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284, gentlemen, listen to the dragon’s roar

 Zhang Yao didn’t know why she cried. She didn’t cry when she faced the 100,000-strong army of Li and his son. She didn’t cry when she faced the Tubo soldiers. She didn’t cry when she faced the sharp scimitars. She didn’t cry when we were separated from each other. She didn’t cry when she went through all the hardships.

But because of a little monster, he cried until his face was filled with tears.

Back in the small restaurant, there was a cake on the table with candles on it. Rhubarb was trying to hook the cherries on the cake with his paws, but its tail was tightly held by Xiao Hei, a man Zhang Yao didn't recognize.

The girl was taking pictures of the beautiful cake nearby, while Xu Wei placed two plates of specialty dishes on the table.

Mouse was watching the news. There was a very breaking news today. It was said that a top museum was stolen. However, they did not steal the most valuable items such as the golden mask inside. Instead, they stole an unknown purpose.

copper plate.

"Who would steal Fuxi's coitus pictures?" the mouse muttered, scratching his chin.

And Brontosaurus... No, Brontosaurus is no longer Brontosaurus. Although everyone is still used to calling him Brontosaurus, in fact, his name is Yingsha now. And everyone will play tricks to take advantage of him.

"Where's my Yingzi?" Xiao Ma moved his buttocks and raised his head and asked Niu Niu, who was hanging a lantern on a stool: "This person is too ruthless. He won't attend the party unless he becomes a twelve spirit."

"Brother Long went to the toilet." Niu Niu flicked the shiny light bulb after finishing speaking: "It's installed."

Just when he was about to start the test, Zhang Yao walked in with a blank look on his face. After noticing her, everyone in the room immediately applauded her, and then Xiao Ma jumped up and said with a smile: "Welcome to the Zhou Dynasty.

The eldest princess is here!"

Zhang Yao: "???"

Before she could start to feel embarrassed, there was a noise from outside. Zhu Zhenzhen and Zuo Danshuang, the two devils, walked in from outside holding 9999 flowers, and the rhubarb suddenly jumped onto Zhang Zhang.

On Yao's shoulders.

"Stop for a moment. Stop for a moment."

Dahuang cleared his throat, and then shouted loudly: "Today is the day to celebrate the birth of Princess Da Zhouzhang. Let me say a few words first, ah."

However, before it finished its brief speech, it was already dragged down by Nian Nian's tail. It suddenly turned into a human form and kept shaking Nian Nian's hand: "Let go, let go! I want my pants."

You dragged me away!"

When Zhou Miao saw Dahuang turn into a human for the first time, she wowed, turned her head and asked Niu Niu: "This stinky cat can turn into a human!"

Niu Niu smiled sheepishly: "This is also the first time I've seen it."

At this time, Brother Zhang returned to his counter. As usual, he said with a smile: "You all should stop making trouble. You promised to celebrate for others, why are you having fun yourself?"

Zhang Yao's face was confused. She had no idea what happened to her. Although the mink told her everything, it was still difficult for her to connect everything together.

At this time, the "culprit" Yingzi came out of the bathroom. When he saw Zhang Yao, he laughed and said, "Hey, isn't this a princess?"

Zhang Yao's expression became very distorted. She just kept the little secret at the bottom of the box. It doesn't take just one person to know it, right?

"You're not done yet, are you? I just had a dream, how come you all know about it?"

Everyone in the room pointed at Yingzi. Zhang Yao turned her head and looked at the former Thunder Dragon: "I knew it was you with such a big mouth!"

Yingsha waved his hands repeatedly and said: "It's not me, it has nothing to do with me! If you want to blame, blame that stinky fox. As the stinky fox said, he also wrote down your whole life and wrote a time travel article. I went online and it is said that the copyright has been purchased and a TV series will be made in a while."

Zhang Yao felt that her face was numb: "Huh?"

Ying Shang opened his phone and flipped through the one sent by King Tianhu: "Watch it for yourself. It's called Time Travel and I Became the Eldest Princess. It's a very popular blockbuster. It's said to be realistic and shocking. It ends with the death of the Eldest Princess." When I read it, I felt like it was epic."

