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267, sometimes people are really strange

 "Yang Guang has ascended the throne."

Unknowingly, she had been in this place for several years, but Zhang Yao vaguely felt that only a few days had passed. She lived an isolated life every day, busy in the backyard, first making steel with local methods, and then using tools

A more advanced steel-making furnace was made, and then steel was processed with advanced alloys. Then a stamping machine was built using these special-shaped steels, and two cows were obtained as power.

In the past few years, she has acquired more than 100 guns, almost 200,000 rounds of ammunition, and 40 cannons of various calibers. To outsiders, they only know that the monarch of Jiangxia is crazy and tinkers with strange things all day long.

Something, but only Zhang Yao knew that she was preparing for the coming troubled times.

When Yang Jian was in power, everything was fine. But after Yang Guang came to power, the world would be in chaos. The turmoil during his fourteen years in power was very exciting, so why not take advantage of it now?

When you are in a high position and have great authority, you should quickly build a team that is strong enough to survive in troubled times.

In just the past few years, she has transformed the backyard of the Prime Minister's Palace into a small arsenal, and hired dozens of workers and maids under her command to engage in production and construction.

For her future plans, she built a walled city in the mountains on the east side of Mount Tai two years ago. The walled city was not big but easy to defend and difficult to attack. She also used the relationship between her cheap dad and her eldest brother to get a lot of food stored in the village.

That place, and during this period, she gradually began to shift the production and processing base there.

It has to be said that Zhang Yao is really a player who is absolutely suitable for time travel. She has now mastered the local method of refining sulfuric acid, oxalic acid, phosphoric acid, acetic anhydride, metallic sodium, ethyl acetate, monochloroacetic acid, potassium carbonate, silica gel, boric acid,

Chlorobenzene, lanolin, and even animal leather such as crushed pig skins were used to prepare a large amount of gelatin, and even vitamin B12 was extracted.

As long as she gradually transfers resources and equipment there, and then works on her own development, she will be one of the dark horses when the chaos comes at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

The emperor's dream that cannot be fulfilled in the real world should be able to be achieved through this time travel. After all, she is a top engineer with many years of experience in weapons development and is proficient in the production of various explosives.

Being able to make explosives is equivalent to being able to make fertilizers, and in order to build the base in Shandong, it is to be closer to LYG's phosphate mine, so that there will be endless salt on the seaside, and there will be endless salt.

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are an indestructible barrier in troubled times.

"Has he ascended the throne?"

"Hurry up and get ready." Zhang Yao's cheap brother hurried over: "Leave Daxing before tomorrow night. Let me go wherever you go, and don't come back again."


The cheap brother looked at Zhang Yao and sighed with emotion: "I heard my father yesterday saying that he would dedicate you to Yang Guang as his concubine. I know your temperament, and you will definitely not be able to bear the loneliness in the palace. Sooner or later,

If you are going to die in depression, I think you'd better run away. Run away quickly and don't linger, I'd rather you not be around than die in the palace."

Zhang Yao raised her head and looked at her cheap brother, and then sighed. This guy was really interesting, so Zhang Yao didn't bother to say anything. She just raised her hands towards the cheap brother and said: "Brother, you should be more careful.

Don't show off your edge too much, Yang Guang is a man who loves success and is cruel in nature. He doesn't care about your friendship with your elder brother."

"Brother, I understand."

As he said that, the cheap brother turned his head and saw the things in the yard: "These things..."

"Leave it to you." Zhang Yao waved his hand grandly: "If... Yang Guang wants your life one day, you will rebel against him. These things are enough for you, brother, to fight your way out of Daxing City. No one can stop you.

Anyway, I’ve taught you how to handle these things. If you organize about two hundred people, you’ll be invincible here.”

The cheap brother was silent for a long time, then took a step back and bowed to Zhang Yao: "Sister, thank you, brother. I won't be able to take care of you much in the future, so be careful. If you are destined in the future..."

