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216, GZ Horror Story

"Drink a bowl of ginger soup."

At 1:30 in the morning, Bai Mengjie appeared in front of Xiao Zhang again, but this time she was no longer in high spirits and looked as if she had been greatly frightened. Moreover, her electric car was gone and her clothes were still covered with water.

The weather outside had also cooled down during this period, and she was shivering all over when she came over, like a kitten struggling to get up after falling into a pool.

Bai Mengjie finally calmed down after taking several sips of hot cola and ginger soup, but her frightened expression still made people feel distressed.

"Brother...I hit a ghost." Bai Mengjie raised her head and said to Brother Zhang in a trembling voice: "I almost got killed."

Brother Zhang frowned: "What's going on?"

Bai Mengjie sat there and recounted what she had experienced tonight.

It was at night that she took an order. Originally, she didn't want to risk taking the order after nine o'clock, but she saw that the name on the order seemed to be a woman, so she thought of taking the last order and then

Went home to watch a movie.

But who only knew that this order was a torment for her. The owner of the order first changed his address three times, each time further away than the last time. The last time, he even took the person directly to the suburbs. Bai Mengjie could have skipped the delivery, but she also

She had a bad temper and was a person who didn't care when her temper got the better of her, so she couldn't help but ride towards the last address.

The location shown in the address is an old factory area. This place has been abandoned for many years and has been developed. There are a few buildings standing there alone, and the rest of the place is full of unfinished buildings.

When she saw this scene, Bai Mengjie thought it was someone playing a prank, so she called to contact her, but the call was not connected, so she put her things down and prepared to run away, but she never expected that she

No matter how much I wandered around, I kept wandering around in that small place. I arrived around nine o'clock and couldn't get out until half past eleven.

The electric car ran out of battery, so she threw it off and ran on her feet. But after another half an hour, she felt that she had finally run out, but suddenly she choked on the water. When she came back to her senses, she realized that she had not realized it.

She has reached the center of the Nanhe River, and if she goes any further, the water will completely swallow her up.

"How did you escape later?"

"I don't know." Bai Mengjie held the ginger tea and her body kept shaking: "I only know that I used all my strength to rush out. All I thought about was going home quickly, and then I ran here."

Brother Zhang nodded: "You change your clothes and come with me to take a look."

If Brother Zhang can tell him to go and take a look in person, the matter is basically settled, and he really rarely talks about what he will do personally. If he wants to say why he would go there personally for Bai Mengjie, it's probably... maybe still

Because the knot in the heart of the little snake is still there.

After changing into Xu Wei's clothes, Bai Mengjie sat on Brother Zhang's electric car and started heading to the place where the accident happened. With Brother Zhang, she didn't have any worries. Not only was Bai Mengjie not afraid, she even kept saying that Brother Zhang was going to do something.

Knock those monsters to the spot and explode.

As the electric car slowly drove to the abandoned factory area, Brother Zhang didn't notice anything unusual. However, he saw the electric car that Bai Mengjie had left lying in the grass on the roadside, but this place was two full miles away from Nanhe.

ten kilometers.

"Are you sure you ran to Nanhe?"

"I'm very sure." Bai Mengjie nodded seriously and solemnly: "Didn't the two of them make news in Nanhe gold mining some time ago..."

Brother Zhang nodded, raised his head and looked at the starry sky, then took out a coin from his pocket and gently tossed it forward: "Take me there!"

The coin seemed to have a soul. After it landed, it began to roll forward. The speed was not fast, just the walking speed of the two of them. The coin rolled past the broken iron door and continued to roll into the deep darkness.

Little Brother Zhang was following behind it, while Bai Mengjie was holding Little Brother Zhang's sleeve tightly, fearing that something would suddenly jump out and startle her.

At this moment, Mouzi came back from overtime and found that the lights at Brother Zhang's place were not turned off. He went over and took a look and found that Xu Wei was the only one cleaning there. After asking about the situation, Mouzi frowned: "And this."

What kind of thing?"

"Well, you guys weren't around at the time, so he took the people out."

"This is like using a hydrogen bomb to blow up mosquitoes." The mouse sighed: "He is still worried, for fear that the situation with the little snake will happen again."

"Isn't this great?" Xu Wei knelt on a stool with one leg and his upper body lying on the counter: "At least he still has a human touch. In fact, we all know how many problems he has helped us solve, right?"

Mouzi glanced at Xu Wei, and then burst out laughing: "You're right, that guy... How should I put it, he's probably a typical cold outside and hot inside. Okay, let him do it, it's a very small thing

It's something. While you haven't closed the shop yet, is there anything else to eat here?"

"Would you like soy sauce fried rice? There happens to be some leftover rice."

"Okay, let's have some soy sauce rice."

And while they were discussing Brother Zhang there, Brother Zhang himself had already entered the unfinished building.

"Brother... I feel like there are many people around me looking at me."

Bai Mengjie didn't dare to open her eyes now because she had a very strange feeling that someone was staring at her from every broken window around her. This feeling made her hair stand on end.

