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149, the king of gods is coming

 While the Queen Mother of the West was causing trouble in Chang'an Lane, Brother Zhang was receiving a special guest.

This guest may be the strongest living entity in the world besides the Guardians. In addition to his personal strength, he also has a huge civilization foundation with hundreds of capital-level people.

This man is called the God King. Although he himself disdains this title, his ability and wisdom can surpass all the so-called gods. In addition to these, there is also his terrifying civilization-extinction ability. He can

It is easy for a self-righteous civilization to be wiped out in the blink of an eye. If it were not for the existence of the guardian, the earth would be nothing more than an ant nest in a glass jar to him. To completely eliminate it would be nothing more than a scoop of heat.

Water thing.

This is a super civilization that can compete with the planet Cthulhu. The universe in front of him is just a crystal ball in the palm of his hand. When he was young, he invaded 18 trillion worlds, and he transformed each world into what he wanted.

He used to be full of disdain for lower-level life, but when one day he discovered that he was actually just an evolution of a beeping machine from an ancient civilization, he suddenly became peaceful and began to restore what was once his

those civilizations that invaded and destroyed.

But at this time, he was a little worried, because destruction and custom transformation were too easy for him, but recovery and creation were too difficult for him. This was his fatal flaw, because he only had endless calculations.

Ability, but no amount of computing power can figure out why a great ape suddenly raised its head to look at the universe and stretched out its hands towards it.

In order to unlock the secrets that he could not calculate, the God-King turned to the guardian a few years ago, hoping to enter this low-level world as a human to explore.

But this request has never been agreed to, because the guardian also has his own concerns, because the power and civilization represented by the God King is A-level in A-level, and he himself is A-level in A-level, such a 3A

Products and any idea may destroy or completely change the world. This is too dangerous.

In the end, the God King came up with a plan, that is, he could break away from the mechanical body, use a body completely cultivated from human embryos to transfer consciousness, and then enter the world of the guardians for investigation. However, in this process, he could not

Interfere with the operation of this world in any way, but you can prepare a fleet on standby to prevent the God King from having any special circumstances here that lead to information leakage.

Originally, this matter would have been implemented a few years ago, but the God King is very rigorous in doing things. For this day, he first borrowed a lot of relevant literature and film and television materials from Brother Zhang to understand and analyze human beings.

But he was still not satisfied with these alone, and even used a lot of resources to simulate the operation of a complete and sound human society.

Brother Zhang calls this thing the Matrix...

It’s just that even the God King will have many unavoidable problems when simulating. For example, because the God King’s world is a mathematical world, he cannot completely simulate a complete personality, so most of the people in his Matrix

They all have a very strange characteristic, that is, there is no complexity unique to human beings. The good people in them are good people, the bad people are bad people, the treacherous people are always treacherous, and the honest people are like fools. Such problems bring about a series of operations.

The problem is that the Matrix is ​​no longer as simple as the same people. He spent a few years simulating the development of human beings for 1.7 million years, but found that the simulated human world was still like a colony of monkeys. Although

It has preliminary slash-and-burn cultivation, but... this is too slow. At this time, real human beings have either become extinct or have developed into an A-level restricted civilization.

In order to solve this problem, the God King finally decided to come in person, but now the God King is no longer as fierce as his young self. He understands how the butterfly effect works better than anyone else, so even if

The observer must also act in the most careful manner, otherwise he will not be able to calculate what will happen.

"As you said, those B-level pirates can walk in this world because the behavior they are able to walk now is the result of their actions in this world. They themselves are related to this world.

The various civilizations are inseparable, and in this case there is actually no so-called interference.”

The God King sat across the dining table and explained to Brother Zhang: "I intervene midway, and my words and deeds may cause irreversible interference to the world. This goes against the original intention of my observation and will also interfere with my research topic."

, so I really don’t know how to avoid such an impact.”

After speaking, he picked up a large bowl of soup in front of him and drank it: "Human civilization has brought me too many surprises, just like this liquid made of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, salts, etc., but

It can make the body feel happy.”

Afterwards, he drank a two-liter bottle of Coke in one gulp and even burped.

In terms of adapting to flesh and blood, the God King is really knowledgeable. He knows where to start, and food is the starting point for understanding the development of a civilization. You can analyze what you like to eat in a place.

cultural characteristics of the region.

The God King was very excited, and Brother Zhang watched him talk endlessly the whole time. The combination of the slightly stiff feeling of the God King and the abrupt feeling of being incompatible with this world is actually very interesting.

However, it is very comfortable to get along with the God King. He is a wise man and an absolutely neutral observer. As the leader of a civilization that is unknown how many levels higher than human civilization, there is no trace of arrogance in him.

He will carefully understand everything about this backward civilization, and then analyze it calmly without any personal emotions.

He never hesitates to praise or be surprised by the good things, but seldom criticizes the bad things. He only takes the initiative to judge and think about the reasons for the formation of these things. He is neither radical nor holy, but neutral and peaceful.

And the voice of his flesh and blood body is also very nice. It is full of compassion as soon as he opens his mouth, like a supreme monk who has seen through the world.

"After I tried these foods, I became more and more disgusted with my former self. I have destroyed many civilizations like this or similar in my hands. I unscrupulously believed that their civilization was inferior, and only I had formulated the rules.

The route and model are correct, and I am full of arrogance towards those consciousnesses that are different from me. I really don’t know that I have destroyed beauty and its derivatives. I am an out-and-out executioner and the one who should be eliminated most.


