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Chapter 304: A Good Neighbor of the Solar System

 If you want to choose who carries the most terrifying curse in the world, it must be Brother Zhang, because almost all the gods who respect him want him to die, because only if he dies can those gods be able to

Re-stepping on people's bodies to dominate others, the divine power of kings, and the favored sons of heaven are actually such a set of methods.

So if there is a button placed in front of those gods and Buddhas who respect and obey Brother Zhang, and Brother Zhang will die once if pressed, guess how many times they can press it in one night?

But unfortunately, they can only think about it, and then they will evolve various behaviors around him. This behavior is like a political institution, with different personnel and parties surrounding His Majesty the Emperor.

Various political struggles started.

Although there is no clear code of conduct, and there is no need to express special compliments to the emperor, the intrigues between them are no less than the struggles of mankind in any period.

Of course, Brother Zhang doesn't care about this incident, but if we let it go, more and more people will start to pull the wool over the tiger's skin and rely on depriving others of their interests to strengthen themselves, so this kind of thing is

It cannot be tolerated.

"That's how it is, but since this matter itself has a certain relationship with us, we will also partially compensate for your losses, but please understand clearly that this matter itself has no direct relationship with the Holy Lord.

, but a continuous connection caused by our actions.”

After Xiao Ma, who was in charge of foreign affairs, sat there and finished talking, he pushed out some documents, which were in the common language of the Sea Clan, and the content was probably about a series of compensation issues for the Eight Sea Clan from the Twelve Spirits. This can be said

It's a very vicious move.

Because the compensation is mainly focused on the infrastructure construction of the various sea tribes, which is what they urgently need, such as network problems, food problems, housing problems and education problems, it is not so much compensation as it is a response to the twelve spirits.

Peer-to-peer assistance from the Eight Sea Tribes.

Lasting for about ten years, about 40 billion were successively invested to improve the overall living standards of the Eight Sea Clan, and also promised to open up the trade network between the Sea Clan and the human world, so that the goods of the Eight Sea Clan can be circulated to the human world in exchange for

the supplies they need.

"The Holy Lord also asked me to give you a message. If you encounter trouble one day, you can contact the Twelve Spirits at any time. The Twelve Spirits will do their best to help you." Xiao Ma distributed his contact information to all the seas.

In the hands of a representative of the tribe: "The agreement will take effect immediately after everyone signs it, and network coverage will be completed within three months."

The reason why this move is so fierce is because as soon as this agreement is signed, the influence of the Fox Clan on the Sea Clan will fall to the bottom. It will be replaced by the close relationship between the Twelve Spirits and the Sea Clan. After all, the promises made by the Fox Clan to them are all in vain.

Bread, but the Twelve Spirits gave them things they really needed.

The Sea Tribe is not stupid, they naturally know how to choose allies.

After the meeting, Xiao Ma was sorting out the documents signed by the sea tribesmen. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound behind him. He turned around subconsciously, but he saw the Di Ren Queen swimming like a snake and came to Xiao Ma.


"Hello, Queen." Xiao Ma immediately performed the etiquette of the sea tribe towards the Di Ren Queen.


The Diren Queen responded, and then sat on the chair closest to Xiao Ma. She held her chin with one hand and looked at Xiao Ma. Although Xiao Ma was sorting and checking documents, she could always feel a glare.

The light shone on him, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

"Your Majesty the Queen, what can I do?"

"No." Queen Diren held her chin and looked at him with a smile: "I just want to look at you."

Xiao Ma paused, then slowly raised his head, looking at the Queen of Di Ren who was about one storey tall, then blinked quickly, smiled dryly at her, and then did not dare to speak.

To be honest, the Queen of Di Ren is very beautiful. She has fair skin and eyes like aquamarine. Her face is very delicate. When she is sitting there, her figure is such that even the most famous sculptor cannot fully carve her out.

Her beauty, especially her long and delicate hair, flows from the back of her shoulders to the front of her body, covering half of her proud figure. If...actually...it's not impossible.

