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Chapter 886: Cutting off the retreat and moving forward

Liming, Jingkou, Pinglu Village, Chiang Kai-shek Temple.

Liu Yi was still dressed in black night clothes, standing with his hands behind his hands, looking at the statue with an expressionless face.

Meng Chang, dressed as a scholar in a green shirt, stood behind Liu Yi, silent.

A ray of morning light shone into the ruined temple, and God Chiang's fierce face was reflected in a ray of light. Liu Yi's eyes fell on the incense burner in front of the statue of God Chiang. The lingering fragrance curled up among the ashes of yesterday's incense.

, a few sparks are shining, it is obvious that the incense here is very strong, which can also be proved by the fruits on the offering plate in front of the incense table.

Liu Yi curled up the corner of his mouth, picked up a wild mountain peach in front of the incense table, started to nibble on it, and said at the same time: "Yanda (Meng Chang's name), tell me, why does Jiang Ziwen, a wicked man, still have a temple?

Does the incense continue?"

Meng Chang frowned slightly: "I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. Jiang Ziwen was a bad guy both before and after his life. He bullied men and dominated women when he was alive. After his death, he turned into a fierce god and caused harm to the world. I don't want to be harmed by him."

If you don’t, I can only provide for him, it’s that simple.”

Having said this, Meng Chang sighed: "Xile, if I were you, I would not touch Jiang Ziwen's tribute. Tathagata Buddha would not care about this, but Jiang Ziwen is just the opposite."

Liu Yi laughed and bit into half a wild mountain peach. The juice flowed out and spread all over his beard: "Do you really believe that Jiang Ziwen turned into a vicious god? What kind of power does he have? Even if he really turned into a devil, I

I didn’t take it to heart, the world is like this, good people are afraid of evil people, and ghosts are also afraid of evil people. Jiang Ziwen can only bully those good people, but he can’t be evil in front of me."

Meng Chang smiled slightly: "Xile, confidence is a good thing, but don't overdo it."

Liu Yi's eyes flashed coldly: "This is Jingkou, and I am the Jade Emperor here. Let alone Jiang Ziwen, I am not afraid of even greater gods than him. If we are even afraid of a rotten piece of wood, let's not

Now that you are a Jingkou man, you have never seen the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield, what terrible ways of death, what cruel things have happened?"

Meng Chang nodded: "You may not care about Jiang Ziwen, but is it necessary to treat Diao Kui like this? Killing the person next to him in his bed offends both Diao Kui and Sun Tai. Why bother?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "If we don't do this, how can there be any rift between Diao and Sun Tai? You know, they are both the lackeys of Wang Guobao and King Kuaiji. If we work together, we will be in trouble in Jingkou.

Only by letting them bite dog can we do the right thing."

Meng Chang shook his head: "But the Diao family won't make much money by opening a casino and brothel here. The people in Jingkou are simple, the products are not rich, and the people are relatively poor. If you do this, not only will you not make much money, but you will also ruin your reputation.

, ruining the atmosphere here.”

Liu Yi sneered: "It's Diao Kui who runs the casino anyway, so he won't expose me, and I can use this to gain Diao Kui's trust. Today I sneaked into his secret room and killed his bedfellow to let him know that this place is

In my world, I can take his life at any time. If you want to work here, you must cooperate with me. This goal has been achieved. As for making money, those are secondary. I don’t expect this little money to maintain my relationship with my brothers.


Meng Chang gritted his teeth: "But there is no airtight wall. Sooner or later, this matter will be leaked out. If you and Diao Kui come together, it means that your cooperation with Sun Tai will break down. These evil spirits are not easy to deal with.


Liu Yi smiled slightly: "If it were you, who would you like to cooperate with? Demonic or Diao Kui?!"

Meng Chang sighed: "The demons are powerful, ambitious, and difficult to control. It is very dangerous to cooperate with them, but if handled well, they will be a great help to themselves, and their five-stone powder can be used both on the battlefield and on the battlefield."

In the officialdom, they are very useful to us."

"As for Diao Kui, he is just a money-grubbing man, not a great person. If you cooperate with him, you will not achieve anything. On the contrary, it will bring trouble to your own career and ruin your reputation."

Liu Yi shook his head: "The reason for cooperating with Diao Kui is because he is useless. Not only is he useless, he also misjudges the situation and has ambitions that are not commensurate with his abilities. He now feels that cooperation with Wang Guobao may not have a future or a transformation."

The meaning of Menting is just to draw us into trouble. Sun Tai is just the opposite. What he wants is the ninth-five position, not any money. Official position can satisfy him. If he is fattened now, he will only be fat in the future, so he is using him now.

After a while, when this Northern Expedition is successful, we won't need them anymore."

Meng Chang's brows gradually relaxed, but the worry remained: "Are you really so confident about this Northern Expedition? When I was in Yecheng, I always had the feeling that Murong Chui did not try his best."

Liu Yi said with a smile: "You think so much of Murong Chui. He was able to defeat Huan Wen before, not because he was so powerful, but because Yan's armor and cavalry were so powerful. But now that the north is broken, it is impossible to provide him with anything."

He has a large army of armor and cavalry, but in the past two years, he doesn't even have many cavalry. Without cavalry, how does Murong Xianbei have the qualifications to become our strong enemy?"

Meng Chang sighed: "Be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship. I always feel that tying your future entirely to this Northern Expedition is not a good idea. It is better to leave yourself some way out than to have no way out."

Suddenly a cold light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes. He turned around and looked directly at Meng Chang: "How many times can we fight in life! Yanda, after all, Liu Yu will not participate as the main force and vanguard this time. It is we who can make great contributions.

, exceeded his chance, gave up this time, I don’t know if there will be a next time!”

"Do you know why Liu Yu can get ahead? I, Liu Yi, are richer than him here, have more friends than him, and am more educated than him. But why is he now the son-in-law of the Xie family, while I am still just a little Sima?

?Have you ever thought about this reason?!"

Meng Chang smiled slightly: "Probably because you have good relations with other aristocratic families, the Xie family is not completely assured of you. After all, they only need a simple, honest and capable guy like Liu Yu."

Liu Yi shook his head: "This is not the main reason. There is only one main reason, and that is that Liu Yu has been gambling on his life. On the battlefield, he completely ignored life and death. Instead, he had no selfish thoughts, so he could move forward and be invincible.


"And I'm different from him. I've always been betting on my future, not my life, so I always look forward and backward when doing things. Now I understand the truth. This time I go on an expedition, I don't care about defeat, I only care about defeat.

To win, you can only succeed by moving forward without taking detours or retreating, being ruthless to others and even ruthless to yourself!"

Meng Chang smiled and nodded: "Goodbye Xi Le, I'm not as good as me. We've all gathered, it's time to hit the road."

Liu Yi laughed and turned back to point to the statue of Jiang Ziwen: "One day, I will replace him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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