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Chapter 32: Pen Fairy, Pen Fairy... Why hasn’t he come yet?

 Zhu Zhenzhen parked the car and took Zhang Jiachang to a large apartment? Or call it a luxury community? Anyway, it can't be called a tube building.

This place is very strange. There are only four or five buildings in a community, and the elevator can only access floors that have been reserved or have floor cards.

They were going to the 22nd floor this time. The elevator was slow and steady. Brother Zhang stood inside and silently counted the floors. He felt that this elevator with no advertisements and real-time display of the scenery outside was very interesting.

But Zhu Zhenzhen thought he was a little cute, because only children would pay so much attention to these weird corners.

When the elevator arrived, it opened directly into the room. There was no corridor or security door. What surprised Zhang Jiachang was that there was only one apartment on the entire first floor.

You must know that every inch of land in this city is precious, and this community is in a prime location. One person occupies one floor. Although the design of two floors is made, there are nearly 1,200 square meters above and below. Standing on

It feels like entering a luxurious different world here. Not only is this place luxuriously decorated, but the facilities are also excellent. There is even a rooftop swimming pool. Everything is available in the house, just in the entertainment room.

There are dozens of sets of gaming equipment, all of which Brother Zhang has seen in movies.

Zhu Zhenzhen walked over and handed the bag to the nanny, and then she and Brother Zhang came to one of the sofas. There was already someone sitting here, a girl with a round face. She was sitting there scrolling through her mobile phone. She looked up

Zhu Zhenzhen glanced at her: "Where's the man? You don't have the nerve to come without a man?"

At this time, Zhu Zhenzhen smiled mysteriously and turned to the side to reveal Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang looked at him and then nodded towards the little round face: "Hello."

The little round-faced boy screamed and jumped up: "I really brought it!"

Seeing her surprised look, Brother Zhang seemed a little embarrassed, but the little round face looked at him with interest, then turned to Zhu Zhenzhen and said: "This is your boyfriend? That's it."


"Actually..." Zhu Zhenzhen glanced at Zhang Jiachang, hesitated for a moment, then nodded decisively: "Yes!"

"Your taste is quite bland."

The little round face looked at Zhang Jiachang again. He obviously belongs to the ascetic style of painting, which is different from everyone in their circle. That kind of light and ethereal temperament is rarely seen.

How to describe it, going to that station can make people dream back to the night self-study in the second grade of high school in ten seconds, that kind of night breeze and ignorance.

"Hello." Xiao Yuan smiled towards Brother Zhang and stretched out her hand: "I am Zhenzhen's friend. Just call me Zhang Yao."

"Hello, Zhang Jiachang."

Brother Zhang shook hands with her briefly, and then stood aside. He didn't say anything and just kept looking at the surrounding environment. His attention was not focused on the owner in front of him at all.

"Come on, come on..."

The little round face pulled Zhu Zhenzhen aside and asked in a low voice: "Where did you lie to me?"

"What kind of lie... do you think so little of me?"

"That's not the problem. You must have found someone from outside to help. You are not worthy of him at all."

"What!!!" Zhu Zhenzhen's eyes widened, and after hearing what the little round face said, her hair almost exploded: "What do you mean?"

"Sister, I've seen a lot of men, but I've never tried this kind of thing. Let me open my mouth and let me do it."

"Why are you talking nonsense..." Zhu Zhenzhen rolled her face and said, "Just open your mouth."

The little round face glanced at Brother Zhang who was studying the table mats on the table, and then said to Zhu Zhenzhen: "The way you look at him."

"What's wrong with the eyes?"

"You say you are young, but you are really young. I, Zhang Yao, GZ Stark. No man can resist my charm, do you admit this?"

Zhu Zhenzhen pouted, although she had to admit that she was still somewhat unconvinced, but this little round face was really irresistible to men, mainly because she was different from other women in the circle, and she only wore designer bags.

, clothes, jewelry, she plays with high technology.

When a person invests all the money he or she has invested in luxury goods into high-tech products, he or she can even poop smartly.

The expensiveness of this house does not actually lie in its location and area. What is really expensive is the bits and pieces in it, because this house is filled with top-notch smart products from floor to ceiling, from the kitchen to the toilet.

Cutting-edge products customized from major technology companies around the world.

Everything here will present an attitude that makes people obsessed. Whether it is the tablecloth that can be dynamically read while eating, or the surrounding glass, walls and floors that can be simulated holographically, all of them are things that make men obsessed.


"But look, from the moment he came in, he only had a hint of curiosity in his eyes. There was no surprise, no greed, and no fuss. Who have you ever seen such calmness in?"

Hey, let's not talk about it... She has never seen anyone who can stay calm when they come to this place like Brother Zhang. Most people, regardless of men and women, will behave like this when they first enter this place.

You have to make as much fuss as a rookie from the countryside who just came to work in the city.

As for Xiao Zhang, other than being curious, he really didn't show any special emotions, except that he stood by the wall and stared at the changing scenery on the wall, looking a little ridiculous.

