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Chapter 836: Hidden in the Sun Palace of Prince Wu

Murong Lan looked at Liu Yu, and her brows gradually widened: "So you didn't go to Xiyan Military Camp on impulse, but had already planned it, but you are so sure, will Murong Yong listen to you? Since he wants to

If you are independent, you will fall out with your eldest brother sooner or later, so why should you please your eldest brother?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Because of you Xianbei Murongs, there are only two families who are qualified to be emperors in the hearts of the people. One is Murong Wei, and the other is Murong Chong. The direct descendants of the former Yan Emperor Murong Jun are also the authentic royal family.

.And the other branch is your eldest brother’s branch. Originally, your branch was just a clan, but because your eldest brother is so powerful in the world and took the lead in establishing his own political power in Kanto, he is also regarded as qualified to succeed the emperor.


"Now that Murong Wei is dead, no successor was clearly designated before his death. Even Murong Chong was only supported because he defeated Murong Hong, which was not justified. Therefore, if Murong Yong is smart enough,

At this time, we should obtain the support of Murong Chui, so that we can have a way out to attack Murong Chong."

Murong Lanqi asked: "The way out? What does this mean?"

Liu Yu raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Because Murong Yong has to think about what to do after killing Murong Chong. He is a distant relative and has nothing to do with the two bloodlines I just mentioned that are qualified to be emperor. He has nothing to do with outsiders.

No different, the only thing that had any influence was that Murong Wei had taken him in before, and his status was too low whether he was a subordinate or a retainer. So now Murong Yong would not be accepted by the leaders and generals, so he killed Murong Chong and

It's not difficult, but after killing Murong Chong, he probably won't be able to control the situation. By then, these Xianbei people will scatter like birds and beasts, and he will have nothing."

"But if he followed Murong Chui's orders and accepted Murong Chui's official position, it would be different. Murong Chong did not have a formal status as the emperor. As long as Murong Chui declared him a traitor, Murong Yong could attack him.


Murong Lan smiled and said: "In this way, Murong Yong will become the eldest brother's subordinate? Is he also willing?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "Of course he is unwilling, but this is what he must do now. Because he needs time to win people's hearts, and he also needs to be a general to convince everyone. You Xianbei people advocate force, if Murong Yong

If he can prove through many performances that he has military talents on par with Murong Chui, and if the Xiyan army can benefit from the victory, he will slowly win over people. At that time, he can be independent or join you.

Even the eldest brother can do it with ease."

Murong Lan breathed a long sigh of relief: "I see, then there is only one question left. Does Murong Chong agree to this? Everything you said is only beneficial to Murong Yong, what benefit does Murong Chong have?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Murong Chong also wanted to attack Murong Yong, but Murong Yong is the most capable general he has now. He will not attack Murong Yong before he captures Chang'an, but if he captures Chang'an, he will

If you want to establish yourself as a king, you will inevitably turn against your eldest brother. If you have some hostages at that time, you may be able to negotiate with your eldest brother and draw a boundary. He will occupy Guanzhong, and your eldest brother will occupy Hedong and Hebei. Otherwise, if your eldest brother is

If you offend me too much, you won’t be able to talk about it in the future.”

Murong Lan laughed: "It seems that this plan is really flawless. Liu Yu, let me tell you good news. My eldest brother has a son and a grandson. They are still in Chang'an City. I went to visit them when I came out just now.

There, I found that they were still there and had not died in the Murong Wei Rebellion."

Liu Yu asked suspiciously: "Didn't all the Xianbei people go to Murong Wei's house? Are there any fish that slipped through the net?"

Murong Lan curled her lips: "Don't say it so harshly. They are humans, not fish. And they didn't go to Murong Wei's house at all."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Is there any way you can notify them in advance to escape?"

Murong Lan smiled and stroked the braid on her cheek: "Because they are in the palace, they have no chance to be outside the palace. My eldest brother's younger son Murong Rou, and his current heir apparent Murong Bao

His son Murong Sheng, the two men were secretly adopted as adopted sons by Song Ya, the eunuch in the palace, so they escaped this disaster."

Liu Yuqi asked: "How come you were adopted by a eunuch? What's going on?"

Murong Lan smiled and said: "When the eldest brother was raising troops in Guandong, there were not many relatives left in Chang'an City. They were the only two of them. To prevent Fu Jian from taking revenge, his former subordinate Song Song who later joined the Qin Palace as a eunuch

Ya brought the two of them into the palace, saying that they were his distant nephews who had come to seek refuge. Because they were both about ten years old at the time, no one cared about them, so they escaped. This time, they were rescued.

It was because both of them were in the palace and did not receive Murong Wei's invitation, so they escaped another disaster. However, they could not do more than three things. The soldiers were in danger and the battle was dangerous. If they stayed in Chang'an City, they would not be safe.

I am preparing to send them out of the city right now. If you go to Xiyan Military Camp, you can take them with you."

Having said this, Murong Lan looked at a tower about fifty steps to the right and said, "Rou'er, Sheng'er, come out. It's okay."

Under the light of the fire at the top of the city, three figures walked out of the shadowed tower. One was a middle-aged man about fifty-two-three years old, with a yellow face, beardless, and gray hair, and two others, both ten years old.

The one or two-year-old boy is strong and tall, obviously a head taller than other children of the same age. He is somewhat similar to the Zhu brothers in Shouchun City.

Two young men dressed in cloth followed the old man and walked over. The old man looked at Murong Lan and saluted respectfully: "I have met Princess Lan."

Murong Lan waved her hand: "Dayan has not yet revived, so we won't talk about it now. Song Ya, you have been spying on intelligence in the Qin Palace for so many years, and you have also helped the lord adopt Rou'er and Sheng'er. It's really hard for you.


This old man was Song Ya. He smiled and shook his head: "These are all my duties. Back then, I was stabbed on the battlefield and couldn't survive. It was my lord who healed me personally.

I should do whatever I did for him out of kindness. It’s a pity that I still didn’t kill Fu Jian and restore the country to Yan. I just left like this. I’m really not willing to accept it.”

Murong Lan said sternly: "Murong Wei is dead now and can't stay in the city any longer. While you can still get out of the city, follow Liu Yu to the Xiyan Military Camp. Follow Murong Chong in the future and you will see the lord.


The slightly older white-faced boy, about twelve or thirteen years old, was Murong Rou. He rubbed his eyes: "Why should we go to the Xiyan Army? Can't we go directly to Guandong?"


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