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Chapter 319 Plague and Food

 What Xiao Zhang didn't expect was that Gray soon brought a group of people to the store for a second round of tastings, and this time the level visible to the naked eye dropped a lot. Those in the past were royal groups, but this time they were civilians.


These people all wear casual clothes and do not have a very luxurious temperament. Their appearance and appearance are very different from those of the nobles. Among them are ordinary magicians, mid-level officers, and even some people who are like wandering swordsmen.

These people are all friends of Gray, and they get along very well with each other. In comparison, their coming here is more like a dinner party.

As for novelties such as TVs and fans, they are not as restrained as the nobles. There are exclamations one after another, but this atmosphere is close to the temperament of a small restaurant, completely without the elegant nobles here.

sense of dissonance.

"Hahahaha, they just knew that I was a ronin, but they didn't know that I was actually a sword master. Those bandits surrounded me and asked me to hand over valuable things, so I told them to ask my Luo

The Blade of Gendras agrees or not."

"I actually haven't quite figured out how to completely form this magic. Every time I release it, it summons things that are not what I need, and they are very weak. I heard that there is a magician in the magic tower in the Iron Curtain City who can

Complete summons, I decided to go find him after some time."

Some people are showing off crazily, while others are discussing knowledge with their friends.

And when Xu Wei put the food in front of them, they started to eat. No matter what their abilities were, it could be seen that their backgrounds were all ordinary, because most people's eating appearance was actually ugly. When they met someone who could make them

When they are surprised by something, they will scream immediately and introduce their feelings to their friends loudly.

There are almost 20 people here. Brother Zhang gave different set meals, including fried ribs, fried pork chops, fried pork ribs, fried chicken nuggets, short crispy pork, pistol legs, French fries, potato pancakes, and potato balls.

Croquettes, etc., as well as some simple side dishes, such as mustard duck feet, raw diced octopus, etc., and drinks are randomly matched between beer, sake, rice wine, cola, 7-up, etc.

Different combinations will have completely different experiences, and all these packages are worth one silver coin.

Gray's friends had a great time eating. Although they had different standards for food, without exception, they all expressed satisfaction and appreciation for Brother Zhang's food. After hearing the price, they all expressed their due

I was surprised, because these people had traveled all over the world, and it was hard to imagine that such a fat-rich food only cost one silver coin when the portion was so considerable.

In most places in the Western Continent, a silver coin can only exchange for one-third of the amount here, and the taste is only worthy of feeding pigs.

In the end, they gave their own comprehensive evaluation, and the one with the highest score turned out to be beer. This was something Xiao Zhang didn't expect. He personally thought it might be chicken steak, chicken legs, or even potato chips, but it was absolutely impossible.

I didn't expect it to be beer.

But without exception, everyone who drank beer gave very satisfactory advice, because in the Western Continent, brewing itself is not privately licensed. Only official breweries are qualified to brew, and not everyone can

Those who are qualified to drink must have local household registration if they want to drink in restaurants, and there is a limit for everyone. In addition, because of the scarcity of alcohol, most wineries add a large amount of water to the finished wine, which makes

They are very unaccustomed to high alcohol content.

And this situation also made Brother Zhang figure out why their royal winery chose to use foxtail grass to make wine, because wine requires food. Although they are indeed a mid-to-high-level military world, their productivity is just that.

Although you are not going to starve, you can definitely drink as much as you did here. The reason is because the food can only be maintained between "a little hungry" and "make do with it, almost enough", plus wine

A large amount of food will be consumed, and wine cannot fill the stomach. It can even be classified as a luxury item there.

The reason why beer has such a high rating is because light beer can not only meet the drinking needs of these people, but also ensure a certain degree of deliciousness. Moonshine brewing there is not only illegal, but also leads to a large number of drinking parties due to poor technology.

It has a sour taste, and the special taste brought by the fusel alcohol and the herbs added during blending to maintain the taste, so the world's requirements for wine are extremely low.

The second most popular item is the fried pork chop. Because of the scarcity of oils in mainland China, it is difficult for them to eat foods rich in oils. Fish oil and horse oil are their most common oils, but how can those oils be embedded in this kind of food?

Compared with the fat in food, they think that the food with higher fat content tastes better. This is why all food is covered with bread crumbs and contains about 15% fat.

