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Chapter 316: Make money, business, not shabby

 Gray returned to her residence and carefully thought about what she had seen before. She once thought that what she saw was an illusion, but when she found a leaf that did not belong to this world on her body, she knew where she had gone.

The place is not an illusion but a real other world.

After understanding this, Mystic Gray was shocked. She summoned the leader of the Red Knights, the Kingdom Guardian Knight known as the strongest in the empire, and asked carefully: "If a magician can kill another high-ranking knight,

The Hierarchy Mystic Mage teleports to another world and there are multiple worlds, and the worlds are not connected, and can turn copper coins into gold coins without using any equipment or magic props. So what is the approximate level of this magician? Teacher."

The leader of the Knights is one of the few people in the world who has the power of God. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the strongest person in the world. However, after hearing this description, the well-informed leader

He frowned.

"Your Highness, have you encountered a liar?"

His Highness Gray doesn't know how to explain it. After all, it does sound like a liar to describe it this way. After all, he is a mage himself. He knows that the effort required to move an object to another place depends on the weight of the object, the distance and height of the displacement.

To be sure, moving an object using magic usually consumes ten times or more of the magic power to transport it directly. Except for special magic products, any magical behavior that chooses this method to move objects is a dazzling skill.

But the problem is that even if he shows off his skills, the Celestial Mage's skills are too dazzling. Gray roughly estimated that based on his own weight of 172 cups of rice, it would be too long just to project himself outside the planet.

The magic consumed is enough to directly plow the Western Continent back and forth until all the mountains, rivers and rivers have become flat ground, let alone travel directly through different worlds without the use of any magic devices.

With such an ability, if you want to destroy the world, it may only be a matter of breath.

But the problem is that for such a terrifying demon king, the only thing he seems to care about is the dilapidated two-story building on the corner of the street... This makes His Highness Gray very puzzled. Even if he thinks hard, he can't figure out the motive of that guy.

When Gray came to the corner shop again the next day, she found that the strange guy had really bought that shabby shop! And it seemed to be a one-time buyout for four gold coins.

The owner of the shop is a half-dragon. He has sharp claws, but the way he smiles when he takes the gold coins is no different from those profit-seeking profiteers.

"It's yours now."

The half-dragon handed the key to Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang nodded to him, then opened the door and walked in. There was dust everywhere and no place was clean, but Brother Zhang just stood inside and looked.

He looked at it, then exited the room again, and then went to the city's public security management station to go through the relevant procedures according to the local procedures.

But he didn't expect that he would be in trouble as soon as he came over. First of all, he is a heavenly being and does not have local identity or household registration, so he is not allowed to open a store. If he wants to go through the formalities, he must find a local identity to go through it.

When the official in charge of this matter introduced the matter, he quietly handed a list to Brother Zhang and whispered: "As long as you spend some money, everything here will be done for you. On this list

The people are all death row inmates in prison. After they are killed, their identity and household registration will be useless, and they can just be used to open a shop for you."

Brother Zhang looked down at the list above: "Is it really possible?"

"Don't worry, you just need to pay some money and I will help you take care of it. You are a god and as long as you pay taxes normally, no one will doubt your identity."

Brother Zhang said oh, then pointed to the name above: "How much is it?"

"This gentleman is really discerning. This prisoner is the only daughter of Duke Devin. He was imprisoned because of Duke Devin's rebellion. He will be hanged in a few months, but this name is really great."

In fact, Brother Zhang thought the name was good, so it translated as Myrtle, Myrtle Little Restaurant... This little style immediately clicked on me.

"No introduction is needed."

"No, no, no, this sir..."

The official pulled Brother Zhang aside and whispered: "As long as you are willing to spend a thousand gold coins, this name and the person with this name belong to you. Hehe... Miss Myrtle was originally famous in the city.

Beauty, a thousand gold coins is definitely a good deal. As long as you hide her well and not be discovered, you can do whatever you want with her."

Brother Zhang was stunned: "Is that a death row prisoner?"

"Yes, it is easy to deal with death row prisoners." The officer said calmly: "In this case, for one thousand two hundred gold coins, you only need to leave an address, and I will complete all the procedures and people tonight.

Send it to your house. To be honest, if you are not a heavenly being, I would not dare to do this. If others find out, I will be beheaded. Sir, don't worry, we have done it more than once, it is very safe.


At this point, the door of the place where they were chatting was suddenly opened, and Gray's head poked in: "Really?"

Seeing this head, the official in charge of registration fell to his knees on the ground, his face turned ashen.

"Okay, I'm not interested in taking care of your nonsense." After Gray finished speaking, he looked up at Brother Zhang and said, "Master, why do you have to talk so much with such a person?"

"It's good to make money, and the business is not shabby." Brother Zhang pointed at the official and said, "And he is really good at selling. I am already prepared to pay back the offer."

The official's face was pale, but when he heard the counteroffer, he almost instinctively raised his head and said, "Nine hundred can't be any less."