It's just that she is too big. She sits three and a half meters tall, and her lower body is more than six meters tall including the tail. This is a bit too exaggerated for a normal adult male. This is no longer a question of whether it can be done, but whether it can be done.

The problem. When the size difference is too big, a man's self-esteem will be completely destroyed.

"I know you."

"It's such an honor." Xiao Ma replied with a smile: "It's an honor to be recognized by Her Majesty the Queen."

The Di Ren Queen didn't care about Pony's politeness: "Do you want to go to my place to play? I know a shark who can do somersaults."

The pony raised his head and looked at Her Majesty the Queen. He always felt that he had heard this trick before. After all, it was a cat who could do somersaults last time...

"No, Your Majesty. I still have a lot of work here." Xiao Ma smiled and said, "How about next time?"

"I haven't been to the human world yet, can you take me to see it?" Queen Diren said seriously, "I really want to go and see it."

Xiao Ma quickly adjusted his breathing, and then showed an awkward and helpless smile to the Di Ren Queen: "Your Majesty, if you go to the human world like this... it will cause riots."

The Di Ren Queen lowered her head and glanced at her tail, then gestured to the size of the pony, thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand, I'll go find the wizard right away."

After saying that, she wandered away with a rustling voice. Xiaoma finally breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the file and ran away.

After not seeing the Di Ren Queen again for the next two days, Xiao Ma finally felt a little relieved. He had already taken care of the affairs of the Sea Clan, and then ran away to the Dragon Clan overnight.

The Dragon Clan are very powerful, they are so arrogant, they won't even take a serious look at people at Xiao Ma's level, but the problem is that when Xiao Ma passes by, he can bring the subordinates of Jin Mei, the three main gods of the mountain and sea world.

The most favored Xingxian went together. Xingxian was a female official rather than an ordinary female fairy, and her level was very high. Her appearance directly leveled Xiao Ma's status to the same level as the four dragon gods.

Seeing the Dragon of the Four Seasons, Pony's posture was also very low, and because Fairy Apricot joined in, the Dragon Gods did not show too much their arrogance, although they were somewhat indifferent.

Of course, Xiao Ma had to fulfill his duties. He first explained what happened before, and then reported to the Dragon Gods about the cooperation between the Twelve Spirits and the Eight Seas. After all, the Eight Seas are descendants of the Dragon Clan. This

Explanation and reporting are required.

"The Fox clan is indeed not very honest. We know these things."

The boss of the Dragon of the Four Seasons is Chun Long. After reading Xiao Ma’s plan, he said very seriously: “We know what you think. The Dragon Clan promised not to agree to any invitation from the Fox Clan, but we have a


"Please tell me."

The dragon god's level is really very high, second only to the main god level, and it is a race with real power. It is definitely not comparable to those races with just names, so Xiao Ma became very polite at this moment.

"As the liaison here, we need to change from Ma Tahua to Wen Ying." Chunlong looked up at Ma Tahua: "What do you think?"

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Ma nodded hurriedly: "I'll change it now, I'll change it now."

Xiao Ma burst into laughter in his heart. Contacting people is the hardest job. You have to wipe other people's butts and have to be scolded here. He hates being a liaison officer the most. Now someone actually asks for contact.

When the officer was replaced by a Thunder Dragon, he really wanted to rush up and smack the Dragon of Spring on the face.

He didn't expect that the Dragon Clan, who he thought would be the most difficult to deal with, turned out to be the smoothest. After changing the contact person to the Thunder Dragon Clan, he agreed to whatever the Dragon Clan said, whether it was joint sanctions against the Fox Clan or closing down the Dragon Clan and the Fox Clan.

Communication channels, etc.

And just when he was about to leave the Mountain and Sea Realm to go to the Hope God Clan, he originally planned to leave from the teleportation point next to Jianmu, but as soon as he went over, he found that the Queen of Di Ren was sitting next to her, and the fish body under her had changed.

After becoming a human foot, the scales have disappeared, and even the height has shrunk to only 1.8 meters. Although in the eyes of normal people, a woman of 1.8 meters is still very big, but this is no longer the kind that is more than one storey tall.

A big girl.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty?"