"Okay." Zhang Yao covered her mouth and smiled: "We will talk about the future later. In troubled times, you have to find a way to survive. If you are really desperate, go to Shandong to find me."

"Well, that's the place... where you asked me to smuggle the food and grass from the encirclement?"

"Yes, only you and I know that place." Zhang Yao waved her hand: "Let's go, please be careful, brother."

As soon as Zhang Yao left, she entered a pattern of falling into danger, and the Sky Fox King who weaved dreams for her never expected that this strange woman would not use any of the adventures he had prepared for him.

She didn't use any of these adventures, such as encountering an elixir in the mountains, encountering a beautiful girl when she went out to meet a hero, or unlocking the treasures of the two Jin Dynasties. She spent a few years just tossing around in the backyard on her own, and finally embarked on the road to conquer the world.

As the dream weaver, the Sky Fox King is also very curious about the next development of the plot. Taking advantage of Brother Zhang's time to search for the divine tripod, the Sky Fox King is looking forward to reading this story. This is really

This is an unexpected development, and based on the current development, the entire plot is no longer something that the Sky Fox King can arrange. He has also changed from a weaver to an observer.

Zhang Yao spent more than three months on the road and finally arrived at the base camp she had worked so hard to manage. This place is next to LYG, which is the area of ​​LY. Now it is also called LY. The name has not been changed, but it is under the jurisdiction of Langya County.

After arriving here, a small village that Zhang Yao originally invested has now become a large settlement area. Before, his eldest brother led troops to clean up the grassland barbarians who retreated. Most of the soldiers who retreated together with their family members gathered here. There were about three people in the village.

Thousands of years old.

These people all know the princess, and these people have always been favored by Zhang Yao's cheap brother, so she is actually more free after arriving here than when she was in Daxing.

After Zhang Yao came here, she didn't waste any time. She immediately gathered several retainers together and held a meeting, which was a development outline to ensure development and stability. She also described in detail the development direction and development in the past few years.

Development is about to begin, and he expressed that he will build a steelmaking plant as soon as possible, and then rely on Taishan's coal and iron ore resources to build a team that can win the war as soon as possible.

And when Zhang Yao was devoting himself to the struggle for dominance in the Central Plains at the age of nineteen, Mouse had already broken through the formation and met the last gatekeeper of the Jiang family in the room.

This man was sitting on a chair with a cigarette in his hand. He didn't have any particularly strange expressions when he saw Mouse and the others coming in. He just took out a bottle of wine from the drawer next to him and put it on the table.

"What are you pretending to be?"

As the light in the room clicked and was lit by the Brontosaurus, the man who had been hiding in the shadows covered his eyes and let out an ouch.

Mouse tilted his head and looked at the person in front of him. After looking at it carefully for a while, he suddenly frowned. A closer look made him laugh. This person was not someone else but the person of Mouse in his first life.


No wonder it is said that his level of formation is about the same as that of Mo Zi. Isn't this not the same? He is a direct disciple. At that time, Mo Zi was an elder, but the guy in front of him was just a child of seven or eight years old. Later,

When the Mouse soldiers were eliminated in that life, this guy naturally inherited his mantle.

Now, more than two thousand years have passed in circles, and the two of them met again in such a scene.

"Ah, this." The mouse said with a wry smile: "The corpse will dissolve the immortal, and the suffering boat will travel."

Ku Zhouxing scratched his face: "Well..."

Then he stood up, lowered his head and chuckled: "Master..."

Mouse coughed, and everyone around him looked at Mouse in astonishment. But Mouse seemed a little embarrassed at the moment. He looked at the people around him and didn't know where to start.

"Ku Zhouxing is your apprentice? You never said that."

"That's it..." Mouse stretched out a finger: "He was my apprentice in my first life, and then he became the Corpse Disciple Immortal in my third life."

"The Corpse Execution Immortal's Bitter Boat Journey, everyone in the formation. It turns out that I learned from you." Thunder Dragon crossed his arms and said with a smile, "Didn't you recognize each other at that time?"