Gray rolled his eyes: "Go and solve the master's problem. I will pretend that I don't know anything about you."

In this way, Brother Zhang easily obtained the business license. However, the Myrtle Hotel was not possible. Because it used Gray's name, it had to be called Xiaoer Xiancao Hotel, but it wasn't too unpleasant...

But their rose empire is a bit interesting. The surnames of the top nobles are all rose-based, which is quite regular. Just like Gray's full name omits the title and family name, and the Christian name is Rose Little Erxian, Huanghua Xiaoerxian

Grass Gray, and the previous myrtle was Rose Myrtle, Daphne Hypericum, Myrtle Gwen. Although the word count is a bit tight, it is indeed very interesting.

"Master, I hope you can accept me as your disciple."

When Brother Zhang was holding the license and looking at his first branch in another world in front of the little house, Gwen suddenly made an unreasonable request, but Brother Zhang didn't even respond to this request, and just put one hand on the

On the small house.

Then Gwen was shocked to see that this single-family house was actually changing its shape. The house, which was obviously a brick and wood structure, became like a ball of mud and kept squirming, and its external shape was also constantly changing.

And when it completely changed into something else, Gray could hardly believe her eyes. She had never seen anyone cast such a high-end magic so easily.

"Want to come and try it?" Brother Zhang clapped his hands and said to Gray with a smile: "Try the taste of my restaurant."

Brother Zhang needs a native to taste how the food in the small restaurant is compatible with this world. After all, it is difficult to agree on this matter. Hebei and Hubei are separated by 800 flavors, let alone a different world.


Gray was stunned for a moment, but when she saw Brother Zhang had opened the door and walked in, she followed him in almost instinctively.

But after walking in, it was hard for her to believe her eyes, because just now she saw that the inside was dirty and shabby, but now when she walked in, it looked like a restaurant, with all the tables, chairs and benches neatly arranged.

There are also a lot of strange equipment and a fat cat sleeping there.

Brother Zhang looked back at Gray: "What do you want to eat?"

Gray walked forward with a face full of shock, while Brother Zhang took off his apron and put it on, and came to the stove where he had been away for a long time. He opened the storage room and refrigerator to check what else was inside and handed over the menu.

To Gray: "Whatever."

Gray picked up the menu, but found that it was filled with incomprehensible characters, but soon the fonts started to vibrate as if they were alive, and quickly formed the lingua franca of mainland China that she could understand.

"Oh my god..."

Gray covered her mouth in shock, then squinted her eyes and read it carefully. She found that the text was still in the common language of the mainland. She suddenly felt that all the magic she had learned in the first half of her life had been learned from dogs. The so-called travels were not as good as these few days.

Tian's knowledge shocked her.

After careful selection, she curiously ordered a piece of assorted fried rice and a piece of roasted lamb with green onions. The reason why she ordered these two was because there was no concept of assorted rice and mutton there, and she couldn't imagine what they were.

, so I want to see it.

Brother Zhang hummed, then turned the menu over and said, "You can add a drink."

"Then...what is this coconut milk?"

Brother Zhang took out a bottle of "Drinking Since Childhood" and handed it to her.

Gray saw the master busy, so she didn't dare to disturb her, so she studied the drink in front of her. There were incomprehensible words on the drink, but there was a portrait of a woman on it. She swore that she had never

I have seen such a clear image. Except for the magic imaging that is specially used by magicians, no other printing or drawing techniques have ever been so clear.

And she felt that what was even more amazing than the portrait was that this place actually used such pure metal to make drink cans. In the empire, such metal was usually used in alchemy or the forging of magic artifacts. It was absolutely impossible to use such high-grade metal.

The king doesn't treat people like this just to drink.

After opening the drink, she raised her head and took a sip. A strange taste suddenly came from her mouth. She had never tried this taste before, but when she tasted it carefully, she felt like she was under the southern sun.

When you close your eyes, you can clearly feel the breath of the sea in the southern summer afternoon...

At this time, her assorted fried rice also arrived. The colorful vegetables were paired with shrimps, diced ham and mushrooms. The aroma and color were immediately hit. Gray picked up the spoon and took a bite elegantly. She was immediately filled with sweetness.

The feeling poured into her mouth, and she could swear that this food was far more delicious than any delicacies made by the royal chefs, because she didn't know when the empire's chefs just piled ingredients with spices.

It is soaked in all kinds of spicy spices. I never imagined that such a light recipe can maintain such a transparent taste.

When the lamb roasted with green onions was served, she was even more shocked, because there were no sheep there, only a kind of meat like deer, but the taste of that meat was not good. They were more accustomed to eating beef, but

The texture and deliciousness of beef cannot be compared with that of mutton. With that tender and refreshing mouthful of mutton, Gray could only close her eyes and enjoy it.

Soon the girl who was originally noble and elegant turned into a storm, and she even learned how to pour the mutton sauce on the rice and mix it...

