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Chapter 313: Drink First or Eat Me First

 Brother Zhang has been wandering here for several months. Wandering in a strange world has become one of his biggest hobbies, but to be honest, this place is really a bit wild, with a backward and barbaric atmosphere.

After the centaur's pioneering city arrived, invitations were sent to thirty-one native countries in total, but not even half of them were invited. The rest regarded them as devils directly because of religious reasons, and launched another round of

After a round of attacks, wars are raging outside the Steel City every day.

How should I put it? This is a world of high martial arts, but the level of civilization is too low, so low that it is unimaginable. They are probably equivalent to the chaotic and evil Middle Ages on earth, where theocracy is supreme and non-human beings are mixed in.

Races, dungeon races and various gods, but the problem is that the gods cannot deal with this huge Steel City, but they are very persistent in attacking the Steel City.

Fortunately, the Centaur advance team did not launch a large-scale counterattack. Instead, they kept looking for a reconciliation plan, but there was no way... The seventeen theocratic countries did not even give them a chance to negotiate, and they went up to it.


However, the remaining thirteen non-theocratic countries have all begun to contact the advance team. After knowing the purpose of the advance team, they are very willing to accept these strange-looking outsiders.

And now Brother Zhang is in one of these thirteen kingdoms. This is a city-state full of exotic customs, a bit like scenes that often appear in cartoons. Brother Zhang still likes to watch cartoons.

, being in it, he even felt a bit out of dimension.

This city is known as the capital of gourmet food, and it is also the only country on this continent that prohibits the slave trade, so you can see people of all colors here, as well as very strange non-humans and sub-humans, such as Brother Zhang.

Sitting diagonally across from him now is a dressed lizard man. His whole body is covered with white and pink scales, and he even looks pretty. Opposite him is a human male, and the two of them are there.

They were talking and laughing, as if they were on a date.

This person should be classified as a non-human being. He does not seem to have any human characteristics in his body, but he can still speak and chat. Even the law does not prevent two people of different races from falling in love and getting married. Overall, the atmosphere is relatively open.

Demihumans are also easier to distinguish, that is, there will be creatures like cat-eared girls and bunny-eared girls just like in cartoons, but they are not easy to deal with, because the most common among demihumans are thieves and liars.


The owner of this restaurant is a middle-aged man. He can tell at a glance that Brother Zhang is not from this world, because his temperament does not belong here, just like those heavenly beings who often appear during this period, but he

They are not that similar, but they are not from this world anyway.

But the strange thing is that this foreigner can actually speak the language here, and there is no barrier to communication. Therefore, the boss here is very curious about Brother Zhang. Although it is not necessary, he always walks around the aisle in front of him.

Several laps.

After all, Brother Zhang is a heavenly being to them, and they are also curious, but the real thing is that they are afraid of being a little strange. So many people just watch this lonely gourmet from a distant world from a distance...

Brother Zhang didn't care about other people's opinions. He just ordered the more famous signature dishes here, and then sat there and enjoyed it slowly. To be honest, the taste was really okay, but the smell of fireworks was a bit stronger. Although they also had stews, they mainly had stews.

The most popular ones are grilled products, such as special-flavored bacon made by mixing spices into a puree, adding salt and rubbing it on a whole piece of beef leg. This kind of meat is okay to eat, but it is really boring if you eat too much, and they

They don't seem to like eating vegetables very much. This is definitely something that needs to be improved, otherwise the lack of fiber will easily block the toilet.

And people here also smoke. Not only do they smoke, they also like chewing tobacco with a particularly strong taste. Brother Zhang also tried it. The taste is really not something that a person like him, who has a light mouth, can handle. One sip makes his brain dry.


While Brother Zhang was enjoying the food, the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and then two men and one woman walked in from the outside. As they entered, the noise in the room suddenly stopped, and more than half of the people

He immediately stood up and saluted them, and the remaining people also paid attention to them.

Of course, Brother Zhang didn't know them and just sat there and continued eating. The three of them were very curious after seeing Brother Zhang, so they sat directly opposite him. The man in the lead raised his chin.

He asked in a arrogant tone: "Are you one of those outsiders who appeared some time ago?"

Brother Zhang hummed, then picked up the aloe vera juice-like drink at hand and took a sip, but before he could put down the cup, his drink was slapped and flew out. He frowned and looked at the person opposite:

"Four copper coins."

"I'm warning you outsiders, get out. If you let me see you again, I will chop off your heads!"

Brother Zhang didn't know why they were so hostile to the pioneers. He only knew that he liked that drink very much, but now that it had been knocked over, he had to pay for it.