"Okay, but next time if you lie again, don't blame me for being angry." The little round face turned his head and glanced at Brother Zhang again: "And this one is fake."

"How to say?"

"You are so vulgar, how can you possibly like such a man?"

The words of the little round face made Zhu Zhenzhen dumbfounded: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"That's not nonsense. Anyway, the moment I shook hands with him just now, I thought this man was great."

Zhu Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows: "What's the best part?"

"Haha, Sepi!" The little round face slapped her butt hard: "Of course it's great everywhere. You know I've been able to see weird things since I was a child, so...it feels a little special.


"Didn't the doctor say it was a hallucination? He said it was a hereditary mental illness." Zhu Zhenzhen asked curiously: "And isn't it much better after the age of twenty?"

"It started again recently, and it's getting more and more serious, so I asked you to come and get together more. I can't sleep alone."

"Have you gone to the hospital..."

"It has nothing to do with the hospital." The little round face used his chin to pick up Brother Zhang in the distance: "The moment you came in, what I saw before disappeared. I was still a little surprised, but I shook hands with him just now.

When I was there, I could immediately feel the stability he brought me."

Zhu Zhenzhen couldn't understand it, but she knew that her good friend had been suffering from mental illness and rarely walked out of the house. She had said that she had Yin and Yang eyes since she was a child, but in fact everyone knew that it was just her hallucination.

"Did it become serious half a month ago? Now they are not only wandering on the street, but also often appearing behind people."

The sudden appearance of a male voice startled the little round face. She raised her head and found that Zhang Jiachang, who was twenty meters away just now, appeared next to her as if teleporting. His sudden appearance also shocked Zhu Zhenzhen.


"Well... half a month's money suddenly became serious, you... how did you know?" The little round face looked at Brother Zhang in shock: "Yes... it appeared behind people."

Brother Zhang nodded, but said nothing: "It's okay, it's all harmless."

"Harmless... you..." The little round face looked up at him in astonishment: "Can you see it?"

"They usually don't appear in my field of vision." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "But your situation is not special, there is probably one in 100,000 people, and what you see basically has no ability to interfere with the present world.


Zhu Zhenzhen's expression also became strange, and Zhang Jiachang turned his head and explained: "There is a Taoist temple behind me, and my father is a Taoist priest. He is influenced by it. She is not mentally ill, she just has a simple yin and yang eye."

The little round face raised her head and blinked at Brother Zhang, while Zhu Zhenzhen also asked in disbelief: "Do you still understand this?"

"I really know a little bit about this." Zhang Jiachang laughed: "Otherwise, how can I play Bixian?"

"Playing with Pen Fairy???" The little round-faced boy exclaimed: "Don't play with that...it's very dangerous."

"It's okay." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "It's exciting within a safe range."

Just when the little round-faced girl was about to continue asking questions, her guests came one after another. These were some of the more famous local rich second generations, people like Zhu Zhenzhen.

The little round-faced boy usually doesn't go out. Most of the time, he relies on inviting these people to come to his home to have fun to dispel the fear caused by those weird things.

There were twenty or thirty people, both men and women, who Zhu Zhenzhen knew basically all of them, and there were a few that she didn't like, but when one person walked in, her expression suddenly changed.

Feeling Zhu Zhenzhen's huge mood swings, Xiao Zhang also turned around and looked over, and found that the senior who said to her mercilessly "We are not from the same world" yesterday was actually walked over from a distance holding hands.


'This is going to be embarrassing.'

Brother Zhang thought this in his mind, but when he went to observe the little round face, he found that she had already stood up to greet the guests very enthusiastically. On the contrary, it was Zhou Zhenzhen who said with a stiff smile, "I'm going to the toilet", so

He ran away without a trace.

Seeing a group of them gathering here, Brother Zhang didn't know what to say for a moment, but at this moment, a hand suddenly pressed on his chest.

"Let me, let me, let me. Let me see if my energetic little sister is more energetic recently."

The speaker's voice was very arrogant. He pushed Brother Zhang who was blocking the road, but found that he couldn't push him at all...


The man stopped and pushed Brother Zhang hard again, but he still didn't move at all. This activated the man's stubborn temper.

"I still don't believe it!"

Brother Zhang didn't say anything, and just watched quietly as the man in front of him, who was a head shorter than himself, kept pushing him. When he started to spit on his palms, Brother Zhang finally couldn't help it anymore.

"That's not necessary."

He patted the boy's shoulder lightly, and the boy suddenly felt as if his body was being pressed down by a mighty mountain. His knees suddenly braced and he knelt down with a snap.

Brother Zhang said that after a while, he put two horns under his knees to prevent him from breaking his knees.

It's just this posture...

"Hangcao, so open?" Zhu Zhenzhen came out of the toilet and saw a side view. The normal angles of Zhang Jiachang and the boy were obscured, and he could only see a very thought-provoking scene: "

That’s okay…it’s been quite popular recently.”

This chapter has been completed!
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