At this time, Ku Zhou behaved awkwardly and said with a smile: "I saw it was Master, so... I had no choice but to hide."

"Okay, shall you clean up the house or me?" Thunder Dragon took two steps forward and said, "If you can't bear it, then I will do it."

Mouse raised his hand to stop the brontosaurus, then took a stool and sat down: "Tell me, why are you getting mixed up with the ginger ones."

Ku Zhouxing looked up at the ceiling, and then smiled helplessly: "It's just a living. Two and a half years ago, I used the formation I reserved on Mount Tai to reshape my body, but my body was so weak that I couldn't restrain it.

At that time, I couldn’t find either the Corpse Execution Immortal or my master, so I had to make a living everywhere. After many twists and turns, I ended up here. I didn’t want to get mixed up with the Jiang family, but they gave me too much.”

"Do you know what they did?" Mouse looked at the apprentice in front of him with bright eyes: "You know the rules, right?"

Ku Zhouxing raised his head and smiled: "I know, I am only responsible for finding and locating stars for them, plus some guarding matters. This is my limit."

"Are you going to follow me, or are you going to wait for Qing Lingzi to clean up the house?" Mouse said with a heavy expression, "Follow me, and you won't get good results either."

"Of course it's better to go with Master. If Master hadn't taken me in back then, I would have been a pile of bones. Even if Master takes back my life now, I have nothing to say."

Mouse stepped forward and took out a pair of special soft cuffs from his waist and put them on his hands: "Let's go. What will happen to you depends on your own performance."

"Thank you Master." Ku Zhouxing raised his head and looked at Mouse: "This is the first time I have seen Master look young."

A smile inadvertently flowed from the corner of Mouse's mouth, but it was not very obvious. He quickly stopped his smile and said sternly: "I am not your master, and you are not my apprentice. What awaits you is only justice."

After that, Ku Zhouxing was quickly taken to the prison where special prisoners are held. There are already more than a dozen prisoners detained here, and no prison escape has occurred so far.

As the crystal wall closed, Ku Zhouxing suddenly rushed forward and slapped the wall hard several times, shouting: "Master..."

Mouse looked back at him, and then said coldly: "Someone will come to interrogate you in two days."

"Master, I can help you eliminate the remaining members of the Jiang family."

The mouse's footsteps paused for a moment, but then he walked out all the way.

After he returns, he will naturally be teased by that group of unscrupulous people, but now Mouse has no intention of joking, because there is always an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"You can't be soft-hearted. It's not easy for me to look after your little apprentice." Xiao Ma leaned over and said to him: "His wolfish look is very scary."

The mouse sighed and said nothing. Why didn't he see that this journey of hardship was just a betrayal? But meeting again activated the memory of the mouse's past, and those fragments that had never appeared before slowly appeared.

It took shape in my mind, and the joy, anger, sorrow and joy of that year came to my heart again.

But in the end, he was still calm. He stood up and walked to Brother Zhang to sit down: "The mission is almost completed, but the Jiang family still has some influence in the distribution of forces. We will continue to investigate until death."

While he was talking, Mouse's cell phone rang again. He took a look and found that it was the maggot again, so he turned off the cell phone. Brother Zhang, who was chopping onions, raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "Are you worried?"

"The apprentice from back then appeared, and the memory of his death suddenly attacked me." The mouse laughed dryly twice: "It's okay, it's just a little thing."

Brother Zhang hummed, and then continued to chop onions: "Why don't you answer the phone?"

"Nothing to pick up."

"Huh?" Brother Zhang stared at the mouse again.

"Okay, okay, I'll take it..."

Mo Zi had no choice but to connect to the video. Hei Guanyin was sitting on the roof of the 101 Building: "Have you completed your mission? Guazilao."

The mouse frowned: "Why do you always harass me?"

"Am I harassing you? You are so shameless. The old man just asked me to ask. He also said that if you guys want to continue fighting, he will always be with you. I just asked you when you were free."

