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155, without that worldly desire.

 A box of valuable and worthless things was placed there. It was really an eye-opener for these poor girls. Among them, Mr. Pi was the saddest because when she was doing pornographic broadcasting, how many words did she have to say to get a good husband?

There was a wave of rewards, but now I saw that this box looked like Captain Jack's treasure box, and I felt sorry for myself.

Xu Wei, in fact, it is similar, but she is relatively better than Pi Ye. Her family background is actually quite bad. She received grants and scholarships to pay for her whole college tuition. She definitely didn’t enjoy it much, even in college.

She has never been in a relationship. Although there are people chasing her, she is not outstanding enough to attract the attention of the rich second generation. The most luxurious thing is to eat a 158 buffet alone on her graduation day.

Then she almost died here because of online dating and job hunting. After that, she dealt with cats and dogs every day for a year. But after all, she was also a girl. After seeing the luxurious life of people like Zhang Yao and Zhu Zhenzhen, she felt that

She is somewhat envious, so in her spare time, she will also read some introductions about luxury goods online. Although she cannot afford them, it does not delay her from becoming a master.

The most interesting thing in the end was probably Huang Die'er. Huang Die'er didn't care about the gifts. Unlike the other two people who were rummaging through the boxes inside, she just took a dove egg-sized spirit sword stone and placed it on the counter to examine it carefully.

, this Kuailing Sword Stone is not considered top grade, but this thing has not appeared for many, many years.

In fact, this thing is not a stone, but a crystal formed by the aura of heaven and earth condensed in a particularly abundant place. The structure is usually very stable, but it will release a large amount of energy when it encounters an external impact.

The use of this thing is also very interesting, that is, when the spiritual energy is insufficient, the practitioner can absorb part of the spiritual energy to continue to provide training. Therefore, after the Qin and Han Dynasties, there will be sects stationed in various famous mountains and rivers. It is hard to say whether they go to live in seclusion. Who is that?

Whoever has more spiritual swords and stones beside him can survive when his spiritual energy is weak, and then slowly linger until the next recovery.

A recovery lasts about one hundred to two hundred years. During these two hundred years, various legends will emerge. In the next thousand or even more years, these legends will wither, and the sects that cannot survive will eventually die.

They have all been reduced to scenic spots.

Now that the Spirit Sword Stone appears again, its meaning is self-evident, that is, the world of mortals will reopen, and those sects will come out to renew their unfinished fate.


"Hmm." Thunder Dragon held the Spirit Sword Stone under his nose and smelled it: "It doesn't smell like anything."

"Come on, are you a dog? Smell everything. In the past, one piece of this thing could be exchanged for a lot of money. Now it is not valuable at this stage, but since someone uses it to pick up girls, I guess

It’s those descendant sects that have returned to the world.”

The origin of local magic is in Laozi. Later, the disciples under Laozi developed different schools, but they were mainly divided into two schools: law and method. Alchemists are alchemists. Using the medium as a guide, the stronger the medium, the more powerful they can be.

The more powerful the spells, but perverts like Qing Lingzi are not among them. He has both methods, and he is also a great alchemist. He can transform with one click and is invincible.

Among them, the more appropriate name for warlocks should be magicians. For example, thunder dragons are classic magicians. They must not be called magicians, because the difference between a warrior and a teacher will directly reduce the seniority by several dozen.


This scholar is a scholar among scholars, farmers, industry and merchants, a scholar among scholar-bureaucrats.

Later, because the alchemist group was taken away by Zhao Zheng, he did not even have time to pass it on. Therefore, from the Qin Dynasty, the warlocks became the mainstream. After that, the warlocks integrated some of the techniques of the previous alchemists and went out alone to open up a few.

Branches, and then different branches gradually branched out over the long years, eventually forming the great era of magic that began one thousand five hundred years ago.

So the content that people are familiar with, such as flying with a sword, carrying five ghosts, walking through walls, and turning stones into gold, are actually things that were developed by the combination of the original alchemists and magicians.

