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Chapter 30, The Way of Man

 Everyone actually has their own sensitive points, and Brother Zhang is no exception. He is a lonely and gentle child living in his heart. Maybe sometimes an inadvertent sentence can touch his nerves.

His understanding of the word friend is actually very simple and popular, but it is precisely this simplicity that few people in the current world can agree with.

Because for him, this word is not tainted with interests and is holy and noble. But in fact, the meaning of "a friend of mine" in today's society has become less clear and clear.

Too many meanings beyond words.

This is also the clean place of Brother Zhang. He has a pure land in his heart, and this pure land can eliminate evil and not invade.

"Why did you react so loudly?"

"Because I don't have many friends."

Brother Zhang's words directly hit Zhu Zhenzhen's heart. His answer was simple and direct, revealing a childlike innocence, and it could be seen from his eyes that this sentence was the truth, so simple that it made people feel heartbroken.

This made Zhu Zhenzhen less likely to mention that word easily, and she even became as cautious as Brother Zhang.

"I'm going back first." After Zhu Zhenzhen hesitated for a moment, she stood up and said goodbye: "You should also go back early. See you tomorrow."

"great, see you tomorrow."

Watching Zhu Zhenzhen enter the unit door, Zhang Jiachang left slowly on his motorcycle. When he walked out of the community door, he could feel that Zhu Zhenzhen was standing at the window on the 19th floor looking at him, and he didn't think much about it.

He turned around and waved his hand to Zhu Zhenzhen as a farewell.

Zhu Zhenzhen was stunned by this wave of her hand, because she had just returned to the room and came to the window. If this was placed in the game, she would have just shot her away...

But maybe it's just a coincidence, after all, who can have that ability?

She stood at the window for a long time, not to send Zhang Jiachang off, but just to be in a daze. After all, yesterday she was rejected by the person she had liked for many years in person and deleted her friend directly. This would be difficult for any girl.

It's a kind of cruelty.

But she didn't seem so sad anymore. It seemed that it was precisely because of the silly big boy who had just left on an electric bike. His various incomprehensible charms and stubborn straightness made people feel relaxed.

This guy... is really annoying and funny.

After Zhang Jiachang returned to the shop, it was almost time to close the stall. All the diners in the shop had left, leaving Brontosaurus sitting there playing with his mobile phone and watching TV.

When Thunder Dragon saw Brother Zhang coming back, he just nodded: "I... seem to have said the wrong thing."


"I said something big must have happened..." Brontosaurus pursed his lips and remained solemn in silence for a moment: "The mouse has gone to the hospital."

"Huh?" Zhang Jiachang frowned: "Is he okay?"

"He's fine, but something happened to the evil Taoist priest we arrested before." Thunder Dragon explained: "He just confessed, and his tongue was gone that night, not even at the root."

Brother Zhang waved his hand, and a book appeared in front of him and began to flip through automatically. There were no words on it, but when it stopped, clear graphics and text appeared.

"Wow...one of Brother Zhang's three treasures, the Wordless Heavenly Book, has appeared."

Zhang Jiachang smiled and nodded at the words above: "One of the five hells is tongue-pulling hell. Anyone who is alive who sows dissension, slanders and harms others, has a glib tongue, makes clever excuses, lies and deceives others, is in tongue-pulling hell."

Hell. The Supreme Saint Gaozhen couldn't bear the suffering of all sentient beings, so he passed down the knowledge of breaking the five hells to save the souls and leave the hell. Tongue pulling is the first hell, and they chose their own people."

"Damn it, if you really think that I don't exist, you are just issuing a challenge." Lightning flashed in the palm of Thunder Dragon's hand: "I want them to see what it means to be as urgent as the law, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun!"

Brother Zhang flicked his fingers, and the wordless heavenly book disappeared out of thin air. Then he walked to the counter, took out a bottle of wine and two glasses, poured a little for Thunder Dragon, filled two ounces for himself, and sat down.

Na took a sip, raised his head and said to Thunder Dragon: "I can't help you much. You should be careful yourself. If it doesn't work, just activate your speech spirit, and I will give you the answer."

"I know, we all know your situation and we won't blame you."

Regarding Brother Zhang's situation, Thunder Dragon knows best. In fact, after he suddenly became what he is now, the danger is much more terrifying than a nuclear bomb. Fortunately, Brother Zhang's father was also a man of advanced cultivation when he was alive.

He suppressed Brother Zhang's demon fetus with the power of his mind. After ten years of practice in the world, Brother Zhang gradually killed three corpses. His body was compatible with all laws of heaven and earth, and his mind was in harmony with nature.

Only in this way can we put an end to the evil thoughts of prosperity and maintain our true origin.

Otherwise, Brother Zhang cannot be said to be a native of the motherland, so he should be a native of his ancestors.