"No time!"

"Are you scared? If you are scared, just say so. If you ask me, you might as well just defect to us. You guys don't look like any promising people. You will be more promising by following us than you are now."

Mouzi was too lazy to talk nonsense to her and pointed the camera directly at Brother Zhang. When Hei Guanyin saw the man chopping onions, he hung up the phone with a loud bang. Then Mouzi received a 60-second voice message, but Mouzi

He didn't click it, because he knew that the amount of milk he would hold in his mouth during these sixty seconds must be very large.

"You guys have a good relationship." Brother Zhang smiled.

"She just likes to cause trouble, and she is timid and talks a lot." Mouse also smiled helplessly: "I can't do anything to her yet, it's really annoying."

While he was talking, Brother Zhang also received a message. He opened it and looked at it. He found that someone in the group had circled him, and then posted a photo of a bronze tripod, and asked Brother Zhang if he was the one.

I'm looking for this bronze tripod.

Brother Zhang sent the photo to Xiao Ma for him to identify. Xiao Ma looked at it for a while and stood up and said, "That's it! Where is it?"

"In the British Museum."

"Do it!" Xiao Ma threw the towel on the table: "Brothers, let's go."

"This matter involves real-world issues, do you need to report it to the gods over there?" Mouse was worried, and he looked at Brother Zhang: "You can give me an idea."

"Let them come to me." Brother Zhang raised his eyes and glanced around: "You can do whatever you want."

The twelve spirits had no worries this time. Mouse was the first to put on the hood, and the others followed suit, and then disappeared into the spiritual illusion.

Outside the museum, Mouse contacted the Mountain King: "Shan King, kill their electronic systems and interfere with their alarm systems."


The King of Mountains was firing on all cylinders, operating twelve computers at the same time, and none of his three heads and six arms were as smooth as him. At the same time, all of London's alarm phones suddenly rang non-stop, but as long as they were picked up, there would be a crisp and sweet sound: "Macau Prime Minister"

Home online..."


After receiving a notification from King Shan, Xiao Ma kicked open the door of the museum. The magic array inside immediately lit up, but Mouse pressed down the magic array with a copper plate, and everything where the thunder dragon went was

The lasers, lights, and cameras all went offline, and Xiao Ma also began to sift through the collection here.

"Take away everything that belongs to us, and the bronze tripod is in the innermost room. The door is made of steel." The mouse turned around and said, "Sister."

Huniu jumped forward and opened the door with her legs, which weighed several tons. At this time, the noise disturbed the guards here and the gargoyles guarding the museum. They rushed down together, but they saw a brontosaurus sitting astride the hall.

On a chair.

Thunder Dragon sat there with bare feet, and his feet were still shaking. After seeing him, the security guards and the humanoid gargoyles ran directly towards him. They were very fast, but after a few steps, they all

In the end, he foamed at the mouth and fainted.

A few gargoyles still wanted to struggle, but the Brontosaurus just moved the chair forward one meter, and then they really made no sound anymore.

"Illiterate, I don't even know the step voltage." Brontosaurus vomited while putting on his socks.

At this moment, a star suddenly flickered outside the window, and then the Thunder Dragon was hit by the starlight, and then a neutral little angel stood up in front of him, holding a holy sword in his hand and pointing at the Thunder Dragon.

Thunder Dragon got up from the ground, laughed, then took out his mobile phone, opened the group and pointed at Brother Zhang's profile picture: "Let your boss contact him. If you attack me again, you will be in trouble."

But the little angel didn't seem to know Brother Zhang, so he picked up the weapon and started to attack the Thunder Dragon. At that critical moment, a golden heavy sword appeared out of thin air in front of the Thunder Dragon, blocking the attack on the Thunder Dragon.

Holy sword.

Through the moonlight, Thunder Dragon can clearly see the epee in front of him. It is a bronze sword, and the sword body is covered with gold. It does not look like a very strong sword, but what can I say about this sword... the sword body?

