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Chapter 306 Where the wind wakes up, I don’t know the way back

 "Boss, I'm sorry... everyone in my group is missing."

"Then have you called the police?"

The travel agency was already frightened, because all the more than a hundred old men and women they brought there disappeared overnight. You know the degree of involution in this industry now. These people are not tourists, they are a group of wealth gods.


If the God of Wealth is lost...it will really make people anxious.

The people who were even more anxious than the travel agency were the people of the Magic Federation. The Ninth Merlin was personally in charge of the headquarters. After initially understanding what was going on in the temple, she directly reduced the survivor to ashes with flames, and then announced the Magic Federation.

A state of emergency was entered and a comprehensive search for those foreigners began.

That night, when the curfew just started, the whole of London was in motion. Those strange statues came to life, and there were also a large number of people in black robes jumping from one block to another, almost rummaging through the carpet.

Those who are lost.

Especially those ancient neighborhoods are dim after dark, and the stone slabs on the ground are already mottled, so even magicians will feel eerie when walking there, and they may not fully understand how serious this matter is.

, and even making jokes about Jack the Ripper.

When one of the teams passed through an alley with a walkie-talkie and telling jokes, a man appeared at the end of the alley. He turned his back to the magicians, holding a long gun in his hand, and the light pierced through the entrance of the alley.

Hitting that person through it makes him look weird.

"Group 4, District 7, needs support."

Several magicians immediately called for help, and then they stopped and took out their magic wands and began to prepare.

Old Zhou tilted his head slightly and said softly: "Little guy, Grandpa Zhou is sorry."

As soon as he finished speaking, his spear suddenly burst into flames. He looked like a ghost. Dragging the spear, he quickly turned around and leaned towards the magicians. The other side would also cast magic on him, but his dragon spear was like

It is an unbreakable barrier that can knock away all the ridiculous magic in their hands, even invisible spells.

Just a few seconds later, people who were coming to pick them up from other neighborhoods suddenly saw a fire dragon rising into the sky in District 7, and then there was no sound again.

All the magicians immediately became alert. They rushed over from all directions, but soon they discovered that there would always be someone waiting on their path. London was shining brightly tonight.

No matter how talented magicians they are, they find that they don't even have basic resistance when encountering these old people who are older than their parents. Some people even beat a group of magicians with a fan.

Falling flowers and flowing water, and his fighting method is even like dancing.

In addition, they also have strange magicians who are very powerful in combat and can also cast skills similar to necromancy, which is very strange.

The sky was dark, and the Ninth Merlin stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and had not slept all night. Just five minutes ago, she had received news that all the magic staff in the lower sanctuary had been defeated, and the person who defeated them was still missing.

Hearing the news, the Ninth Merlin's breathing became rapid. Her crystal ball slowly floated to her side, and then the footholds of old men and old ladies began to appear above. With her help, the magician cooperated during the day.

The police raids really arrested a lot of people.

Because the secret magic world convention does not allow the use of skills on ordinary people, let alone attacking public officials wantonly, they did not resist when they were captured. In the end, even the embassy was present, but no matter how the ambassador negotiated, Da Ying was

He refused to let him go even if he was alive.

"Okay, since the British side is so insistent, I won't say anything more. I also support the British side's views and urge our citizens to abide by local laws and regulations."

The ambassador left angrily, and nothing happened the night he left. However, the Ninth Merlin also found that she could not locate the remaining seventy people. Now she was even more panicked... because she had positioned herself

There is only one reason why it is not possible, and that is that the magical power of these more than seventy people far exceeds my own.

"What kind of monsters are these!"

The Ninth Merlin said almost roaring, and when she went to ask about the conditions of the elderly people who were caught, the other person answered that those people were eating well and sleeping well, as if they didn't take this matter seriously at all.


The attitude of the other party's ambassador suddenly changed, the outsider who could not be located, the arrested person with a leisurely attitude, all these factors made the Ninth Merlin feel like there were ants crawling all over her body, and she had a very bad feeling.

"Ask for help to the European Magic Federation. A devastating crisis has occurred at the London headquarters." After struggling all night, the Ninth Merlin sent such a request for help.

