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278, the fate of evil

 "My advice to you is to resign as soon as possible. You are at a huge loss here. I really won't lie to you. I know a few bosses. Do you want to introduce them to you?"

Zhou Miao leaned against the door frame and ate snacks while quietly making plans for Xiao Hei's life. She always believed that it was a waste for such a woman to work as a waitress in this alley. If she could change her place, she could really do it.

She is so successful, as long as she is smart and uses her capital reasonably, she can make a man spend three million for her with just three words, instead of working hard here serving dishes and earning three melons and two dates every month.

One year’s money is not enough to buy a nice bag.

Although she can't afford it herself, she is not an adult yet. When she becomes an adult, she will definitely be able to fly on a branch and become a phoenix. After all, she is not stupid or ugly, and she has such awesome superpowers.

"You, unlike me, have some superpowers. If you keep wasting your time like this, you will really be useless. How old are you?"

Xiao Hei raised his head and glanced at her, smiled but said nothing. Zhou Miao seemed not to realize the problem in her smile and continued to ask: "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."


Xiao Hei was about to speak when the door opened. Then Mouse put his head in and looked around. Then he grabbed Zhou Miao's arm and dragged her out. Zhou Miao didn't know why. Just when she was about to ask, she heard someone in front of her.

Mouse said: "Get ready, I will take you to register your identity."

"What identity do you want to enter? I have an ID card."

"Stop talking nonsense." Mouse handed her the helmet: "Get in the car."

Zhou Miao said oh, straddled the back seat of the motorcycle and left. As soon as they left, Xu Wei leaned on the counter and asked Xiao Hei with a smile: "Did she give you advice again?"

"Yeah." Xiao Hei turned around and laughed: "She even complimented me on how beautiful I am."

"Ha, you are beautiful to begin with."

This isn't Xu Wei being polite. Xiao Hei is really beautiful. Maybe calling her Artemis is a bit difficult to understand, so wouldn't it be easier to understand if they call her their Chang'e?

"She likes to plan life for others." Xiao Hei lay on the counter and reached out to grab some snacks from Xu Wei's hand: "Her world seems to be only about money."

"It's normal. I heard her say that the environment where she grew up was very difficult. She hasn't adapted to the life here yet."

Xiao Hei chuckled, then leaned on the counter with a small broom and started playing with his mobile phone: "I didn't get used to it when I first came here."

"what about now?"

"I like this place so much. I have lived for 5,300 years, and this is the only place where no one covets my body." Xiao Hei put down the phone and took a deep breath: "A place where no one covets me must be full of life."

I have the fragrance of freedom. I don’t have to worry about being treated as a gift or being treated as prey.”

Xu Wei burst out laughing, and at this moment a shit-yellow figure ran up to the counter, and Dahuang said in a disdainful tone: "I covet you for what? I covet you and pick your feet for half an hour yesterday? I covet you and pee while taking a shower? Covet you.

Are you farting? Or are you coveting your non-vegetarian diet and your poop is particularly smelly?"

Xiao Hei picked up the broom and was about to beat him. Dahuang cursed and ran away. Then, because he knocked over the Eighteenth Bachelor planted by Sister Dog, Sister Dog took him in the back and gave him a beating. When Sister Dog taught Dahuang a lesson, Boss Dog

Sitting next to him shivering.


Being a big brother is another kind of double-dwelling.

"Here, you take it and eat it." After beating the rhubarb, Sister Dog took a yellow pill and placed it in front of Boss Dog.

"Thank you, boss."


After the dog boss got the affirmation from the dog sister, he swallowed the pill in one gulp, and soon he felt that his whole body began to feel hot, and the painful feeling was burning from the inside out, and there were big chunks underneath.

His fur fell off and he was about to die...

"Don't torture other people's dogs to death." Dahuang rushed to the dog boss who had less air in and more air out: "If you give an ordinary dog ​​the Avatar Pill, you don't even think about whether it can handle it."

Sister Dog came over and felt strange: "I ate this back then."

"Sister, you had Yang Jian and Yang Erlang by your side at that time. Who is by your side now?" Dahuang pointed to himself: "A cat and a dog."

Sister Gou rushed forward, transformed into a human form, and then carried Boss Gou to the garage. Dahuang thought she was going to destroy the body there, and just as he was about to reprimand him, he saw Sister Gou riding Brother Zhang's

I put the dog boss in front of the electric car and went out.