The God King picked up a blue and white porcelain bowl and looked at it in his hand. He sighed and praised: "It is impossible for my civilization to produce a work of art like this because it is too illogical and has no rules to follow."

, just like the beautiful poetry, touching love and unrestrained youth that are impossible to appear in my civilization, I can't even tell who is the lower civilization at this moment."

Brother Zhang used a steak knife to cut off a small piece of steak and put it in his mouth, chewing it over and over again while watching the God King sigh.

After he swallowed the food in his mouth, Brother Zhang said slowly: "After eating, I will take you to the art exhibition."

The God King showed an excited expression on his face: "That's great, that's what I hope."

After dinner, Brother Zhang took Shenwang on the bus to the art museum. Because this time happened to be the peak period, the bus was very crowded. They had no place to sit, so they had to be crowded by the crowd.

Crowded inside, the carriage is also filled with a mixture of unpleasant body odor, sweat smell, foot odor and the smell of various ingredients.

But the God King didn't seem to care. While he was being squeezed around, his mouth didn't stop: "Oh oh oh oh, I like this touch so much. The warm body of a human being is soft, light, and rich."

Flexibility, it’s really wonderful.”

His voice was so loud that after he finished speaking, he immediately appeared in a no-man's land of about fifty centimeters with him as the center. It was conceivable that there could be such a big gap in such a crowded bus, and she was next to him.

How strongly people feel about his bullshit.

Brother Zhang looked up at the sky, pretending not to recognize this strange human being.

"Now I feel more and more wonderful about human beings. Obviously everyone is an individual composed of basic particles in the universe, but human beings can be so cute. I think this is the love of nature. I really don't know about the B-level restrictions.

What attitude do those people have to think that human beings are a low-level civilization? Their insignificant abilities are now gradually falling behind, and they will lose all their advantages in a short period of time in the future."

Brother Zhang resolutely kept silent, because if he continued to communicate with him, he would not have to wait to get off the bus, and the people who got off at the next stop would call the police and arrest them.

After finally getting out of the car, they walked for about a kilometer to the art museum. During this process, the God King was particularly surprised by the fragmentation and disorder of the market. He even pulled Brother Zhang to stand in a farmer's market.

I watched people picking vegetables for half an hour. The reason is that in his civilization, these things do not exist because everything is in absolute order and all processes are controlled by programs. Not to mention that such chaos is impossible.

, maybe even the distance between each step of his people has been strictly calculated. Fifty billion people walking in line can only leave one row of footprints.

"Human beings are ordered in a disordered universe, but order can create disorder. This kind of contradiction and unity really fascinates me. You can see them showing different expressions to the same product in different places.

Expressions, different words, and even different tones can be used. This is simply incredible. Everyone's behavior has irregularities hidden in the rules, just like them in a disordered world. It's amazing, it's really amazing.


Brother Zhang was a little numb when he heard his surprise, but it was not incomprehensible. You have to know that if he didn't know that he was a beeping machine, evolved into a smart phone, and then evolved into what he is now, the God King would see

The first reaction of this shabby vegetable market is to destroy these filthy creatures and establish a new order. Like the ultimate obsessive-compulsive disorder, he constantly eliminates those that he considers unclean and disordered in various universes.

But now he is at peace, because he knows that he is not the end of the universe. In the beginning, he was just a beeping machine, or at most a smartphone.

"You know, the strongest enemy I have ever encountered is a civilization that evolved from rabbits. I have not even been able to eliminate them yet. We fought for thirteen thousand years and signed the contract fifteen years ago. We have signed a peace agreement. You can’t imagine that for such a powerful empire, the objects of their worship are also humans, just like my creator is also a human being. Ah, what a magical thing this is, although I and their The origin cannot be traced, but one thing is certain, that is, human beings are definitely not as simple as we think now."


"That's right, rabbits. They have very terrifying fertility, and they still retain these characteristics after evolving to an advanced social system. This allows their war intensity to be very high, even higher than the world of Cthulhu. I fight with them For hundreds of thousands of years, and they are not very aggressive, their only colonial need is to settle a large number of descendants."

"Quite interesting."

"What's even more interesting is that they actually believe in humans. I once briefly invaded their capital, and I found that they would erect statues of humans in cities and on battleships, even though those statues have undergone hundreds of thousands of years of transformation. It’s hard to tell what species it is, but judging from its basic characteristics, it should be human.”

Brother Zhang nodded, and then said with a smile: "It's like your most core mechanism is a smartphone."

"It's a communication device anyway." The God King made no secret of his nature: "So I am very curious about my origin, but I don't have the courage to dismantle myself. Maybe this is proof that I once belonged to human beings, and I will be timid and selfish. ."

And when Brother Zhang and God King came to the art museum, they found that it was closed because they had been delayed for too long, but even so, God King still looked at the posters outside the art museum. .

"Maybe I should really come to this world earlier and pursue the mystery of my origin." After looking at it for a long time, the God King suddenly turned back and said to Brother Zhang: "Come and see this painting."

"What happened to this painting?"

Brother Zhang came to a promotional poster with only black and white pixels. The God King pointed at Michelangelo's famous painting "The Creation of Adam" composed of black and white pixels, and he carefully looked at the fingertips where the two of them touched: "I actually have this scene in my memory."

When Brother Zhang saw this, he couldn't help but fall into deep thinking...

This chapter has been completed!
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