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251, the great awakening of the superpower

"Shout the police again!"

Someone on the second floor in the alley opened the window and stuck his head out to curse. Others followed suit and expressed their dissatisfaction. The cause of all this was because Yu Heng's screams were too intrusive. If this wasn't Chang'an Alley,

, I’m afraid the police uncle has come four times.

And the reason why he is in so much pain is that he has missed the best period of entry into practice. Now if he wants to rush into the immortal path, he has to forcefully open his meridians. How can I describe this kind of pain? It is probably equivalent to when a person is six years old.

He broke his leg, but it was not cured at the time and became lame. Then when he grew up and was in his twenties, he went for treatment again, and the doctor re-broken it directly at the place where it was originally broken.

It may even be more painful than breaking off a leg, because there are more than 400 meridians and acupuncture points in the body, all need to be moved aside, and there is no comfortable place from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, so it is strange that the scream is not miserable.

"If you want to be dignified in front of others, you have to suffer behind the scenes." Chen Shi leaned on the stone chair in the backyard and watched the mouse let the thunder dragon use thunder to attack Yu Heng's meridians little by little. The pain had already made Yu Heng almost

He fainted for the first time, and now he was as if he had been fished out of the water.

Mouse stepped forward and put a towel to Yu Heng's mouth: "The three points on the back are particularly painful, you have to endure it."

However, the Thunder Dragon who helped cast the spell raised his head and asked curiously: "You said it would be useful to shock him with electricity?"

"Of course, you can use a stick to do anything."

Mouse said, tapping the crook of Yu Heng's leg with his hand: "Here, come."

Yuheng bit the towel tightly, turned around and glanced at Mouse with red eyes. Mouse understood: "This doesn't hurt."

The lightning flashed on Thunder Dragon's hand, and he pressed it directly on that spot. Yu Heng, who had already relaxed when he heard that there was no pain, suddenly tensed up. He bit the towel and made a sound of um um, um, um, um, face.

He was flushed, but because his limbs were immobilized, his body was only twitching, and then his head drooped and he fainted.

At this time, the mouse walked back to the small restaurant, scooped out a bowl of ice cubes from Brother Zhang's ice machine, returned to the backyard, and then mercilessly pushed all the ice cubes onto Yu Heng's neck, making him tremble all over.

Just woke up.

"It is unbearable for ordinary people. Since you want to take revenge, you must go through the pain of cutting off your hair and washing your marrow." The mouse said and took out a golden needle: "And since we promised you, we will definitely give it to you.

Given this opportunity, all you can do now is grit your teeth and get through it."

After saying that, Mouse took Brontosaurus's hand and used Brother Zhang's fruit knife to make a cut on Brontosaurus's wrist. The golden-red blood flowed out. He quickly used a small bowl to cut the Brontosaurus's wrist.

Blood followed.

"Fuck!" Thunder Dragon cursed: "You are sick."

"The spirit guarding array originally used the blood of those ancient monsters as tattoo materials. I thought your blood would be much easier to use than those things, so I didn't bother."

Brontosaurus was bleeding non-stop. After Mouse saw that the amount was about the same, he quickly bandaged him with a special drug. Because of the drug, Brontosaurus slowly stopped bleeding and the pain was much better.

"Strange...how can this broken knife prevent me from healing on my own?" Thunder Dragon picked up the fruit knife on one side: "This is the broken knife from Xiaoma Hardware Store. The purchase price is less than five yuan.


Normally, mortal weapons cannot hurt the Thunder Dragon at all. Even the frost "seems" to hurt the Thunder Dragon, but this knife can make the Thunder Dragon's blood flow loudly.

"As for the artifact, it's not because it is an artifact, but because it is something used by gods. Whether it's Xu Wei's gold pen or Jin Mei's silk scarf, it's all like this. Whose sword does it belong to?"

"I understand." Thunder Dragon fiddled with the small fruit knife: "That will explain why my boss was able to send Black Guanyin to another dimension with a spatula."

Mouse didn't say much, but came to Yu Heng with the bowl of golden-red blood that seemed to have a metallic luster under the moonlight: "I will cast a spiritual guarding formation on you now. This formation gathers the power of the twelve spirits on you."