Zhang Yao leaned over and took a few glances, and then saw the content inside. She felt like her head was going to explode. She didn't even know what expression to use now, because she only had such a little secret... Now Not only is it well known to everyone, but it's even made into a movie.

"It's over." Zhang Yao is such a calm and calm person. Now he doesn't care about immortality or thunder and body training. Anyway, there are just a few big words in his heart - It's over.

After that, Zhang Yao participated in the celebration like a zombie. However, it was obviously her rebirth gift, but it was like a carnival for these people. In the end, she drank a lot and even Rhubarb was drunk. He had to lie down on the table with his back stretched out.

The main reason for all this is that Xiao Hei took out her secret home-brewed wine. Because it was brewed according to the ancient method and strange things were added to it, it had the ability to cook together gods, monsters and monsters. Whoever drinks it will be poured out. .

In the end, not many people were sober, only Brother Zhang, Zhang Yao, Xu Wei and Zhou Miao, who was not allowed to drink because she was underage. The others had to be called in all directions, on chairs on the floor, under the table, and on the sofa. There were even people sleeping on the counter, shouting loudly.

"Why am I not drunk even though I drank a lot?"

Zhang Yao sat next to her with her chin in her hands, curiously looking at the sleeping dogs around her. She was a little surprised because she had drunk a lot just now, but now she was not drunk at all. You have to know that in the past, she was He doesn't drink much.

Brother Zhang put the dishes and chopsticks into the dishwasher. After hearing her words, he smiled but said nothing. At this time, Xu Wei came over with a basket and cleaned the battlefield with Zhou Miao. After the carnival just now, Zhang Yao I also got to know the youngest girl present, and found out that she was Zhou Miao and that she was the new Spirit Snake, but like Niu Niu, her attributes had not yet awakened, and she was going to college after this summer vacation. .

With Brontosaurus.

No, with Yingzi...

"Have you really become the new Thunder Dragon?" Zhang Yao looked at Xu Wei curiously: "What did I miss during the few months I was in coma..."

Xu Wei lifted her hair and stood up without saying a word, but suddenly a bolt of lightning fell from the sky on her body. Following a flash of arc, this posture was exactly the same as the previous Thunder Dragon.

"It's really..." Zhang Yao chuckled: "But you say I do this and that, why don't I feel anything at all?"

At this time, Brother Zhang picked up a cup of boiling water and poured it on the back of Zhang Yao's hand. She instinctively retracted her hand, but the expected pain did not appear. She could only feel a little warmth, but she

Indeed, I saw that the water had just been boiled.

Pain-sensing nerves are gone? That’s not right. If human skin comes into contact with such high-temperature things, it will quickly lead to burns, that is, tissue damage caused by high-temperature solids, high-temperature liquids or high-temperature steam. This is an external

Injury will not disappear just because the pain-sensing nerves are gone.

But the problem is that there is no problem with her hands at all, not even any redness.

If not saying that Princess Zhou was a ruthless person, she picked up a knife nearby and slashed it on the back of her hand. Although her skin was torn open at the time, her skin and flesh healed automatically when the blade passed by, and as the healing progressed,

During the process, her body will create static sparks with all the metal products around her, and then the lights in the room will start to flicker on and off, as if she is absorbing external energy.

"My body!" Zhang Yao stood up and shouted, and then she did a very scary thing, that is, she used Brother Zhang's kitchen knife to pierce her palm directly, but the pain was not as expected.

It didn't appear, only a slight sting, as if stimulated by a tiny electric current, not uncomfortable.

She pulled out the knife, and the penetrating wound on her hand healed bit by bit like two balls of plasticine. It was still the same as before. Her body automatically absorbed energy from the surroundings to fill the wound.

In order to verify this conjecture, Zhang Yao rushed out with a knife, and then she tested it in various places. All parts of the body can heal quickly, and the healing ability is to absorb energy from the surroundings.

If there is direct energy, such as light energy and electric energy, she will directly absorb this energy. If there is no, her body will absorb wind energy and heat energy. When soaked in water, the water will become cold until it reaches absolute zero. If she stands on the ground

, a black hole will appear where she stands, and the temperature around her body can freeze everything to pieces.

But the problem is that there is no absolute vacuum in nature, and a steady stream of energy will be crazily involved in her body without worrying about exhaustion.

