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Chapter 3, Mysterious Netizens

"Brother Zhang, let's get some hidden food."

In front of this small Taoist temple is a shop selling milk tea, herbal tea and everything else. This place is Zhang Jiachang's main source of income. After all, the old house behind him is a cultural relic and cannot be bought, sold or rented, so he just does it in this place.

Some milk tea and herbal tea side business business life.

The money is neither too much nor too little every month, so I can live a stable life and still have a small amount of savings.

If it weren't for the talking cat in the backyard, he would look like an ordinary person living in a big city.

But of course it's much more than just a talking cat. He also has to take care of a little girl who doesn't speak. It's actually quite hard for a man who has never been in love to be both a master and a father.

As for why he is the master, he actually doesn’t know, but his father asked him to do it, so he did it. And although Nian Nian is young and silent, he is very sensible, so he, Brother Zhang, takes care of him.

Yes, I have feelings after all these years.

"Hidden food." Zhang Jiachang shook his head, bent down and took out a plate of chicken wrapped in tinfoil from the cabinet and put it into the clay stove behind him: "Forty minutes."

Most of the people who come to eat here are neighbors. Zhang Jiachang has lived in this place since he was a child. Although he is not very old, he is an out-and-out old resident. There are fewer and fewer young people around, and he still

I have always been at odds with this old neighborhood.

"Brother Chang, two sausages, pearl milk and half sugar."

During the evening rush hour, there was a constant flow of business, and he was a little busy at the counter alone.

At this time, the man at the bar who had been sitting in the store since get off work looked up at Zhang Jiachang and said, "If you ask me, don't be so stubborn and just find a clerk."

"That's easy for you to say." Zhang Jiachang shook his head helplessly: "Please ask someone for at least three thousand yuan a month. Where will this money come from?"

"I'll give it to you. It would be pointless for us brothers to talk about our birth identities."

The person who spoke was one of Zhang Jiachang's childhood friends, named Yang Junfeng. Throughout his life, he was the kind of person who would go home and inherit the 100,000-acre forest farm and savannah in the Northeast if he didn't work hard to make a career.

The classic rich second generation who built 13 import and export companies there.

He and another young boy formed a "very unreliable team". The other one was nowhere to be found today. Originally, they would spend most of their time here every day, playing with cats and walking dogs instead of doing their jobs.

He has a lot of money. When his grandfather passed away, it is said that the family property was divided into three parts. His father had one share, and he and his brother each had a share of cash property. His brother also passed away a few years ago, and both of their property went to

in his name.

He didn't say how much it would cost, but the monthly bank interest would allow him to squander it while lying in bed.

And he just doesn't have a spendthrift personality, and his biggest expense every day is drinking milk tea in Zhang Jiachang's shop.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Oh, can you give me a sense of participation? Do you think I can become a shareholder? I invited this person. I won't pay you for eating here from now on. What do you think?" Yang Junfeng sighed: "In your room

Except for Nian Nian and my dog ​​sister, even the mice are male. I really can’t stand it anymore. Why don’t you hire a beautiful girl? I’ll accept the price.”

"Oh, you've been doing this for a long time just to find a girl?" Zhang Jiachang asked with a smile: "Why don't you just buy a Ferrari and drive it around in front of the university?"

"You don't understand, I want pure love! The love between two people that slowly accumulates is love." After Yang Junfeng finished speaking, he walked to the side and picked up the small glowing blackboard: "Recruitment, our store is due to

For business needs, we have specially recruited a clerk, who is between 18 and 25 years old. He is required to have good facial features, be hard-working, and enjoy five insurances and one housing fund as well as three times the salary on holidays. The salary is 5K-9K."

"You are giving too much." Zhang Jiachang took a breath: "This is more than I make in a month."

"It's also... breaking the rules." Yang Junfeng erased the number above and thought for a moment: "3K to 4K5, that should be enough. After all, there are five insurances, one housing fund and three times the salary."

Zhang Jiachang couldn't resist him. This guy was always thinking of something, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he did anything impulsive.

After Yang Junfeng put the sign at the door, he posted this recruitment information on his mobile phone. He took the milk tea and walked back: "I'm going to see the girl you are hiding."

"Watch out for rhubarb."

"Is Dahuang here?" Yang Junfeng trembled: "I won't go, I won't go..."

In fact, even Zhang Jiachang doesn't know why Rhubarb can be so hated by gods and ghosts. In fact, apart from being able to talk and being a little wordy, there is actually nothing that can be criticized. As a guardian of the house,

God, it is actually very responsible.