Twelve talismans are engraved on the body, and each talisman can borrow part of the power of the twelve spirits. It is considered a top-level spirit gathering array, but it also has shortcomings. You have to think clearly, that is, once you get involved in the spirit guarding array, you will never be able to fight against it.

The Twelve Spirits are enemies, because your power comes from this, and if you turn the gun, the spirit array will directly destroy you."

The Brontosaurus was picking his nose next to him: "How to destroy it?"

The mouse rolled his eyes at him. He had always felt that Brontosaurus' brain was either stupid or a little sick. Now he was almost sure that some part of Brontosaurus's brain must have been dug out with a spoon.

"No one in the world can hold up twelve spirits at the same time, okay? The sea of ​​​​qi will explode in less than two seconds." Mouse said feebly: "If you can't speak, you'd better shut up, no one

I'll think you're dumb, really."

Thunder Dragon said, "Okay."

Chen Shi next to him was holding a wine gourd and looking at them. He didn't say anything, but he looked at Yu Heng seriously the whole time, because from the beginning when he started to suffer, no matter how distorted his face was, his eyes were unprecedented.

Determined. A normal person would have gone crazy under such pain, but the more pain he felt, the more awake he became, as if he wanted to remember every painful feeling firmly. This kind of knife-like eyes was exactly what a swordsman cultivated.

A necessary trait, because once he embarks on the path of sword cultivation, if the sword wielder cannot turn into a sharp blade, his upper limit will be very low.

Mo Zi began to tattoo Yu Heng with spirit animal blood. The stinging pain was like a spa treatment for Yu Heng now. After a night of exhaustion-like torture, he fell asleep unconsciously while the tattoo was being done.

The wake formation requires all twelve spirit signs to be tattooed on the back, which really means left green dragon, right white tiger and old cow on the waist. However, halfway through the tattoo, the mouse suddenly let out an ouch.

Thunder Dragon asked curiously: "What?"

"I forgot to ask him if he wanted to take the public exam to serve as a soldier. After getting the tattoo, he won't be able to take the public exam."

"Throw..." Thunder Dragon waved his hand: "Stop being clever."

Mouse laughed, and then continued to work. Mouse's hands were skillful and careful, and the tattoo speed was very fast. Even though the formation was very precise, under the control of the master of the formation, Mouse, it was almost completed at about three o'clock.


At this time, Brother Zhang had also finished work. Brother Zhang and Xu Wei came here with a bowl of milk corn and ate while looking at the mouse tattoos. At this time, Yu Heng's originally fair back was already covered with tattoos.

The formation was covered under the pattern, and as Mouse used a towel to wipe off the spirit beast blood and Yu Heng's own blood on his skin, all the twelve spirits' appearances appeared in front of everyone.

"Please Holy Master, please light your eyes."

The mouse respectfully handed the golden needle in his hand to Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang was stunned for a moment: "Ah? Me?"

"Ang... besides the Holy Lord, who else in the world can give the twelve spirits the eyes."

"Oh, you teach me."

The mouse nodded, and then taught Brother Zhang almost step by step how to add eyes to the tattoo. Brother Zhang learned things very quickly, and it only took him five minutes to master the trick. He took a hollow gold needle and dipped it in the blood of the Thunder Dragon.

Then he started to dot the twelve spirits on Yu Heng’s back. The first thing he dotted was the mouse. As soon as his eyes were opened, the tattoo that could only be regarded as spiritual suddenly came to life. Even though it was tattooed on his back, he could feel that it was being made.

Various actions.

Next was the cow. With his eyes a little closer, everyone seemed to hear an earth-shattering cow moo. It was the same after that. Every spiritual form whose eyes were clicked by the Holy Lord would have corresponding movements.

And when Brother Zhang finally clicked on all the pig's eyes, the eyes of each spirit form starting from the mouse started to twinkle like stars in the sky, and then Yu Heng's back seemed to be moving.

Like an ink painting, the dragon rides on the clouds, the tiger follows the wind, and the white horse roars in the west wind. All the spirits came to life at this moment, and then slowly returned to their previous appearance, and the light in their eyes gradually extinguished and turned into ordinary


"Oh, they all seem to be staring at me." Xu Wei suddenly exclaimed: "Look!"