"You might as well put it in a sack. Don't look like a dog thief."

Dahuang chased him to the door and warned him, but by then the dog had already disappeared.

About three and three-quarters of a minute later, an electric car parked at the entrance of an animal hospital on the coast of the East China Sea, and then a long-legged lady walked in carrying a dog that looked like it was dying, and then named Dr. Yang at the front desk.


"Doctor Yang, what should I do if a guest calls for you to treat me?"

"I gonna go see."

Dr. Yang, who was studying for the Senior Agronomist Qualification Certificate Examination there, put on his white coat and walked out. When he saw the person coming, his expression turned ugly. The girl at the front desk recalled later that "Dr. Yang's

His face looked ugly, as if he bumped into his ex-girlfriend who was doing well on the road."

"How did you come?"

"Treat the disease." Sister Gou placed the dog boss, who was barely breathing, in front of Dr. Yang: "Hurry up!"

"How can you be so cruel..." Dr. Yang took the dog boss and touched him like this, and his expression became strange again: "Come in and talk."

The two of them brought the dog boss to the clinic. Doctor Yang started to prepare things and said: "Why are you so reckless? You are still such an impulsive person after so many years. Can your mortal body be able to withstand the Incarnation Pill? I'll give it to you.

You left three of them for you to prepare for emergencies, not for you to take your little brother to heaven."

"Have you said enough?" Sister Gou crossed her arms and said, "Treat it quickly."

"I'm going to say that I can't do anything, but what can you do?" Dr. Yang snorted coldly: "Go and let him treat me. He can do it. He is unparalleled in the world. Why did he think of me at this time?"

He said sour words, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all. At this time, the dog boss was already on the verge of death and was obviously unable to swallow. Doctor Yang first took out a Condensing Pill and put it into glucose. After it was completely dissolved,

He took 50 ml of alchemy and injected it intravenously. After Gou Boss's drug reaction calmed down a little, he took out a few colorful pills that were not much bigger than needles, opened Gou Boss's mouth and stuffed them in.

If not, Doctor Yang was the number one veterinarian in Heaven. After taking this elixir, the dog's condition immediately improved. However, he is still not out of danger now. Doctor Yang then started to use different medicines to prepare a bottle of plain water.

The son began to give the dog boss the intravenous injection.

At this time, Sister Gou saw that Boss Gou's condition was gradually improving, and she also began to walk around the clinic. Especially when she saw that the attending doctor hanging on the wall was Dr. Yang, she actually laughed: "I've seen it recently.

It’s a good time to come and have fun.”

"Oh, thanks to him, I came down in the body of a mortal. As for being here, I'm just making a living." Doctor Yang said while busy: "But it's nothing. Yang Jian without Xiaotian, that is,

This is it.”

"There's no point talking about it now."

"Well, yes. It doesn't make sense. After all, I have long been a laughing stock. It is not unusual for my woman to run away, but it is a real strange story for my family's dog to run away. I have thought about it for many years and still haven't figured it out.

Where did I offend you?"

"No, you are very good to me."

"But you can't help but change your mind, right?" Doctor Yang sneered: "Okay, after finishing this bottle, go to the front desk to pay the fee, a total of three thousand one hundred and two."

"After all these years, you still hate me?"

"Hate?" Doctor Yang laughed: "How dare you? I'm just a poor middle-aged man now."

Sister Gou wanted to say something else, but Doctor Yang had already turned around and left, and then ordered when he was leaving the door: "Don't eat these days. The elixir will be digested in about five days. After it is digested, choose a month."

At dawn, take it out to absorb the essence, and then it can escape from the mortal body. But I can't understand why you would give such a precious spirit beast incarnation pill to an ordinary native dog."

"I was also an ordinary... native dog back then."

"No, you are a Shandong thin dog. I picked you out from thousands of puppies. You have white hair, a thin waist, and an elephant-like body. You are born extraordinary." Doctor Yang paused after finishing speaking: "It doesn't matter.

There is no distinction between high and low in life, as long as you are happy with it. But next time, please be sure to pay attention. You are a born divine dog, which is not comparable to ordinary dogs. What you can bear, they cannot bear. You can be willful, and you can be willful.

You can be naughty, but please remember that your willfulness may directly cause the death of a life. Fortunately, I am here this time. If I am not here, it will definitely die."