The price for this was that Brother Zhang's father was punished by God for interfering with him and passed away early. Brother Zhang gradually began to lose the seven emotions and six desires that humans should have, love, hate, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

So Brother Zhang also noticed this. After his father passed away, he basically never used any rule-level power. It was a kind of persistence to his heart, and he is now at the critical point of returning to the real world. No one can

You can delay his progress. Otherwise, after he completely loses his humanity and transforms into divinity, there will be no one left to tell Thunder Dragon and others.

What is divinity? Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs. Heaven and earth have no kindness and will not respond.

So not only can they not prevent Brother Zhang from regaining his humanity, they even have to help him. The sooner the better, the more real the better. It is best to have all seven emotions and six desires, and become addicted to eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. It doesn’t matter if you like the second dimension.

It doesn't matter if he is a Free Controller, he must be made dirty quickly anyway. Only when he is dirty can he become humane. And only when he has human taste can he be regarded as a human being.

Brother Zhang doesn't want to be a pure and pure saint, and they don't want him to be a pure and pure saint either.

After that, Brother Zhang closed the stall, and Thunder Dragon rushed over to join the mouse. After all, a challenge letter had been sent from the other side, and it would be somewhat unreasonable for this thing not to fight.

Early the next morning, Brother Zhang sent Nian Nian to school, and then went to the work unit to prepare breakfast. He was probably not used to the lazy and relaxed state of the company, and always wanted to find something to do for himself.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost half a month since he came here. During this half month, he has become quite familiar with most of his colleagues in the company, but the girls seem to like to tease this clean guy.

The big boy also likes to eat the food he cooks.

In the words of the oldest sister here, no one can leave Zhang Jiachang without the company. Life would be too difficult without him.


The girl at the front desk has now changed from the first one to enter the company to the second one. Brother Zhang had almost finished breakfast before he came.

She stood in the kitchen holding the beef patties that little brother Zhang had just made, and her hands were full of juice after eating them: "Brother Zhang, whoever marries you in the future will be lucky."

"There's some Shaomai over there." Brother Zhang pointed to the steamer and said, "It should be ready."

While the girl at the front desk was having breakfast, colleagues from outside came one after another. They have now developed a habit. The first thing they do at work is to go to the kitchen, because there will definitely be delicious food waiting for them here.

A group of girls gathered together, and the place immediately became lively. The morning steam, the sounds of girls talking, and the sound of Brother Zhang chopping green onions were intertwined here, making it particularly lively and full of fireworks.

"By the way, Brother Zhang. My family is planning a blind date for me tomorrow. I don't want to go, so you can pretend to be my boyfriend."

A fat girl in the unit suddenly said: "Do me a favor, please, please..."

"Ah?" Brother Zhang was stunned: "I don't know how."

"Don't listen to her! She is occupying public resources! Why, no, no, no. Brother Zhang belongs to all of us."

At this time, Zhu Zhenzhen happened to come to work. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she heard them yelling, so she cleared her throat: "It's so early in the morning, can't you be quiet?"

"Mr. Zhu, I want to make a report!" The girl at the front desk pointed at the chubby girl and jumped up and shouted: "She wants to dominate Brother Zhang! She wants Brother Zhang to pretend to be her boyfriend!"

Zhang Jiachang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I really don't know how."

After Zhu Zhenzhen listened, she looked Zhang Jiachang up and down, thoughtfully took some Shaomai and returned to her office.

About twenty minutes later, she came to the kitchen and said to Brother Zhang who was cleaning up: "Come to my office."

When she arrived at Zhu Zhenzhen's office, she quickly got up and closed the door. At that moment, Brother Zhang was even a little panicked, because it looked like Zhu Zhenzhen was doing something bad.

"Come with me after work tonight."


"No, please do me a favor and just come with me after get off work." Zhu Zhenzhen patted her thigh and said, "I told you yesterday, didn't I? I am a very respectable person."

"But you just fell out of love yesterday."

"Hiss..." Zhu Zhenzhen took a breath: "I was rejected unilaterally. You have to stand up for me today and don't embarrass me! After the matter is completed, your bonus will be tripled this month."

"Ah?" Brother Zhang was stunned: "Isn't this bad..."

"It's okay if I say yes. You don't have to go to work in the afternoon. I'll give you the card and you can choose some clothes. Just wear something smart at night."

"Clothes." Zhang Jiachang nodded: "I'm not very good at aesthetics."

"Okay, okay, okay, I can go with you in the afternoon." Zhu Zhenzhen said helplessly: "We will set off after dinner."

"Why did you suddenly think of this trick? Is it because Guo Qi inspired you just now? Just fake it, right?"

"It's not cheating." Zhu Zhenzhen shook her finger and said seriously: "It's cheating. I think you are clean to begin with. If you dress up a little, you will definitely kill everyone in my circle in an instant. You can't let me down!"

"But I don't know anything."

"Don't worry, it's not a big problem. What do you think they can do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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