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Chapter 297 Aid to the Aegean Sea

 On the coast of the East China Sea, across the Zhoushan Islands, on an unnamed island, a big yellow fox with five tails squatted against the moon-roaring sky. After a long period of time, waves suddenly surged out of the calm sea, and then waves under the moonlight

A huge shadow slowly appeared on the sea, and then the water surface gradually swelled, and then a huge mountain came out. Looking up, it looked like a mountain range. There was no end in sight, only an eye like a lake lying across it.

In front of me, a high-pitched and loud whale song resounded on the sea, blowing strong winds and waves, blowing away the clouds in the sky, making the hazy moonlight become as fresh as washed.

"Mr. Hai!"

Pi Ye straightened up and rocked back and forth, but the big mountain-like whale didn't notice it, it just looked back and forth for something.

"Mr. Hai!!! I'm here!"

A body of one hundred kilometers may be just a larger island in the sea, but compared with Mr. Pi, Mr. Pi is not even as big as a sesame seed. The reason why Mr. Hai did not set off huge waves is just because in the past

For tens of thousands of years, it has learned to live in peace with the sea, and the water flows from its huge body back to the sea like silk, just like a rain, nothing more.

However, its whale song alarmed all maritime countries in Asia. They all saw such a terrifying giant thing from satellites and radars, and a large number of warships were heading in this direction at high speed.

It's just that the warship did not approach the big whale. It only started to be on guard within two hundred nautical miles of the big whale, and was on guard carefully, because anyone who is not stupid knows that with the power of current weapons, unless a large number of nuclear bombs are dropped, nothing can attack it.

Such a behemoth has an impact, and if a large number of nuclear bombs are dropped, it would be a bit crazy. After all, this is a clean and blue sea, and this big guy is the original inhabitants of the ocean.

"Mr. Hai!!!"

Pi Ye screamed, but the big whale didn't hear it. It had already begun to prepare for the dive. Pi Ye immediately became anxious when he saw this posture. He opened his mouth and blew out a puff of fox fire with all his strength, and

This mouthful of Tailed Beast Jade, which condensed the five-tailed fox's whole body energy, hit Mr. Hai like a person being scratched by a strand of hair.

However, just this sting caused the big whale to notice the direction of Pi Ye. It started to move slowly, and then a small whale appeared around it, about the size of an adult blue whale. This is what humans think.

The largest creature in Zhili looks as cute as a little baby in front of the giant whale god.

The whale swam not far from Pi Ye, and then Pi Ye jumped up and jumped on the back of the little whale. The whale turned around and swam slowly in front of the whale god. Then he saw the whale god slowly

Open your mouth and swallow it.

After swallowing the little whale, the whale god slowly dived. At this moment, Piye felt a darkness she had never seen before, but after a short period of darkness, her eyes lit up.


The scene in front of him made Master Pi couldn't help but sigh, because the body of the whale god was no longer flesh, but turned into something like a rock. The rock was inlaid with luminous pearls one by one. This is the legendary shark man.

The luminous pearls condensed from the secretions can be as bright as a 30W LED light, but they cannot hold up in large numbers and illuminate the whale god's body as if it were daytime.

The little whale stopped for a brief chat. Mr. Pi saw that there was a dock-like place in front of him, and there were people working on it. Mr. Pi thanked the little whale and jumped to the shore.

The Di people on the shore all saw these five-tailed little foxes, but they were not too surprised because the fox tribe had known them for a long time. Even their queen had a relationship with a fox hundreds of years ago.

It's just that this relationship ended without any problem. However, although it ended without any problem, it is not clear why this generation of Di Ren Queen has fox blood.

"This is delicious." Pi Ye stood in front of a shed filled with fine seafood. She pointed at one of the huge fresh abalones and said, "Give me one."

The owner of that shop is a strange girl. She has lower limbs like a sea snake, gills behind her ears, and translucent webs when her hands are spread out. However, she can't stand the sight of such a scary big fox in front of her because she has fair skin and a decent appearance.

When he asked her for food, she was shocked when she didn't react.

But then suddenly a big hand grabbed Pi Ye's ear from behind. Pi Ye turned his head and took a look, and found that it was the Queen of Di people. She was several times bigger than the average Di people, and the scales on her body also showed a blue color.

The color is metallic and looks really beautiful.

"Yo." Master Pi said hello: "The fish-man leader."

The Diren Queen rolled her eyes: "Don't bully others, go to my side."

Pi Ye followed the Di Ren Queen to a house made of the shell of a giant clam. It was not gorgeous inside, but it was comfortable. However, Pi Ye did not dare to touch anything in the house because the things in this place were too damp.

Now, Mr. Pi feels like a vixen, he is about to get rheumatism.