One side is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers, and vegetation. On the hilt is a book about farming and livestock raising techniques, and on the other side is a strategy for unifying the world. The dense inscriptions on it look like a slate recording history.

"It's so beautiful, let me touch it."

"Go away." A hand as white as jade slapped away the thunder dragon's hand from behind, then raised the golden sword and came to the little angel, stretched out his hand and swiped: "Great Xia Dragon Bird Ginseng."

At this time, Thunder Dragon quickly opened his mobile phone and searched: Daxia Dragon Bird.

"Shui Jing Zhu·He Shui San" records: "We made five weapons together, and the weapons were sharp and sharp. They were refined into a large dragon bird ring, named Daxia Dragon Bird. Inscribed on its back is: ancient sharp weapon, Wu Chu Zhan Lu, Da Xia Long Que"

Summer dragon bird."

"Hey...you are a sword. How can you use a sword?"

"You're so annoying, please hurry up and take us back!" Daxia Longque lowered his body, then struck the little angel with his sword and went down.

This sword carries thousands of sword energy. It is obviously a mortal weapon, but it smashes the little angel's heavenly holy sword into pieces with one blow. But the upper three realms are the upper three realms. Although the holy sword is broken, it is not weak at all.

Start fighting Daxia Longque with fists and kicks.

At this time, Xiao Ma and the others also came out, and happened to see the girl fighting with the little angel, but they were obviously at a disadvantage.


Fuck, fuck, fuck!" After Xiao Ma saw her and the guy in her hand, she immediately screamed: "Give it to me, give it to me, let me use it!"

Just as he said this, he saw Daxia Longque being knocked out, and happened to slide in front of the pony. The golden sword in his hand also came out. The pony was quick-witted, grabbed the golden sword, and then did a backflip.

, slit his palm on the blade and let the blood flow out.

He touched Xuehuhu's hand on the sword, and suddenly a golden light bloomed in the room. Even the little angel was shocked and retreated a long way. When the golden light went out, the pony was already covered with golden armor, and at this time

Sword marks gradually appeared on Xiaoma's face, but he seemed not to be satisfied yet. He stretched out his hand towards Daxia Longque: "Here comes the sword!"

Daxia Longque leaned back as soon as he heard this, and then there was a gorgeous sword. On the sword was a man with a green python with a human head, which was Fuxi. One sword after another fell into Xiao Ma's hand. At this moment, he was like a god descending to earth.

The little angel rushed forward to stop him, but his wings were cut off by Pony's knife. Then the divine sword took off his hand and rushed straight towards his opponent. The people in the upper three realms were also nailed to the wall by the divine sword.

At this time, Xiao Ma pulled out the long sword. He was finally too weak and knelt on the ground on one knee, gasping for air: "No, it's not that the master can't bear this sword at all, rat!"


"I can still hold on for thirty seconds. You can destroy all the magic circles here within thirty seconds, and let the weapon spirits from all over the world make a fuss in the Fog City. Let these white-skinned people feel what is real.

of Oliver Twist.”


The rat immediately began to move up and down. He destroyed all the magic circles that restricted the weapon spirits in the entire museum. In an instant, the place was transformed into a museum fantasy night, and countless things came to life.



Hearing Mouse's "OK", Xiao Ma completely relieved himself. At this moment, he was as if he had fished someone out of the water, his hands and feet were trembling. Although the little angel was beaten all over by him, he was still

Recovering quickly.

"Have you brought everything?"

"OK, I didn't even miss a porcelain piece."


With a command to withdraw, Thunder Dragon grabbed the collar of the back of the pony's neck and got into the spiritual illusion with the others.

As soon as he came out, Xiao Ma lay flat on the floor, breathing heavily, and he still held two weapons in his hands: "It's cool... it's cool, damn, I can use the big summer dragon at the same time in this life."

The death of Que and Xuanyuan Xia Yu is worth it."

This chapter has been completed!
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