Xiao Ma was startled by the sudden appearance of the Diren Queen. He took two steps back and laughed a few times: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

The Queen of Diren raised her chin at him: "I want to go to the human world to inspect it. I heard that you humans like to take kickbacks, so I want to personally supervise it."

Xiao Ma didn't know where this eldest sister had temporarily learned her speaking skills. Anyway, her appearance made it clear that she was trying to deceive others. Her demeanor was too easy for others to spot. She didn't know what their standards were for selecting an emperor.

Anyway, on the human side, such an emperor will be killed by powerful ministers.

"Did you drink that magic water that makes you unable to speak after you become a human? It turns into bubbles when you speak. You just spoke, which is very dangerous."

"No, our wizards are very powerful and there won't be anything so strange. Come on, take me to the human world."

This eldest sister is a bit unreasonable, but she is the king after all, so Xiao Ma couldn't say anything, so he laughed a few times: "Your Majesty, I have something to do now, how about a few days later?"

"In a few days."

"Well, in a few days."

"How many days will that be?"

Xiao Ma was stunned. He never expected that Her Majesty the Queen is still a straight-headed person. The most difficult thing to do is to meet a contestant who politely asks "Have you eaten?" and directly replies "Not yet". Now it's her turn.

A pony is riding a tiger and it's hard to get off.

If he said a few days, it would be a sure date next time. If the queen said a few days, it would be a good date.

Seeing His Majesty's eyes as he waited for an answer, Xiao Ma sighed silently in his heart and whispered: "Then let's give it a few days."

"But how many days will it take?"

"Ten days! Ten days is enough, right?"

"Okay, ten days." After Her Majesty the Queen said, she turned around and disappeared into the water with a thud.

Xiao Ma was scratching his head and scratching his head as he watched. He was really not good at dealing with this kind of thing. It would be great if Ying Shang came. I think Nas could deal with such a queen who doesn't seem very smart with just a few words.

Five mysteries and three ways.

But it’s not a problem to just think about it here. Xiao Ma still has to meet the Atlantis Protoss and the Neptune Tribe. Time is tight and the task is heavy. He must hang up the Fox Tribe and beat him up in the shortest possible time, otherwise he will arrive.

By the time the Fox clan is ready for the second war, they will most likely cause something to happen again.

At the same time, the Fox King had already found Chang'an Lane angrily. He wanted to see the Holy Lord, but Dahuang told him that the Holy Lord was not at home on a business trip.

"He said yesterday that he was going to see a friend today, and he didn't say when he would be back." Xu Wei explained to the Fox King: "How about you give him a call?"

The Fox King chuckled and stood up to say goodbye, but judging from the back of him leaving, he was obviously anxious. But the problem is that the Holy Lord has not seen him at all now, and there is not even anyone in Chang'an Lane who he can talk to, except to go

Apart from looking for leopard heads, there are no heavyweights.

As for Leopard Head, he has already left the Mountain and Sea Realm and formed his own West Kunlun God Realm. His fox clan is not naturally good at dealing with Leopard Head, so... looking for Leopard Head now is tantamount to humiliating himself.

As for where Brother Zhang is now, he is indeed going to see a friend, but this friend is a bit far away from Chang'an Lane, about four light years away to the three stars in the constellation Centauri, which is the hometown of the Trisolarans in the novel.

There are actually no Trisolarans here, but the cousins ​​of humans on Earth, the home of the Proxima Centauri. The Proxima Centauri have almost the same DNA sequence as humans, but they have much more technological capabilities than the Earth, and they are also a society with a high-level military system.

What's even more strange is that they are still an imperial society.

The person responsible for receiving Brother Zhang, a friend from afar, is the centaur civilization emperor of this generation. He has a very long name, but because he loves human civilization, he gave himself a very frustrating Chinese name and English name.


"I have an idea, which is to establish a DNA library of Proxima Centauri on our cousin Earth." The Centaur Civilization Emperor sat in front of a game of Go and said worriedly: "We are almost finished. Young people are unwilling to have children, and the Human Ethics Committee has

If we don’t agree to asexual reproduction and mechanical reproduction, we will be finished in one hundred and fifty years.”