And the spicy, fragrant and greasy pork chops with a layer of chili powder naturally became their first choice.

When pairing heavy drinks with beer, the working people's choices are often surprisingly consistent.

Health...Is that the time to talk about health? Let alone the older times, even if we go back to the 1960s and 1970s, ask people who came there, how many people would worry about their health because of eating too well?

Woolen cloth.

So after setting this tone, Brother Zhang's different world restaurant was finalized and officially opened.

And just when Brother Zhang was thinking about opening a store, a worldwide cold wave suddenly arrived. The entire northern hemisphere seemed to be frozen. The lowest temperature near the equator was close to zero, which is almost equivalent to

In the summer, the temperature is 38 degrees in the Arctic Circle, which is disastrous.

Grain production began to decrease or even end in large areas. Europe was cut into four parts, namely those lacking food, those lacking oil, those lacking money, and those lacking medicine. Some could even stack several BUFFs at the same time. The entire Europe was forty

Twenty-nine of the four countries have begun to request humanitarian assistance from around the world. The situation in several old empires is even worse. The energy crisis caused by extreme cold is also accompanied by infectious diseases.

In a pandemic, when there are more infectious diseases, medical resources are overrun. When medical resources are overrun, the death rate skyrockets.

The mortality rate has gone up, and then panic has begun to spread. Once panic strikes, order will inevitably be threatened. All types of crime have reached their highest level since World War I, and superpower crimes have directly exceeded 100.

Seventy percent, that is to say, seven out of ten people with super powers are involved in crimes.

The whole of Europe is in a mess, but no one has time to care about them now. All countries are busy taking care of themselves. The extremely cold weather is a life and death test for farming, aquaculture, breeding, animal husbandry, etc. Many people have to wait and see every day.

When you open your eyes, you can see how much new debt has been added. The suicide rate per 100,000 people around the world has risen to 27, which means that 27 out of 100,000 people choose to end their lives. This is higher than the normal rate of 100,000 people.

Nine per ten thousand has increased by more than three times.

But even so, the disaster is still spreading. Under the shroud of plague and famine, the cloud of war hangs over the entire old Europe. The European continent, which has only subsided for a few years, is seeing a brand new war coming.

And this matter can be said to be a certainty, and there is no other way to solve the current crisis.

"Oh...it's snowing."

Hei Guanyin stood on the balcony and stretched out her hand to catch the snow falling outside. She had been unemployed at home for more than a month. The impact of the Great Depression included every industry. No one could be spared, even those who could not see it.

The buying and selling of light is no exception.

"It's so cold this year." After Hei Guanyin stretched out his tongue and licked the snow in the palm of his hand, he turned back to Sai Dongfeng and said, "We are close to Southeast Asia. I don't know what will happen to the north."

Sai Dongfeng was sitting in a barrel surrounded by wood. There was a metal isolation fence under the barrel. Under the isolation fence was a red-burning charcoal basin. Sai Dongfeng was wearing a blanket on top. It looked like it was

It was extremely cold. His body was weak and he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Yes, it's too cold. I just went to the nearby vegetable markets and saw that they were out of stock everywhere. It was the first time I knew that luncheon meat could become hard currency in the black market."

This extreme cold has not only swept across high latitudes, but also many islands with a maritime climate. TB, which has almost never seen snow except in the mountains, has already had heavy snow reaching its ankles. Abnormal weather zone

The panic caused a wave of panic in the TB market a few days ago. Just like other places around the world, a can of luncheon meat has now been sold on the underground black market for ten times the recommended retail price and can be purchased as hard currency.

Other supplies.

"Well..." Hei Guanyin put his hands on the window sill: "I don't know when it will end. It was said on TV that more than a hundred of us have frozen to death. It's really miserable. But don't laugh at them all the time.


"Because they are not used to resisting severe winters. In fact, the north is better off in this regard because they are used to facing the cold. On the contrary, the south is easily taken away by this sudden cold wave."

When Sai Dongfeng said this, he sighed for no reason, because he knew that no matter how much he complained, it would be of no use. This is the reason why God's power is unpredictable.



I am nineteen years old. I may not be able to recover even if I stay up all night or three days. Although I slept for five or six hours today, I am really tired. If there are more typos than usual today, please forgive me...

This chapter has been completed!
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