Doctor Yang did not question why the dog sister could find him. After all, he knew best what his dog was capable of. What he cared about was that he could find him immediately, but he refused to go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. Couldn't he be like a friend?

Say hello in the same way, but a thousand years of companionship only resulted in such an ending, which is unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally, right?

Sister Gou stood at the door of the pet hospital for a long time holding the dog who had received the injection, and then silently rode on Brother Zhang's eDonkey and went back, while Dr. Yang stood in the office upstairs and watched Sister Gou leave.

, without saying more than half a sentence.

"It's a bad fate, it's really a bad fate."

In the evening, the decadent heavenly rebel trio got together again. Manager Sun, manager of RT-Mart's fresh food area, manager Li of the seafood company, and doctor Yang, the attending doctor of the pet hospital, sat in a bar they often went to.

Everyone poured a glass of wine each and chatted about what happened in the afternoon.

"It feels like...well..." Manager Li pondered for a moment and then said: "My ex-girlfriend brought the child she had with someone else to come to you for help, Lao Yang, a pure man."

"I'm not a pure man, who are you?" Dr. Yang finished talking and drank a large glass of draft beer: "I heard some time ago that you had been entangled with a girl for a long time, and finally ended up with her.

After the breakup, she stood downstairs in your house and waited for you until dawn."

"Don't mention it, I don't dare. That's a bad fate. She is the reincarnation of the Third Prince Long. She is here to ask for my life in this life, but I don't dare."

"What did Mr. Sun say?" Doctor Yang turned back and looked at Manager Sun, who had been eating there: "What's your comment?"

"I am a monkey, I don't fall in love." Mr. Sun said.

"Hahahaha, Monkey is good. Come, let's toast Monkey." Dr. Yang raised his glass: "I won't talk about the past. Speaking of which, did you feel it in the past few days? Is Jin Chanzi reincarnated again?


When Manager Sun heard the name Jin Chanzi, he raised his neck immediately: "Isn't it?"

"It seems so, but I'm not sure. I can't open my heavenly eyes now."

"I don't have three heads and six arms." Manager Li smiled.

Manager Sun silently took out a toothpick from his ear, picked his teeth and stuffed it back in: "It's so big now."

The three old men laughed together, and then they drank and drank again.

After the dog sister went back, she was definitely in a bad mood, but the dog boss gradually recovered. His head was not that smart and he couldn't figure out many things here, but he felt that he was a little smarter than before, because

I couldn't understand TV before, but I can understand it today. For the first time, I think TV is so beautiful. It's because the people inside shake hands when they meet instead of sniffing each other's butts. This is a very impolite thing.

Brother Zhang didn’t know where he went tonight, and the small restaurant was sparse with customers because of his absence. Twelve Spirits also didn’t know where they went during this time. Except for the courtyard guardian who stays at home all year round, the only one left at home is

In addition to the dog sister who was soaking in the bath and thinking about something, and the thunder dragon who was kneeling down, there was only one Xu Wei and two waiters outside.

"Sister Weiwei, why do those two people stand under the big tree every day?" Zhou Miao stood at the window and looked at Master and Disciple Chen Shi standing under the big sycamore tree: "Is there something wrong with them? I think the people here

They are all pretty good-looking, but they all feel very sick."

Xu Wei leaned on the counter with her chin in her hands. Tea eggs were boiling in the pot, and the aroma filled the room. She knew that she would inherit the position of Thunder Dragon among the Twelve Spirits after the Dragon Boat Festival, but she didn't do it well at all.

Prepare, now I feel a little panicked and nervous.

"Sister Wei!"

"Huh?" Xu Wei regained consciousness: "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you these days? I see you in a daze every day." Zhou Miao asked curiously: "Are you in love? Online dating? Let me tell you, you really need to be careful when dating online, you can easily be deceived."

"Ha...I will never date online again in my life." Xu Wei sighed and said, "But it's interesting to say that that online date directly changed the trajectory of my life."

"Then what was your original trajectory?"

"Me?" Xu Wei shirted for a moment: "Maybe I'm just an ordinary person, with an ordinary job, an ordinary boyfriend, an ordinary life, everything is ordinary. In fact, the person I really envy is Zhang Yao, sister Yao

.Maybe you don’t know me yet?”

"Who is she? I've been hearing you guys mention her recently that she's very powerful?"

"It's amazing. If she were placed in ancient times, she would have been an emperor. She was extremely powerful."

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