chaos in the north, this person will definitely take advantage of the chaos to stand on his own feet."

Huan Chong waved his hand: "That's for the future, let's talk about the present first. Lingbao, why do you want to use my name to propose marriage to Wang Ningzhi's daughter? Isn't it a blatant provocation to the Xie family to do such a thing at this time?

Although I don't know as much about Jiankang as you do, I also know that this woman is almost certainly betrothed to Liu Yu, and Liu Yu is the Xie family's favorite general. It's not good for you to take advantage of others like this.


A cold light flashed in Huan Chong's eyes: "Beauty is only worthy of the strong. A noble girl like Wang Miaoyin should not belong to the warrior surnamed Liu by nature. I did this to alienate Wang Xiezhi.

The relationship between us is to prepare for our Huan family to take over the capital in the future. The other is to set rules for the lower-level warriors and tell them what they can touch and what they cannot, so that these people will not be able to control the army in the future.

He can also marry into a noble family and become our formidable rival!"

A strange light flashed in Huan Chong's eyes: "You think so? Then Liu Yu is just a farmer in Jingkou, can he still pose a threat to our Huan family? It's unlikely. It's the eldest brother. Although he was self-made in the eyes of others,

But after all, he is an orphan of a martyr, and he has the status of a scholar."

Huan Xuan sighed: "Uncle Shuai may not know that Liu Yu is not an ordinary Han man. He is also a low-level scholar. After Liu Jiao, the king of Chu Yuan, his father and ancestors also had minor officials. Although

They are not from a high-ranking family, but with this status, they still have the possibility of prosperity in the future. This is probably the reason why the Xie family fully supports Liu Yu instead of Liu Laozhi, who has followed them for decades."

Huan Chong's expression gradually became serious: "So, this Liu Yu will pose a great threat to us in the future? But he is at most a low-level scholar. According to what you said before, he has no literary talent. Such a person

, I’m afraid the high-ranking families won’t take it seriously.”

Huan Xuan smiled slightly: "Back then, my late father was not good at literary talent. I still remember those high-ranking families in Jiankang City, headed by the famous scholar Liu Xun, who laughed at my late father all day long for not knowing how to talk about mystery, and even laughed at him behind his back.

They are veterans and generals. But when my late father took control of the army, recaptured Xichuan, captured Guanzhong, and crossed the Yellow River, would these people dare to act recklessly again? They also know that no matter how hard their necks are, they are not as strong as a knife, and no matter how fierce their mouths are, they are still fierce.

It is nothing more than the fist of a military man. Since ancient times, the one with strong soldiers and horses has been the emperor, and the Sima family’s world was also won by martial arts.”

"But the children of these high-ranking families have become corrupted since the second and third generations, pursuing arrogant and luxurious lives. So much so that most of the children of the aristocratic families can no longer carry their shoulders, lift their hands, and even have to breathe while walking. These people are naturally

I hate military work and don’t want to endure hardships, so it is inevitable to leave the army and stay away from soldiers. Even the Xie family, their second-generation nephews are okay, but I don’t think many of Xie Xuan’s next generation can do it.

Those who command and lead the army. It is precisely because they know this that they think of using people like Liu Yu to replace them in command of the army."

Huan Chong nodded: "So in order to win over Liu Yu, they did not hesitate to marry their daughter who was married to the Wang family to Liu Yu. They followed the example of the Jin Emperor who married the princess to his eldest brother, and adopted Liu Yu as one of their own.

Return to the place where he has given up his life, right?"

Huan Xuan nodded: "This is a means, but more importantly, Liu Yu is not passionate about power. All he thinks about is the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and making achievements, so the Xie family not only wants to marry Wang Miaoyin

, and promised Liu Yu all day long that he would definitely expedition to the Central Plains to regain the lost territory, so as to win over him and surrender to his will. Shushuai, you have been in the military for a long time and know the morale of the military. As long as you can meet the appetite of these people, you will either be divided.

Money, or promotion, in our opinion, for a small favor, they can go to hell for it!"

Huan Chong laughed: "Lingbao, you have to remember that for ordinary soldiers, just sharing some spoils is enough, but for those who are truly capable and can lead troops in battle, they must be discovered among the soldiers and then promoted.

Let them stay in the army for a long time and be used by me. You can even make friends with them and call them brothers. Since ancient times, scholars have died for those who know themselves, and women have the appearance of those who please them. These people from the lower class, you only need to give them a little face,

I will burst into tears of gratitude. Anyway, we need to use people to control the army. My Huan family nephews are too small to control an army of tens of thousands. Therefore, people like Huangfu Fu and Wu Fuzhi must be reused, but they should not be used lightly.

Give them formal official positions and let them take office and break away from the army. Once they become independent in this way, it will be difficult to control them in the future. Remember this!"

Huan Xuan said thoughtfully: "No wonder my father only gave them military positions when he was still alive, but did not let them serve as county magistrates. Only in the army can we control them. For this reason, I

I understand it today, thank you, Mr. Shushuai, for your advice."

Huan Chong nodded with satisfaction: "If you put it like this, I know what the Xie family will do to Liu Yu. It's the same as our family, letting him stay in the army for a long time, only retaining a military position, and not giving him a formal official position. This way

First of all, he will not have any conflict with the high-ranking Jiankang family, because it will not infringe on their hereditary power. Lingbao, you are right, such people are the most dangerous to us, because power can

Let people become corrupted and lose their enterprising spirit. Only pure soldiers will think about fighting and making meritorious deeds all day long. When his achievements reach a certain level and he has his own power, he will have the ability to seize the power of the world! In other words,

, will become the strongest and biggest competitor of our Huan clan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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