Brother Zhang looked down at the coins that were already spinning in place, then looked up at the surrounding windows, and then shook his head: "Well, it should be."

"What should I do...what should I do...I'm so scared."

In response to her collapse, Brother Zhang just smiled, then bent down to pick up the coin and patted it in his palm. The coin suddenly emitted a scorching light. This brightness was like the rising sun in the morning, illuminating everything around it.

Be translucent.



Under the light, everything around him was not so scary, but Brother Zhang didn't see or even feel anything. He turned his head and looked at Bai Mengjie and said, "There's nothing."



"Of course." Brother Zhang glanced around and saw nothing evil except for a few harmless little monsters who were disturbed by the bright light and stuck their heads out to see what was going on.



"I didn't talk to you." Brother Zhang squatted down and waved towards the distance: "I have something to ask you."

After a while, several hedgehogs came over with their heads shaking. They seemed to belong to the same family. They gathered in front of Brother Zhang and started chatting. After listening for a while, Brother Zhang asked: "

So do you know where it went?"

The hedgehog family whispered to each other for a while, and then the biggest one looked at little Brother Zhang and chirped.

"Well, okay, I got it. Thank you." After Brother Zhang stood up, the hedgehog family left. He turned to Bai Mengjie and said, "There was indeed something here before, but it seemed to be just a passerby.

And from the way they describe it, they might not be the ghosts you mentioned."

"What could that be?"

"I don't know." Brother Zhang didn't know much about this thing, so he took out his phone and sent a message to Ghost King Huahua: "Wait for the news."

Sure enough, after a while, the video of the Ghost King classmate came over. In the video, she was wearing pajamas with a toothbrush in her mouth: "Yes, there have been a lot of suspected supernatural events recently. I have investigated them.

Few, but there is no news. I think it may be some kind of inter-dimensional creature."

"Across space?"

"Yes, a cross-space creature that is good at hiding. I originally wanted to report it to you, but I don't have accurate information. Ask Sister Mengjie, did you hear any special sounds when you were confused?"

Bai Mengjie thought for a while, then suddenly her eyes widened: "Yes! Someone seemed to be whispering in my ear, but I was too nervous at the time and didn't pay much attention."

"Well, the whispering skill. This should be..."

Brother Zhang narrowed his eyes: "God of Chaos."

"The Wonton God?"

"Chaos." Brother Zhang explained to the Ghost King: "It is a particularly difficult space creature, very disgusting. But if it is them, I should have forewarned."

"Then I don't know."

Brother Zhang pursed his lips and thought for a moment: "Okay, I'll continue to check the situation."

Encountered whispers, but has not yet been confused. This shows that the things Bai Mengjie encountered are not powerful, but this cannot explain anything, because the sticky and disgusting space is best at penetrating...

"I'll take you back first." Brother Zhang said to Bai Mengjie, "Then I'll go ask about the situation."

After sending Bai Mengjie back to Chang'an Lane, Brother Zhang immediately entered the spiritual illusion realm, and then quickly entered a vast void. In the center of this area, there was an indescribable thing suspended. This thing was

The famous blind and foolish god Azathoth.

Brother Zhang stepped forward, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the disgusting mucus. He immediately received a massive amount of information, and the god of blindness and stupidity also continued to read the information from him.

Constantly trying to invade his mind.

But no matter how hard it tries, it can't invade at all, because standing in front of it is a multi-dimensional barrier of the universe, and it has no ability to break through this barrier.

"I'm not one of your men." Brother Zhang retracted his hand: "But I need your help."

Hearing Brother Zhang's call, Azatos squirmed violently, and then squeezed out a small piece of meat from these disgusting meat balls. The small piece of meat soon took on the appearance of a human, and it used

In a slow, stupid tone he said: "At your call."

Brother Zhang nodded, then stretched out his hand towards Azathoth, and then a ball of flesh began to attach to Brother Zhang's arm like an octopus, and then gradually spread upwards along the palm of his hand.

When Brother Zhang's entire body was covered with purple pieces of meat, those pieces of meat returned to Brother Zhang's arms at an extremely fast speed.

"Thank you." Brother Zhang retracted his hand and retreated from the spiritual realm.

The little Brother Zhang who appeared here began to experience a series of changes. First, his eyes turned completely black, then his body began to twist in strange postures, and finally he turned into a giant black...


The huge moth was suspended in the sky above the city. The powder on its body would erupt with every flapping of its wings and spread to various places along the wind. After the powder was sprayed, the moth gradually fell to the ground and returned to the appearance of Little Brother Zhang.

And he also completely drove out the clone of Azathoth that was attached to him.

"Thank you for your help." After saying that, a realm of nothingness appeared in front of him, and then countless tentacles stretched out from it to take back the pieces of meat he threw off.

After finishing all this, Brother Zhang gently closed his eyes. In an instant, all the dark creatures in the world were exposed to his sight...

This chapter has been completed!
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