"It turns out that secret law also obeys the law of conservation!" Zhang Yao rushed in excitedly, and then she said happily: "Then I am actually a huge power plant myself!"

Brother Zhang: "???"

"Didn't I say before that my power armor has never been able to solve the power problem? Now I can solve it!"

Brother Zhang: "???"

"The heat is poor! If I use a few probes to pierce my skin, my body will continue to absorb the surrounding energy. But as long as the inside of my power armor is coated with an energy-isolating coating, only the

The next few points are about heat exchange with the outside world. I continue to create a low temperature field, and the outside world continues to exchange heat with me. The energy generated in this way is very low, but the problem is that if it is absolute zero, the energy efficiency ratio of the exchange will increase geometrically.

, then this is a kind of pseudo-perpetual motion machine. As long as the material is not damaged or I don’t die, the energy will never be used up, because I can’t use the entire world’s free energy!”

Brother Zhang scratched his head, because this really involves his blind spot of knowledge, such as heat difference and exchange ratio. This is not something that a second-year junior high school student can understand. He just feels...Zhang Yao is this person.

It's amazing, because if it were anyone else, they would definitely not be thinking about how to mess with their power armor. At least they would need a reasonable explanation, right?

"Don't you want to figure out what happened to you?"

When Zhang Yao faced Brother Zhang's question, she got out of her excitement. After calming down for a moment, she smiled sweetly: "Why do I need to figure it out? I only know that I can now accomplish things that I have never been able to accomplish before, and I tried."

After a while, I basically won’t die.”

"It's not basically." At this time, Xu Wei came forward and whispered: "It's that you won't die at all, you will never die. Unless..."

As she spoke, she looked up at Brother Zhang, and Zhang Yao naturally understood at this glance. She laughed: "I understand!"

Brother Zhang shook his head: "I still have something to remind you. You are just immortal, not invincible. And you will encounter a lot of trouble in the future."

Zhang Yao was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood what Brother Zhang meant. In other words, if someone caught her, and that person was much stronger than her, she would not be able to escape, even though she could not be killed.

But it can be tortured repeatedly, and can even make life worse than death.

"Why are there so many troubles?" Zhang Yao's curiosity appeared again at this time: "Just give me a hint."

"Tang Monk Meat."

Brother Zhang's understatement made Zhang Yao's heart skip a beat. She suddenly understood the complexity here, because she knew how many people were eager for immortality, whether it was the scientific side or the secret method.

In pursuit of this, if her ability is known to others, she will become the key to cracking the code of life and attract countless people to covet her.

"It seems that I really have to study hard here for a while." Zhang Yao leaned there and pondered for a moment: "Then besides me, who of you is immortal?"

Brother Zhang shrugged: "I don't know, it's just that my appearance hasn't changed for several years, and I still look like I was twenty-two years old."

Zhang Yao raised her head and looked at Little Brother Zhang carefully. She really... has known him for several years, but his appearance has not changed at all. It is still the same as before. Even the length of his hair and the fullness of his skin

There is no difference.

"Have you really never had a haircut?"

Brother Zhang shook his head: "The last time I had a haircut was when I was twenty-two, and then it stopped growing. My growth stopped."

Zhang Yao dragged her chin and thought for a moment before asking: "I really want to study you."

Brother Zhang laughed and shook his head wildly.

Just kidding, Zhang Yao now has to start thinking about how to ensure her own safety. Indeed, she can shamelessly stay with Brother Zhang. This is the safest place in the world, even if it is the end of the world, she will

Without blinking an eye.

But she is the Great Zhou Princess, a woman who once controlled the world. She still has countless dreams in her heart that she wants to realize, and there are many secrets that need to be cracked, so she is destined not to be a canary here.

"I'll go back to the base to retreat for a few months." Zhang Yao asked Brother Zhang in a low voice, "I have a premonition."


"I am going to create an era. An era where the technological side and the arcane testing chamber will fight."

Brother Zhang said with a smile: "There is also a super side, which will become stronger and stronger in the future."

"Well, yes. It can take anywhere from ten years to three years, and the super side will temporarily reach the top." Zhang Yao raised her head and thought for a moment: "But it doesn't matter, I want to create a situation where the three powers are separated! Wait for my good news!"

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