Later, due to the arrival of civilized pirates, many contents were modified and optimized by them, and gradually formed the current situation 1,300 years ago. Finally, after improvements and innovations by masters of all generations, it finally reached today, and it has basically been lost for hundreds of years.

Ninety percent.

Of course, the inheritance is still there, but this thing is of no use anymore. The transportation of the five ghosts is not as good as liberating the big card. Flying with the sword cannot catch up with the green train. I don’t know the meaning of the wall-penetration technique. Turning stone into gold

Then whoever points it out will know it, and that's a trick. Now everyone has learned to be clever, and it's easy to fool others without telling them, and it's easy to do it yourself. Over time, no one will learn this thing.

Would you say it is a cultural treasure? Well? Why not? But it has really reached a critical point, because when practitioners in an industry even have problems making ends meet, the industry is destined to become a

It is a toy for a small group of people to play around with nothing to do, but this toy not only has barriers to entry, but it also attracts people, so isn’t the age of the end of the Dharma coming?

Sometimes times throw away something without saying hello.

In the past, this group of people were called scholars because they could become masters by relying on their skills, but now they at least have to go to graduate school, right? After experiencing the long period of the end of the Dharma, this era no longer believes in it.

They are living gods. Compared with the illusory and pretentious gods, subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology will never show off in front of ordinary people. If you understand it, you will be awesome. If you don't understand it, you can feel free to be a fool.

This is too far away. Let’s return to the current problem itself. The emergence of the Spirit Sword Stone means that those sects have finally begun to recover. In theory, these sects will be allies of the Twelve Spirits because they are direct descendants. But the theory is a theory.

I don’t know how cruel reality is. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and wherever there are rivers and lakes, there are intrigues. The reliability of these descendants’ sects is not even as reliable as a dog.

After Lei Long chatted with Huang Die'er for a while, he placed the Spirit Sword Stone in the iron box in the cabinet, then stood up and shouted to the two guys who were dividing the spoils: "Are you done?"

"It's really outrageous." Xu Wei stood up. With thirteen rings on her ten fingers, she stretched out her hand and looked at it under the light: "Can you do whatever you want if you are good-looking?"

"You are really right. If you are good-looking, you can do whatever you want." Huang Dieer turned around and said with a smile: "You two, stop fooling around with Zhang Yao. I have given you so many things. How can you still be embarrassed?"

Pi Ye just grabbed the heavy plastic bag in her hand and didn't say a word for a long time. She knew best how reluctant she was to part with the treasure she had worked so hard to select for so long. Her expression was stiff for a long time and she looked down at her plastic bag several times.


"Why doesn't she care about these treasures at all?" Master Pi suddenly raised his head and asked, "Isn't she so rich?"

Thunder Dragon and Huang Die'er answered in unison: "I don't know."

The tacit understanding between the two was extraordinary. After all, Jin Mei had given them a gag order, but Mr. Pi looked at the two of them suspiciously, tilting his head and looking confused.

At this moment, at the edge of the solar system, the space suddenly became abnormally distorted, and then a slender flying object about three meters long appeared out of thin air. It entered the space flexibly, then turned around and started to flicker.

The lights were turned on, and while the lights were flashing, many small drones appeared on both sides of it. The drones were spread out, forming a clear path.

About seven minutes later, the space just now suddenly pulsed like a heart, and then a huge hexagonal aircraft penetrated the space and slowly poked its head out.

After the aircraft, which was about the same size as the moon, came out, thousands of aircraft of different shapes flew out from the space behind it. After a brief arrangement and formation, they began to head towards the earth.

These aircraft entered the curvature space about nineteen minutes later, and it took less than forty minutes to reach the far side of the moon, which is more than 20,000 kilometers away. After activating the zero-gravity mode of the synchronous orbit, the creatures on the huge fleet saw

Looking at the peaceful planet in front of them, they first fell into a strange silence, and then they all celebrated almost crazily.

These creatures, who looked no different from humans, took off their battle armor, sealed up all their weapons, and then directly threw a star gate from the mother ship to the back of the moon. Then the star gate was activated, and huge energy instantly enveloped the moon.