When everyone went over to take a look, it was really like this. No matter where they stood from any angle, they could feel that the tattoos of the twelve spirits were staring at them with their eyes. Although it was obviously a 2D picture, it was now made more real than a 3D one.

What's more important is the blood of Brontosaurus. His blood is obviously not a color that humans can have. When used as tattoo material, it will have a special texture and will change with the change of light, which makes these

Stationary tattoos appear to be moving. For example, a mouse's tail will flick back and forth, a tiger's ears will move slightly, a dragon's whiskers will feel like they are being blown by the wind, and even a pig's fangs will seem to be reflected.

There was a flash of cold light.

"So handsome... I want to get a tattoo too." Xu Wei pointed to her arm: "Get this tattoo."

"Zhenwenwen, I will give you a tattoo of a big tortoise holding a fork." Thunder Dragon scolded: "You won't feel sorry for using my blood."

While chatting, they dispersed, leaving Yuheng alone in the yard with his hands and feet bound.

It was already the morning of the next day when he was found. When Xu Wei put him down, he was still sleeping... You can imagine what kind of torture he suffered yesterday, but in the words of a mouse, this is just the beginning.

, he will have to go through a lot of pain after that. Opening up the meridians is only the first step, and then there is also the need to divide the muscles and bones, so that his completely closed muscles and bones can be reopened to adapt to the high-intensity training that will follow.

"We can't let us get weapons for him. You are the master, so why don't you get something for your closed disciple?"

The mouse sat there and said to Chen Shi: "A good guy needs to be repaired."

Chen Shi thought for a long time and then said, "Can you send me to the top of Mount Huashan?"

"Yes, what do you want to do?"

"Get the guy."

Moazi thought about it and felt that it would be inconvenient to go to Huashan at this point, so he made an appointment with him to go there at dusk. Chen Shi didn't say anything more, and just continued to lean there and drink and look out the window.

Yu Heng didn't wake up all day today, but he had recurring nightmares, dreaming that he was knocked down from the Kunlun Mountains by Ningshuang, and that his fellow juniors turned into wild dogs and bit him to death.

It wasn't until evening that he slowly woke up. After yesterday's torture and not eating anything today, he now felt that his legs and feet were so weak that he couldn't even get out of bed. Xu Wei opened the door and put a bowl of noodles on it.

Beside his bed.

"Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? You really have to thank me, Brother Zhang. If it weren't for him, you would have died long ago."

"I know that my life was given by the Holy Lord. He was kind and kind to me." Yu Heng looked out the window: "Sister Wei, tell me why people can be so cold."

Xu Wei shrugged: "Who knows, hurry up and eat, Brother Mouse and the others will be back soon."

"Where did they go?"

"I don't know, it's mysterious."

At this moment, the mysterious Brother Mouse and Chen Shi were standing on the top of Huashan Mountain, looking at the stars. The feeling of looking down on the world made the two of them silent for a long time, and their pride arose spontaneously. On this wall of ten thousand people,

, there are only stars, only the strong wind, and only the sea of ​​clouds.

When they felt the aura of the Lord of the World, Chen Shi suddenly pointed his finger to the sky: "Old man, I'm here to pick you up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huashan trembled, and then a golden light suddenly exploded from the cliff where the swords and axes were clattering, and then a sword box that had lost its paint rose into the sky. Under the light of thousands of stars, the sword box shattered, and the sword box inside

A rusty long sword rushed straight in front of Chen Shi, the tip of the sword was less than five centimeters from Chen Shi's nose.

"Old man, I know you are angry. I brought you out this time to give you an explanation."

After saying that, Chen Shi stretched out his hand, grasped the long sword and slid it hard.

"Ah don't... tetanus..."

Mouse shouted, but it was too late. Chen Shi's blood was already flowing down the sword body. As the blood flowed out, the rusty long sword immediately glowed with unparalleled aura, and his whole body transformed.

It became a sword that shimmered with silver light. The hilt was decorated with seven stars, and the sword body was even more brilliant, complementing the starlight in the sky.

"Let's go, I'll take you down the mountain."

Mouse saw this exquisite spiritual sword and asked curiously: "Old Chen, this sword of yours looks good, why don't you use it?"

"Because..." Chen Shi stroked his sword gently: "Because it is no longer needed."

"Oh...I know, you sword cultivators are very particular about transforming your body into a sword. In fact, you are already a sword, right? One sword doesn't need another sword."

