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Chapter 67 The undercurrent of distinguished guests coming to the door

Liu Muzhi looked at Zhang Biejia who was walking towards the door. He was moved in his heart and said, "Could this Zhang Biejia be the Kuaiji Zhang Fashun whose sister recently entered the palace?"

Liu Linzong looked at Liu Muzhi with some surprise: "Do you also know what is going on in the court?"

Liu Muzhi shook the fat on his face in embarrassment: "Well, I am also a scholar after all, and I can know some news. I heard that Zhang Biejia's sister is a famous beauty in the Sanwu area.

She is very famous. She was specially chosen by the King of Kuaiji and presented to the Holy Emperor. She became a talented person as soon as she entered the palace. And recently, because the Holy Emperor favored Zhang Cairen, her brother Zhang Fashun was also awarded the post of Lujiang Biejiao.


In today's Jin Dynasty, the struggle between imperial power and prime ministerial power is very fierce. The major families, headed by the Prime Minister Xie An, have been taking turns in power for many years.

The matter of deposing the emperor.

After Huan Wen's death, the current Xiaowu Emperor Sima Yao came to the throne, and finally wanted to take back the imperial power. Recently, he appointed his younger brother, Sima Daozi, King of Kuaiji, as the Minister of Records, and became prime minister alongside Xie An, which is a reflection of his intention.

It's just that a big family like Xie An was very shrewd. After reaching a consensus with the Huan family who dominated Jingzhou, they arranged for Emperor Xiaowu to appoint Wang Fahui, a branch of the Wang family in Taiyuan and Wang Yun's daughter and Wang Gong's sister, as his queen to strengthen his power.

control over the emperor.

The emperor and the king of Kuaiji, who were not willing to be controlled by the Xie family and the Huan family, in turn joined forces with another branch of the Wang family in Taiyuan, Wang Guobao, the son of Wang Tanzhi, and used his cousin as the princess of Kuaiji to fight against Xie

An, Wang Gong, Huan Chong and other aristocratic families.

Not only that, they also selected the daughter of the Zhang family from Kuaiji, a famous family in the Sanwu area, into the palace as a talented person to check and balance Wang Fahui.

This Lujiang Biejia surnamed Zhang is the nephew of the Zhang family in Kuaiji. His name is Zhang Fashun. Among the indigenous overseas Chinese in the Sanwu area, he can be regarded as a rising star with a resounding name. Because his sister is favored, and he himself has

The talent was personally recommended by the King of Kuaiji, which can be said to be a great success.

Today, this young talent who has taken office as a new official appears at the wedding of the Jiang family, which has always been known as a celebrity and dominates the discussion in the Qing Dynasty. Its purpose is self-evident.

Liu Yu nodded thoughtfully. Although he had been in Jingkou, he had also heard Liu Muzhi talk about many things in the court. He and Liu Yi and others would also chat for a while while bragging and drinking. It was not an ordinary thing.

He is a country man with no knowledge. As soon as he heard a few people talking like this, he immediately understood.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu said seriously: "Now that Zhang Biejia is here, it is even more necessary for us to go in and take a look."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, because a chariot was coming towards here, and a very well decorated one, made of exquisite rosewood and carved with various fish and bird patterns.

The carriages were walking side by side, and the carriages were carried by eight strong men in purple robes. More than twenty sword-wielding disciples in blue were guarding and accompanying them, and the person sitting on them was none other than the leader of Tianshi Dao, Sun.


Sun Tai also discovered Liu Yu and others at the same time. His eyes immediately fell on Liu Linzong. Even though he was as calm as him, his expression changed. He quickly got off the chariot and saluted Liu Linzong: "

Poor Taoist......"

Liu Linzong smiled slightly and waved his hand: "You must be Master Sun of Tianshi Dao. Maybe you have recognized the wrong person. My surname is Liu, and my double name is Lin Zong. I am from Jiangzhou. I came here with this brother Li Xian today, and I happened to meet him. There's a happy event happening here, so I just wanted to come in and have a glass of wedding wine."

The corner of Sun Tai's mouth curled up. He soon understood and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Mr. Liu. I'm sorry. You have come all the way. The people in Jingkou are very hospitable. The Jiang family is holding a happy event here today." , they will definitely be very happy when you come here."

A scribe with a fluttering beard and about forty years old stepped out of another luxury carriage. Unlike Liu Linzong, Li Zhizhi, and Yang Linzi that day, the clothes he wore were very exquisite and detailed.

Wearing a nice blue satin dress, it clings tightly to his body. Obviously, this person is not the kind of disciple from a high-ranking family who likes to drink five stone powder, and he does not need to wear loose and loose robes to disperse the medicinal power. Liu Yu knew at a glance that this person should be a local wealthy family in the Sanwu area, and the jade pendant with the word "Chen" hanging on his waist showed his identity.

Liu Yu's heart moved. The Shen family of Wuxing has always been a large indigenous family in Jiangdong. When the Eastern Jin Dynasty just moved south, the powerful minister Wang Dun made several rebellions. With the strong support of Shen Chong, a wealthy Shen family in Wuxing, he succeeded for a time. After the failure, the Shen family also suffered a catastrophe. The Shen Chong family was wiped out. Although other families were preserved, their vitality was severely damaged. Many family properties that had been occupied for hundreds of years were It was also divided up by the Wang, Xie, Yu and other foreign aristocratic families crossing south.

But in this era, the Shen family has another member of Zhongxing, Wu Xing and Shen Jing, who is a well-educated Confucian in the world. The Zuo family has excellent governance in the Spring and Autumn Period. Even Xie An admires him and wants to attract him several times. He came out to be an official, but he always avoided it and settled down to be a wealthy man at home.

Liu Yu was wondering if this person was Police Officer Shen, when he saw this middle-aged scribe clasping his fists at Liu Linzong and saying, "Mr. Liu, I'm Police Officer Wu Xing and Shen, this is too polite."

Liu Linzong smiled slightly and returned the courtesy: "Mr. Shen is a well-educated scholar of his generation. It is really a blessing in his life to see his face today. It's just..." When Liu Linzong said this, he glanced at Sun En who was aside and said, " Why did you appear with Master Sun today?"

Shen Jing smiled and said: "Tianshi Tao is very popular in the Sanwu area. Shen has been studying with Tianshi Tao's master Du Zhenren since he was a child, and he is also the master of Master Sun. After all, Shen and Master Sun are the same disciples. Where are the brothers?"

The corner of Liu Linzong's mouth curled up: "It turns out that Mr. Shen and Master Sun are of the same mind. So, this time you came to Jingkou to attend the Jiang family's wedding, was it also Master Sun who invited you?"

A vigorous and powerful voice sounded from inside the door: "I never expected that so many distinguished guests would come to my Jiang family's simple wedding event. I am really lucky."

Liu Yu and others looked toward the door, only to see an old man who was over fifty years old and looked like a master. He was wearing a Xiaoyao scarf and a wide-sleeved robe. Accompanied by Jiang Bo and Jiang Lang, he floated out. , followed by more than a dozen servants and maids. Looking at this person's temperament, there is no doubt that he is the head of the Jiang family, Jiang Zhi, who once served as governor of the state and county.

This chapter has been completed!
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