Following her request for help, members of the Magic Federation from all over Europe arrived in London within one day, and the entire temple was packed with people.

"The divine protection of all temples is gone!"

"All magic is unavailable!"

"Worldwide props cannot be used!"

"The Divine Blessing Technique cannot be cast!"

A series of news made the Ninth Merlin and the heads of our Magic Federation in various regions sweat with cold sweat. They didn't know exactly why this happened, but there was no doubt that all the priests and artifacts had lost their function.


"Did you do something blasphemous?"

The head of the Italian Magic Federation seriously questioned the Ninth Merlin: "All the gods have not responded!"

The Ninth Merlin shook her head, but she was also very unsure, so after a moment of silence, she called to check.

And she got one bad news and another bad news on this phone call. The first bad news was that all the local magic sanctuaries had also lost the protection of their divine power. The second bad news was that the embassy over there had issued a travel notice.

The risk report also reminds local citizens to cancel outing activities as much as possible if it is not necessary. This is already a slightly better situation than evacuation, but it is not much better.

The whole of London and the whole of Europe panicked. More than seventy top masters could not be found, the sanctuary had lost the blessing of divine power, and the atmosphere of tension between the two sides suddenly pushed this matter to an unprecedented climax of tension.

At this moment, it was Odin's turn to be the rotating chairman of the upper three realms. The main gods of all parties gathered in Odin's garden. Their atmosphere was also very solemn. Because of this incident, the Eastern Gods collectively forced the Western Gods not to intervene, and

Unexpectedly, even Amaterasu and White Elephant firmly sided with the Eastern Gods.

Their meaning is very simple. This is a conflict in the human world. It should not be raised to the divine world. Otherwise, it will add fuel to the already tense situation. Therefore, neither party will interfere in this matter.

This agreement seems fair, but the problem is that the Western pantheon is an interference pantheon, and a large amount of their believers' power comes from the gods they believe in. If they are not protected, the overall strength can drop by 30% or more.

.There is an interesting thing about the Eastern sect, that is, their practitioners may indeed have faith in the beginning, but during the process of practice, they turn themselves into materialists...

It can be seen from their weapons that rookies like to use this artifact or that artifact, and the more advanced they are, the less it matters. When it comes to the array of top experts, it is basically like picking up a broken belt on the ground and it will be like a thunderbolt.

The Eastern pantheon itself does not give blessings to believers, so it is not a big problem whether they cancel or not, especially the group of people who went to Europe this time. They are almost atheists, and some of them are even god-killers.


"Everyone, you don't want the guardians to know that you use extra protection for believers, right?"

Aunt Amaterasu was wearing a traditional dress, and she kept squinting her eyes at Jin Mei next to her. Although she had also suffered a loss at the hands of Brother Zhang, her character was a classic fear of power but not morality, and she had been beaten before.

Only then did he unswervingly follow the footsteps of the guardian.

As for the white elephant, there is really nothing we can do about it. He is psychologically pro-Western, but heaven is too far away and Kunlun is too close. Wow...

If the war between gods resumes, he, as the bridgehead of Western civilization, will be beaten into a big white pig by that fierce leopard head in New Delhi immediately. He is not stupid and he knows how to choose at this time. It is better to sit on the fence than sit on the fence.

Being beaten is strong.

Jin Mei didn't speak during the whole process, she was just scrolling through the chat history with her phone. After scrolling for a while, she raised her head and asked, "Who has a power bank?"

Someone immediately brought one to her, and after she plugged it in, she said with a smile: "I roughly figured out the cause of this incident. It's because you have people who care about bandits. After being discovered, they want to silence and hurt them."

He killed one of the tourists, and then your people did not intend to solve the problem. Instead, they killed the person involved, and then chose to use war to try to solve the problem. How arrogant."

Jin Mei's words made the main gods on the other side laugh dryly. Isn't it natural to be arrogant? After all, the glory of the past is there, and arrogance is normal. But this time the opponent was obviously prepared.

These more than a hundred top masters in the human world...

Suddenly, the garden where they were was trembling violently, and then a vine rumbled out. After seeing it, all the gods stood up immediately. And the vine grew stronger and stronger.

It grew bigger and bigger, and turned into the shape of a tree, standing there quietly without moving.