"Little fox, why do you want to come and play with me today?"

"Oops!" Master Pi's voice echoed in the Shell House: "I'm not here to play with you this time, I'm here to ask for your help."

"Oh? What help can you ask us for?"

Master Pi soon told the Queen of Di Ren about the Western Expedition in a more embellished way. After listening, she was silent for a long time, then raised three fingers: "Then I have three requests."

"Oh, what do you say?"

The Diren Queen was silent for a moment and then said: "The first is to find a way to connect the Internet and electricity here. The second is that I want 500,000 boxes of canned fish. The third is to introduce me to a boyfriend."

Mr. Pi frowned and looked at the Queen of Di, who was about 3.8 meters tall. Taking into account the length of her lower limbs dragging on the ground, she must be 6.2 meters tall, which is one meter longer than a BMW 7 Series.

Mi, whoever asks her to be a girlfriend is no longer a matter of a small horse and a big cart. Even adults with eight feet would give their thumbs up when they look at it.

"I can try the first two, but the last one...are you serious? The body shape doesn't match, and the language barrier doesn't apply."

"There will always be people who appreciate my beauty. If I don't understand the language, I can learn it."

Pi Ye turned into a human form, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and flipped through his address book, then touched his chin and clicked on the photos secretly taken in the pub, then pointed at the pony in the photo and said: "Do you think he can do it? He

You are quite perverted, I should like you."

"Really?" Queen Diren bent down and looked at the phone, then nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! I like this one."

"make a deal!"

"Set off!"

With the longing for love in mind, the Di Ren Queen controlled the Whale God and began to head towards the Aegean Sea.

Pi Ye didn't know how they navigated, but there was always something about sea creatures, and how fast the sea was, Pi Ye didn't know in its belly, but he could clearly feel the waves following each other.

After five accelerations, the waves pushed against my back, and the waves stopped.

But soon a low roar came from outside. Mr. Pi was curious, and Queen Di Ren waved her hand and said, "I was stopped by other sea gods. I want to ask why."

"Other Poseidon? I want to see, I want to see, I want to see!"

Queen Diren couldn't defeat Master Pi, so she took her to a crystal ball. Queen Diren stretched out her hand and saw the scene outside appearing on the crystal ball. At first, she was on a dark seabed, and she couldn't see anything.

But gradually, the crystal ball automatically adjusted its brightness, and Pi Ye saw that on the extremely dark seabed, there was a huge sea monster with many tentacles floating up and down with the tide, and the sea monster with a length of more than 100 kilometers was always there.

It's not even big enough for an eyeball in front of it.

This scene frightened Master Pi so much that he took a few steps back and stumbled to sit on the ground: "What... what is this?"

"It's the Poseidon of the West."

After a while, Mr. Hai must have communicated with the big octopus. The creature, which was so huge that it made people's backs tremble, swayed its terrifying tentacles and swam towards the deep sea, while Mr. Hai accelerated and rushed up.

At this moment, Pi Ye's mind was filled with thoughts about the huge creature that was absolutely over two thousand kilometers long. It was really terrifying, that suffocating sense of oppression... Pi Ye had only experienced it with the angry little Brother Zhang.

"It's okay. The creatures in the sea are very easy to communicate with. If there is a conflict, they will go to the holy tree for arbitration and will not fight."

Although Mr. Pi knew this, his body still couldn't suppress the trembling. Simply put, he was going crazy... She repeatedly told herself that she would never go into the sea again after this time, the sea was so scary...

But fortunately, there is a holy tree... It is a holy tree that is used all over the world. It does not belong to any civilization. Although it is called differently, some are called Jianmu, some are called World Tree, some are called Tree of Life, and some are called Gaia.

Yes, we are talking about it anyway, it is the mother tree of the big sycamore tree in Chang'an Lane, and it is also the mother tree of this planet. When it withers, the life of this planet is also over.

Human beings still have no way to understand such an existence, and humans have not even explored five percent of the ocean. But in fact, there are many interesting things in the depths of this world.

The whale god continued to move forward, and soon he stopped at the outer edge of the Strait of Gibraltar. Because his body could not pass through the shallow strait and enter the Mediterranean Sea, he had to rely on small whales to carry him the rest of the way.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the 3,700 warriors of the Di Human tribe slowly entered the Aegean Sea on hundreds of whales, and headed towards Greece at a very fast speed. At this moment, Pi Ye was squatting on the back of a large whale.

, looking at the stars in the sky and muttering to himself: "It's already past seven o'clock, why is it still night? This is unscientific. Are we in a different world?"

The Queen of Di Ren glanced at Master Pi sideways and said coldly: "Jet lag."

This chapter has been completed!
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