Chen Shi did not answer, but looked into the distance and sighed: "I can transform my body into a sword...but I can never become a saint."


"Do you really want to know?" Chen Shi turned to look at Mouse, and then laughed: "It's okay to tell you. When you first get to know swords, it's like looking at the world for the first time. Your knowledge is shallow, and you think that you only want to be the best in the world in the way of swordsmanship. Looking at swordsmanship again,

For example, when a person reaches middle age, he looks back at everything as a drag, thinking that one day he can cut off his mind and desires and reach the state of perfection. But when he actually reaches the state of perfection, he suddenly looks back and finds that there is nothingness above the state of transformation.

Only then did I suddenly realize that the way of the sword is to transform desires into the way, and love, hate, and hatred are all this way. However, I have already cut off the world of mortals. Without thoughts, there is no way. Therefore, I am no longer qualified to use the sword, because I cannot lead the sword to join the way.

Now I just want to find my old enemy and let him kill me, or I kill him."

"It's so profound." Mouse spread his hands and said, "It's really hard for you people, but it's better for us. If you can't accomplish it in one life, you'll be reincarnated in the next life. Anyway, you will be able to complete the way in your heart one day."

"Then what is your way?"

"I..." Mouse paused: "Just... justice? For justice?"

Chen Shi laughed, full of disdain, turned around and jumped into the air with his sword, even the spiritual illusion was useless.

"Hey, what's the name of your sword?"

"Seven Stars Long Yuan."

When Mo Zi returned to the small restaurant, Chen Shi was only ten minutes behind him. It seemed that the Legendary Sword Immortal was not just bragging. He really had two brushes. Mo Zi saw Chen Shi slowly push the door open and enter.

, leaned over and smiled: "Are you planning to pass the sword to your little apprentice?"

"If he can cultivate to the point of harmony and unity, he won't waste the opportunity of the sword."

After Chen Shi finished speaking, he came to the hotel and saw Yu Heng sitting in a daze. He picked up the sword wrapped in cloth and threw it in front of him: "Take it, if you fail it, I will not let it go."


Yu Heng was stunned. He picked up the sword and opened the wrapping cloth a little. He saw that there was silver light inside, and there was a faint roar of a dragon. There was no need to test the sword. Even with his ears, he knew it was a peerless sword.


"What are you doing standing still?" The mouse kicked him on the butt: "You don't know what this is?"

Yu Heng finally reacted at this time and knelt down in front of Chen Shi with his sword in his arms, bang bang bang three times: "Thank you, master, for giving me the sword."


Chen Shi fluttered his sleeves and left, but Yu Heng knelt there holding the sword tightly and started crying. Mo Zi picked his ears: "You, the first thing you have to change is your crying habit, grown man.

I have talked a lot with your master about bleeding without shedding tears. His only thought in his life is to make this sword and its owner become a saint. Do you understand what I mean? I have never seen any sword immortal.

Crying and entering the room at the same time."

Yu Heng tried his best to hold back his tears, then stood up and raised his fists to the mouse.

The mouse leaned there and shouted: "Xu Wei, a piece of fried rice with sausages, a bottle of sugar-free black pine root beer, and a piece of small crispy pork."

At the same time in Baodao, Qing Lingzi was standing in the large office building he had just rented. He was wearing neat clothes, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass and quietly looking at the night view of Taipei. It was windy outside, but he

But he was in a good mood, because it had only been less than two years since he was driven out of his home by the Twelve Spirits, and now he has gained considerable influence here. In these two years, he not only recovered his cultivation, but also accumulated a lot of energy.

He raised a large amount of original capital and also made his name known.

The only thing that made him feel a little unhappy was his subordinates. Really... there's nothing to say. If he hadn't seen that even though they were Fang Zulu, they could at least move one space with one stroke. Qing Lingzi would have killed them all.

If he were given a break, he would probably get out of here even better than he is now.

"Qing Lingzi, come back quickly!"

While Qing Lingzi was enjoying her sense of accomplishment, the phone rang at an inappropriate time, followed by Sai Dongfeng's voice: "That little bitch is crazy! I can't hold him down anymore."

"Where's Black Guanyin?"

"She went to see a movie. Come back quickly."

This chapter has been completed!
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