But even if it is a tree, none of these main gods dare to make mistakes, because this tree is the will of the earth, the mother recognized by all civilizations, and is called the Sun Tree, the Tree of Life, Gaia, Pangu and Jianmu

Blue Star always takes the lead.

The clone of the big tree swayed gently, and its own fragrance began to float, and the leaves made of gold fell gently, as if whispering softly, and then the main gods of all the gods immediately showed their courtesy to it, using various methods.

Said in different languages: "Understood."

Then the big tree slowly shrank, and finally disappeared completely. They sat back again, and the big white elephant pursed his lips and raised his head and said, "Who knows why such a small thing can alarm this old man?"

"Who knows." Jin Mei also shook her head: "But since Lafayette has spoken, let's do it."

I complied with the instructions, but it really hurt the people in London. The oracle came down from above. The oracle probably means that the system is temporarily under emergency maintenance. All the oracles, divine punishment, divine grace and divine blessing systems will be shut down for maintenance this time.

Column, this maintenance will require downtime for seven days...

Seven days... Ninth Merlin's scalp was numb. How could they survive these seven days without the sea of ​​God's grace?

At this moment, the sanctuary in the southwest suddenly burst into flames. Just as they were about to react, they heard the news from due north, due west, and southeast...

Seeing the sanctuaries being set on fire one by one, the Ninth Merlin knew that this was the other side's signal to declare war. She didn't say anything, she just picked up her gem wand and pointed forward, then followed all the gargoyles in the headquarters, including the dwarfs.

Demons and elves poured out, followed by hundreds of magicians and witches.

A moment later, the whole of London was dreaming back to World War II, with strange explosions and brilliant lights bursting out everywhere. But strangely enough, no matter how fierce the fighting was, the civilian areas were never affected, even if the burning sanctuary was right next to it.

The old wooden structure of the 18th century house next door had its sanctuary burned down to its skeleton, but the residential buildings next to it were not damaged at all.

And just when the Ninth Merlin was about to take action, she suddenly felt something was wrong behind her. When she turned around, she found a man playing with her crystal ball. The man couldn't tell how old he was, but he looked young, but

The vicissitudes of life on his face made him look like a weather-beaten old man.

The Ninth Merlin immediately swung out a blaze of flames. The flames turned into hundreds of light spots in the air, and rushed towards the man in front of him as if they were alive. However, the man just took a sip of the liquid in the gourd in his hand, and then sprayed it hard.

When the fire came out, the highly alcoholic drink immediately exploded into a ball of fire, covering the entire room.

But when the flame goes out, it's like nothing happened.

The Ninth Merlin also became serious at this moment, because his magic seemed very weak, but in fact it was very powerful. However, the powerful magic was extinguished by someone with a sip of wine. The opponent's strength must be unfathomable.

Chen Shi, who was carrying the wine gourd, stood up slowly and staggered towards the Ninth Merlin. The Ninth Merlin quickly backed away and chanted quickly while drawing circles with his wand.

Just as the last syllable was about to be silenced, the figure on the other side flashed, and then the Ninth Merlin felt a coldness and pain on her neck. She felt a thump in her heart, and her heart was over.

However, a subconscious check revealed that there was no injury on her neck because the person opposite just took off her necklace.

"It's boring, you are not qualified to be my opponent."

Chen Shi threw the necklace on the table next to him: "Isn't there anything stronger?"

When he spoke, the Ninth Merlin was still casting spells. This time she used her own acceleration gem, but even though she was chanting for less than a second, an apple was stuffed into her mouth before the last syllable.

This almost humiliating method made her eyes widen, and her body quickly aged from her appearance in her twenties to her original appearance of seventy or eighty years old. All the magical power that originally maintained her youth was concentrated on the staff.


But just when she was about to cast the spell instantly, Chen Shi just raised his hand, and the sword energy suddenly passed by, and her magic staff was decapitated. The decapitated staff fell to the ground, shaking and about to explode. Ninth

Merlin instinctively avoided it, but at the moment when it was about to explode, Chen Shi crushed the crystal stone on it with one kick: "You are not qualified, is there anyone more powerful?"

"What kind of monster are you!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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