While Gray was finishing dinner, a sleepy-eyed Xu Wei walked out from behind. She yawned and came to the door, opened the rolling shutter door, and then turned the wooden sign to open, but she didn't expect anyone to come, because

Although the snow outside has stopped, the temperature is still very low. Coupled with the snowballing plague, the small restaurant has been losing money during this period. Dahuang, the accountant, sighs every day and laments that he cannot make ends meet.

But just when Xu Wei moved a stool and sat at the door, she suddenly felt something was wrong. Then she immediately got up and rushed to Brother Zhang's side. After passing by, she found Brother Zhang standing there and shoveling the oil on the iron plate.

, and there was a girl in front of him who was licking the plate.

"Brother! You're back!"

It has been almost four months. It has been four months since Brother Zhang left. After he left, Xu Wei realized how important this person who usually didn't talk much and never raised any opinions was. After losing him, everything was in chaos. Everything was in chaos.

No one was out of line but they made a mess, and that had never happened while he was here.

Even though he doesn't care about anything and doesn't ask anything, he is like a needle that stabilizes the sea and cannot be messed up no matter how much others try.

"Well, I'm back." Brother Zhang nodded towards Xu Wei: "I opened a branch, and this is the one I invited to try."


Xu Wei looked at Gray in front of him in surprise, and Gray, who was wiping her mouth with a tissue at this time, also began to look at Xu Wei. As a high-level mystic, she could clearly feel the blood flowing through Xu Wei's body.

The power of nature is huge and fierce, definitely exceeding the level of the Empire's special magicians!

The next moment, this first-level magician actually cried. She stood in front of Brother Zhang and cried like a child. The reason why she cried was because she had made a mess of the world.

Xu Wei had never shown any vulnerability before Brother Zhang came back. Just like the days when her grandmother passed away, when Brother Zhang came back, all her self-blame and grievances burst out.

Brother Zhang didn't comfort her, nor did he become so soft-hearted after seeing the girl's tears like others. He only spoke after Xu Wei expressed all her emotions and grievances and wanted to quit Twelve Spirits.

Said: "Then do you think you had any better way to handle it at that time?"

"No...or yes, I don't know, so I'm incompetent."

"So you didn't expect it to be so powerful, right?"


It's not that Xu Wei doesn't know what she did wrong, but she really doesn't know how to control that kind of power, and now the only solution she can think of is to stop being a twelve spirit and return all the treasures, and settle down on her own

Anxin works as a chef in a small restaurant and guards the courtyard every day. As long as Brother Zhang doesn't drive her away, she will be satisfied.

Brother Zhang lowered his head while fiddling with a sashimi platter. After hearing Xu Wei's words, he did not raise his head and just smiled and asked: "Then if it is someone else, is there a better solution?"


"What did the mouse say?"

"He didn't say anything..."

Brother Zhang raised his head and placed a piece of sashimi boat in front of Xu Wei and Gray: "Try it."

Gray couldn't understand the conversation between him and Xu Wei, but she could understand Taste. She reached out and picked up a piece, dipped it in mustard and put it in her mouth. The pungency of the mustard neutralized the fishy smell of the fallen fish, and then there was a smell of grease.

The fragrance explodes in the mouth, and when paired with the dogtail wine next to it, the taste is mellow and rich, making people forget to leave.

"This is delicious! It's so delicious!!" Gray covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Is this the bottle of wine I gave you?"

Brother Zhang nodded: "Yes, I think this combination should be perfect."

“It’s perfect! It’s so delicious!”

When Gray was stunned by the delicious food, Xiao Zhang wiped his hands with kitchen paper and said: "The mouse didn't say anything, so why didn't he say anything?"

"have no idea……"

Brother Zhang sat back on the chair: "Go back and think about it carefully. If you don't understand something, ask Thunder Dragon and he will explain it to you."

Comfort is the most useless thing in the world. Xu Wei was at fault in this matter. She could have used better countermeasures to deal with it, but to say how guilty she was, there was no such thing.

How to put it, even without Xu Wei, there would have been a crisis this time. At best, it was just different causes leading to the same effect. This was the purpose of letting the Centaur expedition team come here to deal with the crisis. So this matter

The result with Xu Wei and without Xu Wei is actually the same. Without Xu Wei, someone else would have caused this crisis, and this is not so much a crisis for the earth as it is a disaster for mankind.

It can be regarded as a disaster. The Centaur exploration team is the antidote to this disaster. This time, Brother Zhang exchanged the future of the Centaur for the future of mankind. After all, he is the guardian of the universe. Maybe one day he will

He might also take care of M78's affairs, anyway... he's a guardian.

As for Xu Wei, this time can be regarded as a lesson for her, but the problem is really not hers.

"Can you bring a few more people here tomorrow?" Brother Zhang raised his head and asked Gray: "I want to cook a few more dishes for you to try and see the average taste over there."

This chapter has been completed!
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