At this moment, Xu Wei had already walked into the milk tea shop through the door. She looked around the environment and felt like she was traveling through time and space. Behind her was a simple and old Taoist temple, and just across the wall was a restaurant with no characteristics.

milk tea shop.

At once, he was pulled from the metaphysical world of talking cats, weird Taoist temples, eerie little girls and mottled brick walls into the materialist world of prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Yang Junfeng saw Xu Wei suddenly come out, and he was so excited that he said incoherently: "A girl appeared in your backyard!"

Zhang Jiachang looked back, smiled and nodded at Xu Wei, who also nodded.

"Hello...my friend keeps urging me, can I really not go?" Xu Wei's phone rang again. She picked up the phone and took a look, only to see that the netizen she had made an appointment with had already

Her screen started to refresh.

Seeing the words "Where are you and why haven't you come" all over the screen, Xu Wei was also stunned.

She put her phone on the table, but the message notification kept buzzing there.

Seeing that her face was not looking good, Yang Junfeng came over and asked, "Did you quarrel with your boyfriend?"

Xu Wei shook her head quickly and told Yang Junfeng about the matter: "Then the fortune teller asked me to come here, and then... I fell and fainted, but I'm fine now."

"The rat asked you to come." Yang Junfeng held his chin and pondered for a long time: "Did Rhubarb ask you to buy canned food for it?"


"What happens after you buy it?"

Xu Wei was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Dahuang asked me not to leave..."

"Yeah." Yang Junfeng nodded and said, "You're right about Dahuang."

Yang Junfeng and Zhang Jiachang grew up together. Of course he knows how magical this small courtyard is, and although the dead cat Dahuang likes to brag, show off, and talk nonsense, if it takes the initiative to ask for tribute and gives it to it,

tribute, then it's best to listen to what it says. Those who don't will be in trouble.

And just when Xu Wei was full of doubts, his phone vibrated crazily like an electric wand again. When she picked up the phone, her expression immediately became even weirder, and her face turned bad.

"Intestine, did she encounter something unclean?" Yang Junfeng asked curiously: "Otherwise Dahuang wouldn't ask her for anything."

Seeing Zhang Jiachang busy there and not responding, Yang Junfeng exclaimed: "Tell me something, it's true, it's fate that we meet this little girl like this. What's wrong with you helping me?"

Zhang Jiachang took out a cup of milk tea and placed it on the table. When he came back, he took the phone out of Xu Wei's hand with a smile on his face.

After looking through the messages above, it changed from "Where are you and why haven't you come yet" to "I saw you".

Zhang Jiachang watched for a while and immediately blocked and deleted this person as a friend.

Unexpectedly, even after being blocked and deleted, in less than two seconds, a message with that person's avatar popped up again.

"Who did you see?" Yang Junfeng leaned over and took a look, then ran to the door and looked around. When he came back, his face was full of suspicion: "There is no one outside."

Zhang Jiachang didn't answer, but just clicked on the video function, and soon a dark scene appeared inside.

"Who are you!"

A human voice came from the black screen, a little hoarse, but much better than Dahuang's voice.

"I picked up a mobile phone and was about to give it to the police uncle." Zhang Jiachang said with a smile: "Do you know the owner of the mobile phone?"

"Boy, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business."

Zhang Jiachang didn't say anything, he just sent his location and then hung up the video.

Xu Wei, who had witnessed the whole process, was actually very scared now, because just now she was the one who Zhang Jiachang deleted the friend she wanted to see during the whole process, but...

"Don't mess around with netizens next time." Zhang Jiachang returned the phone to her: "Have you downloaded the National Anti-Fraud Center APP? If not, just download it. It's really useful."

Xu Wei gingerly took the phone and looked at Zhang Jiachang anxiously: "Did you send him the address?"

"Yeah." Zhang Jiachang nodded.

He just nodded without explaining, which made Xu Wei very confused, but Yang Junfeng next to him explained for him: "Don't worry, not everyone can come to this place just because they want."

While they were talking, a message popped up on Yang Junfeng's cell phone. He glanced at it and said in his mouth: "Chang, the city seems to be uneasy recently. Several people have left."


Xu Wei asked curiously: "Why are there so many people gone?"

"The news in our group is that there was a serial murder case in the city, and several girls from out of town were killed. Now even the task force from the provincial capital is here. Don't spread it randomly, it's just gossip."

When Yang Junfeng said this, he suddenly looked up at Xu Wei, then at Zhang Jiachang, his expression suddenly changed.

"Are you not a local?" Zhang Jiachang asked smoothly.

"Well, I'm from Linshi. I came here to meet a friend, but..."

At this point, Xu Wei seemed to react, her heart rate soared instantly, and there was an inexplicable panic in her eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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