"Four copper coins." Brother Zhang stretched out his four fingers and said, "I just took a sip."

He was afraid that the other party wouldn't understand, so he deliberately used this language to describe it.

But the next moment, the woman, one of the three, suddenly took out a short knife and struck Brother Zhang's finger. Her speed could be said to be very fast, and she had a very murderous intent, and her weapon seemed to be

If it is enchanted, it can even rub against the air to emit a dazzling light when it is waved.

But this lightning-fast attack was almost motionless in Brother Zhang's eyes. He held the short knife with his index finger and thumb in his backhand, and smashed the enchanted weapon into pieces with just a slight break.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them was shocked, because the three people in front of them were the most famous dragon-slaying trio in the empire. They had fought against twelve giant dragons and successfully escaped after killing three of them. It can be said that they were all

One of the best figures in the empire.

But now the weapon of the ruby ​​lady in the trio was broken into pieces in this small restaurant, which can't help but make people surprised and confused.

Having a weapon destroyed is the greatest humiliation for a warrior. The three men shouted and started to attack Brother Zhang. But just as Brother Zhang was about to fight back, a powerful sword energy suddenly rushed from outside and knocked the man away.

The three people were directly knocked away, and then they saw a man wearing a rose-red armor appear at the door. His heavy armor made a clanking sound when he stepped on the ground, and he seemed to be two meters tall.

"Who gave you the courage to launch an attack within a safe area?"

The three people crawled up from the ground. When they saw the person in front of them, all their arrogance disappeared. They lowered their heads and refused to speak.

Brother Zhang just looked back, then pointed at the three people before and said: "Four copper coins."

But they obviously didn't listen to what Brother Zhang said. They just lowered their heads and walked out. Brother Zhang frowned slightly, dipped his finger in some water on the table, and then flicked it towards the back of the leader. Suddenly he was

Behind them was like a stormy sea, and they felt something was wrong. Even the giant man in red armor was shocked and wanted to stop him, but the power like the sea was beyond the power of human beings. The four of them couldn't tell the difference.

The drop of water immediately rushed out, all the way to the moat.

The three dragon-slaying warriors were floating in the river like floating corpses, and Brother Zhang sat down again and raised his hand: "Boss, have another drink of that drink."

The bosses were all frightened, but they quickly served Brother Zhang a drink under the strange eyes of everyone, and told him in a low voice: "Sir, that red armor is the captain of the Kingdom Guard, named Lie Yan. And

Those three people are dragon-slaying warriors..."


Brother Zhang nodded: "I understand."

The boss didn't say anything after seeing this, he just lowered his head and slipped back.

In the savage world, Brother Zhang can't help it. He doesn't like to use violence very much, but these savages are really annoying. Not to mention they have no quality, and they always do some behaviors that confuse humans.

After finally finishing a meal, Brother Zhang walked out of the small restaurant and was about to go somewhere else. However, he saw the Kingdom Guards trying to fish the captain out of the river. After all, there was nothing he could do while wearing heavy armor.

It is normal for things to float and sink to the bottom of the river.

But if it weren’t for the world of high martial arts, the captain was still alive when he was picked up after just a moment. He sat up from the ground and was furious, and at a glance he saw Brother Zhang who was walking along the river.


"Catch him! No matter what the cost."

Brother Zhang didn't want to get too entangled with them, so he just pointed his finger in the river and circled it twice, and then moved upwards. A huge water giant stood up. The water giant stood between the pursuers and Brother Zhang.

No one can come over.

"So strong, little brother."

At this time, a fragrant smell suddenly came from the side of Brother Zhang, and there was a sound of *****, which made him turn his head and saw a woman wearing very cool clothes sitting with her navel exposed.

A flying carpet is suspended to the side.

Brother Zhang smiled at her and asked, "Are you coming to catch me too?"

"No, no, no, I'm a poor magician passing by. I was lucky enough to witness my little brother's elemental control just now. I want to know more about it. Do you think you can give me this chance?"

Brother Zhang looked sideways at the brooch on her chest. The design was a shield entwined with roses. According to the information that Brother Zhang learned before arriving, this medal of love and heraldry can only be directly descended from the royal family of this empire.

can be obtained.

"Where are you looking, little brother..." The girl giggled loudly, and naturally put her hand on her chest to block the medal: "Don't be so anxious, okay? I'll treat you to the best drink in our country."

of wine.”

Brother Zhang stretched out his hand and wanted to snap his fingers and leave, but after thinking about it, he nodded in agreement. After all, the best wine in their country should not be bad.

This chapter has been completed!
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