Brother Zhang took a sip from the water cup, then frowned and glanced at the drink in the cup: "How can you be sure that young humans are willing to have children?"

"Oh, then let's finish it together." His Majesty the Emperor said deeply: "That's good, at least we are not alone anymore. But this time you unexpectedly came to visit, let me guess the reason?"

"Hiding people." Brother Zhang didn't waste any words: "I will hide here for a few days."

"Hahaha, emotional debt?"

"No, I'm not very good at dealing with human relationships." Brother Zhang turned his head and glanced: "By the way, I came to see your problem here."

"Everything is fine with me, except that young people are not happy to have children." His Majesty the Centaur Emperor lamented: "I really don't understand why the guardian was born on the earth. It would be great if it were here with me."

"Is there a difference?"

"Then if I ask you to take me to another world, will you refuse?"

"That's not true." Brother Zhang smiled and said, "Your drinks are too sweet, which is not good for your health."

The centaur emperor waved his hand and said: "If you feel sweet when you drink it, it means that your body function is very young. This is an adaptive drink. The sweetness you drink corresponds to various aspects of your body."

Brother Zhang wowed, picked up the drink again and looked at it for a while: "Tell me the recipe."

"Then you promise me to build a gene bank on Earth."

Brother Zhang shook his head, and then took out a table, which densely recorded the basic situations in each parallel universe: "It is better to go to other universes and have a look. I can open the door for you, but there must be prerequisites. Colonization and plunder are not allowed.

Nor is it allowed to start a war."

"As long as I can give birth to children, I can kneel down and kowtow to them, or even start a war. War kills people. Do you know how many people are left in the Centaur civilization now?"

"How many?"

"It has been declining from 27.1 billion 440 years ago, and now there are only less than 7 billion people left, which is less than the civilization population of the solar system of the earth's cousin, and I still launched a war...

The human and horse civilization has long since broken away from the barbaric civilization sequence."

Brother Zhang snorted: "Then make preparations. I will choose a suitable universe for you and then open a permanent portal."

"Oh, it feels great to have the Guardian of the Main Universe as my backer. Then I'm going to prepare to become a god there. How long will it take?"

"It depends on how long you need, I can do it at any time. Universe 10370, it is a semi-barbaric universe. The level of civilization is equivalent to four hundred years before your first civilization revolution, which is equivalent to the Middle Ages on earth. The population is about 1.5 billion.

Left and right, the world of intermediate and advanced weapons. It is very suitable for your current situation."

"Then what do I need to pay?"

Brother Zhang thought for a while, then was silent for a while and then shook his head: "Send a scientific expedition team to help the earth deal with several upcoming catastrophes. The rest is nothing."

"Then my...superpower plan needs to be continued?"

"Whatever, it's of no use anyway." Brother Zhang raised his head and said, "I will be wandering around your place these days. You don't need to worry about me. If you complete the preparations, just send me a message directly."


"Easy to say."

After that, Brother Zhang left this huge palace, and then wandered around the earth's good neighbor Proxima Centauri. His Majesty the Emperor gave him a lot of money, and the first thing he did was to enter a restaurant in the city. After all,

Because the cultural genes and even the taste are similar to those of our neighbors four light years away, Brother Zhang can't even taste the food here. It's just that they love to eat sweets, which Brother Zhang really disagrees with.

Staying there reminded him of the memory of traveling to ZJ one year, where he was served egg-white lamb tails every meal, and even now he has a psychological shadow after eating it.

When Brother Zhang started the tourism mode, the upper echelons of the Centaur civilization had already been mobilized. And because this time they entered the backward civilization as an advanced civilization to support three branches and one support, so almost all the armed forces who received the mission

The ships need to be refitted. Weapons of mass destruction and avant-garde offensive weapons must be dismantled, leaving only a certain number of self-defense weapons. The cargo ships are also filled with daily necessities, medicines and various types of food.

Because this trip was to immigrate, to have children, to ensure racial reproduction and not for genocide.

This chapter has been completed!
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