, then the giant mother ship began to disintegrate, one third went to Mars with the atmosphere modification system, one third stayed on the moon, and the remaining one third split again and was divided into hundreds of high-tech exploration ships.

The largest one is hundreds of kilometers long, and the smallest one is only as big as a locomotive.

The larger ones headed towards Venus and Mercury, which have harsh geology and climate, while the smaller ones headed straight for the Earth, plunging into the deep ocean before radars around the world could react.

The last advance ship quickly restarted and moved rapidly along the continental shelf on the seabed.

"They are coming." The God King suddenly raised his head and said to Brother Zhang: "I didn't expect them to bring their city over. These monsters..."

"So their city is also a spaceship?"

"Yes, as a creature that can reproduce for one hundred and twenty generations in thirty years, any living area that cannot be disassembled and moved is a cage for them, and all their expansion is to adapt to reproduction."

Brother Zhang was stunned. He originally thought that this group of rabbits would just come over for a few representatives, but he didn't expect that the rabbits who came this time would actually come directly from a city.

Ten minutes later, on the coast of Lantau Island in Hong Kong, three strong men in tights slowly walked out of the water. They took off the respiratory protection devices on their heads and raised their heads and took a deep breath.

"I smell the smell of home."

One of them sighed: "The smell of the mother planet."

As the captain of this three-person team, the guy at the head was particularly strong. He looked around vigilantly: "You must remember to try not to do anything that changes the direction of civilization. We are not here to conquer this time.

It’s the mother planet.”


A few of them pressed the buttons on their clothes, and the tights on their bodies immediately turned into the average of the styles with the largest proportions among the clothes that could be scanned on the street. This made the alien rabbits look like them immediately.

Became a dock worker.

"We are here to meet the guardians under the order of the chief assistant. Don't embarrass the empire." Captain Rabbit said seriously again: "Also, we are not allowed to harass any individual of the sect leader, otherwise I will let you know what cruelty is.


Years of morbid worship of human beings have made them also full of morbid love for the earth. Even when facing the earth with such a backward civilization, they still call each other their masters and call the earth itself their mother planet.

After the three rabbits determined the signal position, they immediately entered the high-speed mode. They did not need any external force at all, they only needed to speed up and they were done. The 40-meter cliff passed in a flash, and they arrived at the city within a few minutes.


After entering the city, their pace slowed down, but the implanted chips were constantly analyzing all the data here. Seeing countless real humans who were not transformed, the blood vessels of these three rabbits were excited.


"Captain, this is the real sect master, right? Their structure is so perfect, and every evolutionary direction is perfectly in line with the development route of advanced civilization."

"Shut up, don't draw too much attention." The captain whispered: "Activate the mental translation system."

"So original... so cute... I like it so much..."

After receiving the surrounding language information, the three rabbits each expressed their admiration at such a backward human civilization. Perhaps it was like what the God King said, as long as it is a carbon-based creature, it is basically difficult to escape the influence of emotions.

After the God King came here, he did not express any opinions related to his personal preferences, but these rabbits clearly showed their sincere love, and it was obvious that their technological levels were almost the same.

"I can't believe that we were created by such excellent creatures." One of the rabbits saw an old man of about eighty years old sitting at the door drinking tea. After a slight scan, he found that he was actually eighty-two years old.

, couldn't help but express heartfelt admiration: "The average life span of human beings is about seventy Earth years, which is about exactly the length of two-thirds of a century. According to the frequency of technological change we measured, seventy Earth years

The year is just enough to complete the overlap of two generations of technology. Humanity can carry out technological transition very smoothly without being caught off guard like us. In the future, the progress of the sect master will definitely surpass us."

The rabbits commented like this until the three of them came to the signal point, which was in front of Brother Zhang and the God King.

"Guardians are guardians! As I told you, humans are really lucky. The appearance rate of guardians is incredibly low, but we saw a living guardian today!"

Brother Zhang turned his head and said to the God King: "Are they all so unable to hide their words?"

"When we fight with them, we never hack into their battlefield command system, because too much noise will interfere with our normal command."


This chapter has been completed!
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